food diary viewing-stop whining

I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...


  • tricks30
    tricks30 Posts: 17
    OMG I was thinking the same thing... You read my mind ... you can't workout for an hour then go blow it on Mcdonalds and Burger King than ask what the problem is???? It's your eating habits...duh ;-)
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...

    Perhaps they are hoping for and needing some positive motivation and support from others...
  • Chunkabutt83
    exactly! And some of the people ive seen go way over on calories a day. To each their own, eat what you want, its your life, but im sick of people complaining when its their own fault!
  • n3wlif3styl3
    well they probably joined this site for encouragement from others and maybe you could point that out in a softer way :) you could help them!
  • skasi1
    skasi1 Posts: 11 Member
    LOL. Totally agree. We all have our bad days but know that we can't expect to lose weight with too many bad days. You can't continually eat over calorie limit and expect to lose weight. If you feed your body good foods, exercise, and stay true to the calories, you will certainly lose weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...

    1) some people don't know about nutrition and think it is only about the number of calories and not the sources of those calories
    2) due to the invention of the tv dinner and fast food "restaurant" many people have never learned the art of cooking and are afraid to give it the old college try
    3) for the same reason as #2 many people don't know how to eat a balanced meal or even what one looks like
    4) many people would rather eat what tastes good instead of figuring out how to make what's good for them taste good
    5) many people want help and want to know these things but just don't know where to start

    You have to have a base for nutrition and if no one has ever taught you through experience about it your foundation is skewed.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Judgmental much?
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    Personally, I really find whinning to be cathartic.

    Seriously, one thing that I know is that I will never loose weight on a diet, but only when I learn to eat smart in the real world. And, the real world had McDonald's and Pizza Hut in them. What I am learning is how to navigate those minefields without loosing the battle.

    So, when you see someone whine cuz they aren't loosing weight, but they are eating at a fast food place, give them some help in making a better choice next time - what on the menu at McDonalds do you think is tasty but less harmful to the weight gain? Maybe suggest that next time they have a salad and one slice instead of two slices.

    Just my thoughts.
  • icandothistrish85
    I agree 100%. I just deleted 9 *friends* who were the exact same way. Whine about being so over-weight, that the exercise isn't working and their food diaries are powdered donuts and pepsi for breakfast, McD's for lunch and Wendy's for dinner...When they OBVIOUSLY live close to a grocery store and have a kitchen in their home. *Sigh* It's frustrating finding friends with similar lifestyle goals, I can't compliment bad choices, especially when I don't see any (or maybe just one) fruits or vegetables in their diaries. So I only have a small group of friends on here that are REALLY trying/making great changes to live a healthier lifestyle forever.
  • n3wlif3styl3
    Judgmental much?

    instead of judging, why not support them and motivate them to change
  • Chunkabutt83
    Judgmental much?

    believe me, i never meant to come across as judgemental, just worried as to what our society deems as "good nutrition", but going to mcdonalds for breakfast and eatting 3 sandwhiches kind of seems a little obvious to me that your dooming yourself to failure.
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    wow. this is sad.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    My food diary is available, and I make it available to everyone on here in hopes that if someone sees something that I may be doing wrong, they will take just a minute and tell me "if you would lay off of that ..... they it would help. I don't eat McDonalds or Burger King anymore thank goodness, but if I am doing something wrong, then my diary is open. We do need encouragement from time to time, and sometimes it doesnt hurt for someone to be a little straight, but do it with kindness, just keep me straight. :flowerforyou: You guys are awesome on here, and you don't realize how much I do depend on your help.
  • rainbowbuggy
    I agree also but anytime you have to start a post off with....I hope this doesn't offend anyone, then it’s probably going to be offensive. Your correct, if you eat out every day then it’s probably going to keep you from losing weight but alot of the times we can help in a more kind way by offering words of encouragement and constructive criticism.
  • Chunkabutt83
    Personally, I really find whinning to be cathartic.

    Seriously, one thing that I know is that I will never loose weight on a diet, but only when I learn to eat smart in the real world. And, the real world had McDonald's and Pizza Hut in them. What I am learning is how to navigate those minefields without loosing the battle.

    So, when you see someone whine cuz they aren't loosing weight, but they are eating at a fast food place, give them some help in making a better choice next time - what on the menu at McDonalds do you think is tasty but less harmful to the weight gain? Maybe suggest that next time they have a salad and one slice instead of two slices.

    Just my thoughts.

    i totally agree here, everything in moderation, but said people i see eat fast food every day for at least 2 meals most days, so it isnt just here and there. I suppose i would rather post this rant than hurt someones feelings by bringing this to their attention
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    This is a learning process. Some can not figure out how to eat better and some still have not gotten it that fast food is very bad for them. I myself have a terrible time with my love for pizza. I hope I don't whine but there are days when you do follow and try harder and there is no payoff at the end of the week and it is a huge disappointment. I lost 65 lbs in all last sept thru May and ended up gaining those cals and bad eating patterns and no exercise over the busy hot summer where I had kids all day eating. even healthy foods do not stop the gain if you are eating all day long. Just understand that people are wanting to change..hoping to change and think maybe by leaving it open to the public others can direct them gently. I am in my fifties and never was over weight til I started meds in my forties. Now I have to totally learn a new way of life as I have to stay on those meds. It is hard and backsliding is so darn easy. I am starting over again. You did not offend me, I just wanted to try to help you understand. Keep on losing and have a great day today.
  • bell33usx2
    bell33usx2 Posts: 77 Member
    Personally, I really find whinning to be cathartic.

    Seriously, one thing that I know is that I will never loose weight on a diet, but only when I learn to eat smart in the real world. And, the real world had McDonald's and Pizza Hut in them. What I am learning is how to navigate those minefields without loosing the battle.

    So, when you see someone whine cuz they aren't loosing weight, but they are eating at a fast food place, give them some help in making a better choice next time - what on the menu at McDonalds do you think is tasty but less harmful to the weight gain? Maybe suggest that next time they have a salad and one slice instead of two slices.

    Just my thoughts.

    Couldn't have said it better myself! :flowerforyou:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Maybe they don't KNOW how to eat. Some people don't know good eating habits. If they ask for help, offer your help. This is supposed to be a supportive site. And if it makes you mad, don't say anything, let others help them out. I never had a weight problem until I had kids. I have just recently gotten to understand what healthy foods are. We are here to help and support one another.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think there is a strong correlation between the people who eat horribly then complain that "nothing is working" and the ones who start threads asking about weight loss drug suggestions.

    Suck it up and eat right. It ain't that hard, people.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...

    Haha I agree. I'm sure that they joined for support and motivation which they will find plenty on this site. But I have often wondered, in a day and age when information is so easily can they not know eating McDonalds and other fast foods consistently does not equal weight loss?! In the end, you can have all the support and motivation available to you but You have to get real with yourself, and honest! YOU are responsible for what you put in your mouth. It's hard, to be sure and it's great to have so much support here on this site. But it's not going to happen by a miracle, you have to be accountable to yourself!!

    Wishing everyone out there great success in your fitness goals!!!!!!