Branch Challenge!!! (Closed Group)



  • Habehandful
    Habehandful Posts: 41 Member
    Olney- Welcome. Im in Germany- so we are neighbors. woohoo. yea I just said woohoo. omg
    Glad you are here. Those last lbs are a can I say it b.i.t.c.h. BUT there is hope. I have had some great support here especiallly from my military friends and some more has come weight has come off. I still have 5 lbs left and with my hubby deployed it is hard to have motivation when your motviator is far away. But we are here for you!!!! Hooray!!!!

    Are you taking part in the challenge? Keep your record on the exercise tab. And on Friday evening post your results.
    You can keep track of how many you do all day long.
    Dont worry, my push ups are weak and my so sore from last night ugh.

  • Habehandful
    Habehandful Posts: 41 Member
    Omgosh I feel like such a failure!!! I can't even do ONE full sit up!!! I've tried SOOO HARD and I just can't do it!! Ugh...>.<

    OMG no you are not!!! YOu can do it.
    Try to put your arms out in front of you like they are swords. Sometimes that is easier. It will help balance your weight.
    come on Marine wife...get your Oorah on! LOL

    I want you to make it your personal challenge to do 20 full sit ups by the end of the challenge. Push yourself. Don't quit. Scream if you have to. You know those damn drill instructed did at your hubby. okay now lets go!
  • texastae1010
    I also understand about the sit-ups I was trying to figure out some pulley system to get my self all the way up all the way up come on ladies we can do this heck now I am on some odd mission to find out how many I should do for a PT test just to see how long it takes me to get there
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Hi is there still time to join in?

    My name is Tanya i am an Army wife and mom of 2 army brats. We are stationed at Fort Drum ( booo :( ) I'm a sahm and I've been doing the insanity workout and eating better :) I'm also an Army vet! HOOAH
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    Omgosh I feel like such a failure!!! I can't even do ONE full sit up!!! I've tried SOOO HARD and I just can't do it!! Ugh...>.<

    OMG no you are not!!! YOu can do it.
    Try to put your arms out in front of you like they are swords. Sometimes that is easier. It will help balance your weight.
    come on Marine wife...get your Oorah on! LOL

    I want you to make it your personal challenge to do 20 full sit ups by the end of the challenge. Push yourself. Don't quit. Scream if you have to. You know those damn drill instructed did at your hubby. okay now lets go!

    Aaaw you're so sweet...I WISH he was my husband. But right now he's still just a boyfriend. ;) Maybe one of these days! (I hope!)

    And I actually did scream! Sort will give the arms straight out thing a try though, cuz man I TRIED and TRIED doing it the other way and it seriously just WASN'T happening. >.< That's why I felt like such a failure! But I'm not gonna give up, I WILL manage to do it!! I WILL!!! Even if I have to imagine Jack as my drill instructor in my face yelling at ;)
  • texastae1010
    So ladies how are you doing its Wednesday...hump day....where are all the other Branches at....hope everyone is doing great....working on your own personal goals and our weekly challenges.

    On that note working on getting my motivation to get up and get my sweat on :)
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    Hey everyone sorry I have been MIA. I have been visiting family and then had to stay longer so I could take my FIL to the doctor. Im a little late getting the notice about the mini challenge but will do my best. I fly out tomorrow to get my man, super excited about it!!! And I made it to my mini goal of being 145 before seeing him again!!!
  • Habehandful
    Habehandful Posts: 41 Member
    Hi is there still time to join in?

    My name is Tanya i am an Army wife and mom of 2 army brats. We are stationed at Fort Drum ( booo :( ) I'm a sahm and I've been doing the insanity workout and eating better :) I'm also an Army vet! HOOAH

    Tanya! Hey yes of course you can still join! Get your PT on with the push ups and sit ups.
    Record every day and post on Friday.

    Savanna Welcome back! Get to see your guy HOORAY!!! and you made it to your mini Goal OOOOO YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
    Round of applause for Savanna!!!

    My Texas are your sit ups comin??? Good question about the actual PT sit ups. Ill ask my hubby. I think its like 38. But I could be lying to your face...i mean your computer screen. Now that its equal for men and women it could be more. Tanya youre an Army Vet, do you know?

    Lindsey........keep screamin baby!!! LOL You will get there!!! How about scream DIAMOND RING! hahahaha

    OKAY as for the actual challenge.....
    Ladies on Sunday post your weight.
    Since their arent that many of us, it will just be a individual thing but we can do this as a group.. did that make sense. Oo yea.
    Hey we can still represent our branch. Go Army LOL

    SOrry if I sound nuts...its uber late here LOL

    OKay good luck...
    Keep going with the mini challenge.... Everyone have a great Thursday!
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    You'll be happy to know I've managed to do some situps! Not tellin how many til Friday! ;) I think my biggest problem is that I just don't really have a good way of holding my feet down, cuz I don't have anyone to spot me and I don't really have anything I can put my feet under, but I can do em! :)
  • Habehandful
    Habehandful Posts: 41 Member
    You'll be happy to know I've managed to do some situps! Not tellin how many til Friday! ;) I think my biggest problem is that I just don't really have a good way of holding my feet down, cuz I don't have anyone to spot me and I don't really have anything I can put my feet under, but I can do em! :)

    Good job!
    Can you put your feet under your couch? That what I do. Or under the tv stand. Wait let me look around my house.
    Under the bed
    Use weights to hold your feet down. Ive used two 40pounders
    Does that help?

    I love this friendly competition! I feel so motivated. lol
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    My bed frame's too high off the ground and I don't have any weights, but I might be able to put them under my couch! :) Thanks for the suggestion!
  • texastae1010
    My situps are coming along lol...I have been using my weights and a night stand so far that is working on holding them down ( I was having the same issue)

    I looked up the PT score but I am not sure if it is accurate but by my age its 76 situps yeah umm lol I don't think I am ready to challenge my husband to a PT off lol haha....

    I can't believe this week is flying by so quickly for me but that is a good thing
  • Habehandful
    Habehandful Posts: 41 Member
    You're welcome.
    I use my couch. LOL

    Yes this week has flown by.
    I will double check on that pt number. My hubby is suppose to call tonight. Yippeeeee
    Yea 76 yikes. But I think thats in 2 minutes right?

    Okay so heres a cute story!!!....................

    I was doing my sit ups this morning and my son whom is only 14 months laid down next to me and laughed. He was so confused. Looked at me and made a face like "mom, what the heck are you doing"
    So I showed him how to do a sit up.

    We came home today. He pointed at the couch. I said, whats up baby? He walked over, laid down, put his feet under the couch and gave me that same what mom?

    I thought I would share that.

    Have a good Friday!
    Last day
    Get in those sit ups and push ups

    Who can do push ups on their toes?
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    Hahaha that's so cute!!! ^_^
  • texastae1010
    I semi do my pushups on my toes meaning for every x I do on my knees I do one on my toes trying to build that core/upper body strength to be able to do a normal pushup is already Friday I can't believe it ...I think I am going to shake up my workout routine and go for a walk we are in the 70's with the sun shinning ...not sure how long it will last so going to take advantage of it TGIF
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    When do we need to start posting our totals??
  • olney75
    olney75 Posts: 36
    i was wondering when we post our totals also? are we doing a weekday challenge or a 7 day week challenge?

    I am able to do real push ups now, it took me a long time to be able to get to where i am at but all of my push ups in the total are real on my toes push ups!!!! woot woot! im finally getting some nice definition to my arms lately too!!!
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    So considering we're all kind of in different time zones...we need to pick an exact time...cuz midnight's not gonna be midnight for someone else...:/
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    Well it's obviously past midnight of friday for how bout we start posting our totals hmmmm???
  • texastae1010
    Where is everyone?? Hope everyone is ok time?...We had a scary storm come through here last night...Haven't caught the news yet but something happened to people at the Indiana State Fair the winds caused the rigging to go down killing 4 or something ...honestly I heard it last night and thought someone was trying to break in an then I thought I was back at home going through another going out to see if there is any damage. On a happier note its Sunday :)