Is anyone a grad student?

I'd like to make some friends who are also working to balance grad school, full time jobs, working out, and eating healthy. It's tough!


  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Not a current grad student, but I finished my Ph.D. in 2015, so I might still be relevant :) I'm a new assistant professor if you want to talk weight loss in academia.
  • Freyhb
    Freyhb Posts: 28 Member
    Grad student here! Not working at the moment though but actively looking for jobs (which can be really frustrating)
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Not a current grad student but did a MS and JD. I gained a ton of weight my first year of law school going to all the lunch talks with free food (can't pass up free pizza, right?). School was a good time for me to get my priorities in order before I went back to working full time and refocus on fitness and healthy habits.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    I work full time.
    I'm a grad student.
    I am also very involved in my cycling club, both organising and cycling events.

    Happily, eating can be a "back burner" thing. I don't have to think about it. I just eat the foods I need to eat at the times I need to eat them.
  • mscoutable
    mscoutable Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a grad student! I'm not working, but my program does not allow us to have a job due to the workload. :# Started eating healthier last semester some, but been sticking to it more this semester. I go to our school gym usually 2-4 times a week and go on a hike 1 to 2 times a week. Some weeks are better than others, but slowly moving in the right direction. We had 4 exams this week for example, so this week has not been my best of weeks!
  • shatabdi
    shatabdi Posts: 5 Member
    Totally a grad kid, working towards my PhD. Healthy eating is tough because we have no time, energy or money haha. But Ive been on paleo for a year and try my best to stick to my calorie goals :)
  • I'm a full time worker and grad student. Please friend me for support. I also need it!
  • Ewwveggies
    Ewwveggies Posts: 1 Member
    Parent, Grad Student, work full time.
  • jennmoore18
    jennmoore18 Posts: 1 Member
    Grad student, teacher, mom
  • Half_Bruin
    Half_Bruin Posts: 56 Member
    3rd year law student, single parent.
  • Avetotustuus
    Avetotustuus Posts: 56 Member
    Grad student, working towards my PhD. It’s tough. I decided to really commit to fitness and eating better last year but since I’ve started my dissertation, I’ve really been struggling with motivation.
  • jasminebutler56
    jasminebutler56 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello I’m currently enrolled in a PhD program at Walden University. In need of some research buddies!
  • mortuseon_
    mortuseon_ Posts: 257 Member
    PhD student in infection biology here! Been working 70+ hour weeks in the lab until this week, so would appreciate friends who also understand the challenges of cooking/working out when you have little time to sleep, let alone take care of yourself :D
  • mortuseon_
    mortuseon_ Posts: 257 Member
    nutrofight wrote: »
    mortuseon_ wrote: »
    PhD student in infection biology here! Been working 70+ hour weeks in the lab until this week, so would appreciate friends who also understand the challenges of cooking/working out when you have little time to sleep, let alone take care of yourself :D

    There's people who specifically still work on that germ theory model?

    Bit of a strange way to put it, but yes. Lots of microbes, immunology, and epidemiology in the department, amongst many other things...!
  • bellaesprita000
    bellaesprita000 Posts: 384 Member
    PhD candidate and TA here. I started on mfp in August 2017 and have lost 40 lbs so far. I work out 4-5x a week (in the the morning). My diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me.
  • noumena_
    noumena_ Posts: 45 Member
    I work full time (50 hrs a week) and am a grad student. Can we say exhausting? Looking for support and people who are ready to kick "I don't have time to work out" in the *kitten*. Add me if you want!
  • AndOne8675
    AndOne8675 Posts: 151 Member
    Not a grad student yet, finishing up prereqs and starting bachelor's in fall, eventually getting in enough schooling to become a LCSW...all this after being out of school 18 yrs. I work, school full time, honors and single parent 2 girls aged 4/6. I still find time to work out 4x a week, mostly because my gym has child care. I also, I don't know how, we eat at home or bring from home, meals everyday 3x a day. I had a giant learning curve and it took me almost 2 years to hit my groove.
    My diary is open, lost 36 lbs so far. : )
  • ojgraham583
    ojgraham583 Posts: 1 Member
    Ending my fourth year in grad school, starting my fifth (out of six years). The first year of grad school, I went up to the highest weight I've ever been, about 55 lbs above my goal weight. I'm attributing this to the sheer amount of stress I was under for qualifiers. In the last few years I've been very slowly chipping away at the weight. The most I've lost is 30ish pounds, but currently I'm only 16 lbs away from my highest weight. I think the issue I have with grad school and weight loss is that it can be difficult to use healthy coping mechanisms for the stress, anxiety, and depression that accompany the constant pressure and criticism of grad school. Like, I know the healthy thing to do is to exercise to relieve stress, but it's easy to justify to myself that I don't have enough time or energy for that, and then I resort to comfort eating. I'm even aware of when the pang in my stomach is an emotional response and not hunger, but it's still a battle to then respond to it correctly. This probably isn't helpful to others, but I guess I'm also wondering if anyone out there is going through the same thing and if they have found ways to successfully deal with it. I would say the one thing I have had success with is that I take this weight loss process very slow rather than trying to make a big change at once. Even though I've fluctuated over the years, I still have an overall downward trend in my weightloss charts. I'm hoping that long term perseverance eventually gets me to my goals.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm a grad student! It gets really tough sometimes!