What causes you to BREAK?

I started my weight loss journey this time around because of seeing pictures on facebook and my sisters blogs of the weekend before where we had eaten heavily and been pretty lazy.

Those pictures of myself are what sparked my "OMG I HAVE TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!"

Often times its pictures, words or even just feelings of laziness.

What is it for YOU that makes you break and want to start doing something about your weight?


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    3 things:
    1) Not fitting into a size 14 at H&M (And I refused to buy a size 16!)
    2) Seeing a picture of myself on facebook that my aunt had taken at a family gathering. I looked huge!
    3) "joining" MFP, only to realize that I actually joined a year earlier and was the same weight! So basically I wasted a year.
  • I guess it's kinda the same for me. Seeing what I look like to everyone else will really wake you up if that image isn't pleasant. I see photos of myself from only a couple years ago and I can see how much I gained. And for no reason other than I didn't even try to stay healthy. So, without any excuses, I had to do something about it. My kids are old enough to understand things like health. It's pretty shameful when my 9 year old comes home and tells me, "Mom, we really shouldn't have so much junk food. I'll just have an apple." So I started MFP in May and haven't looked back. I'm down just shy of 20lbs and still going strong!

    Sometimes breaking is a good thing.
  • lucyclementmiller
    lucyclementmiller Posts: 45 Member
    3 things:
    1) Not fitting into a size 14 at H&M (And I refused to buy a size 16!)
    2) Seeing a picture of myself on facebook that my aunt had taken at a family gathering. I looked huge!
    3) "joining" MFP, only to realize that I actually joined a year earlier and was the same weight! So basically I wasted a year.

    Same thing for me! I joined in october and JUST started using it in August. Oh well, we are doing it now!
  • I get jealous of other people that have the same 'distractions' that I have... when i see someone with a wife, 2 kids, a full time job, and still have time to work out.. then whats my excuse??
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    My family health history is horrible.

    trying to stop the cycle <3
  • midnightbirch
    midnightbirch Posts: 19 Member
    I refuse to think that way any more I would rather think of what keeps me going!
  • lucyclementmiller
    lucyclementmiller Posts: 45 Member
    My family health history is horrible.

    trying to stop the cycle <3

    Thats great. genetics play a pretty big role in our health...BUT we can do something about it! :)
  • My BREAK was when my Dr. told me that he didn't know how else to help me with my chelesterol problems because none of the meds are helping....he said I have to eat healthier. Obviously I don't want to have a heart attack so it finally clicked that I have to do this and stick with it forever!
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    To be healthier. My family has a
    history of health problems and I
    dont want any of them.
    Also I wanna be able to wear any
    kind of clothes I want without
    having to worry about covering up
    lumps and bumbs that shouldnt be
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Putting on 20 pounds when I quit smoking was a real eye opener!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I'd been playing around with losing for a couple years - back and forth between the 190s and 220s, and then my Gram passed away and I let it all go to hell and gained another 40lbs in about 8 months. I hated the pictures and getting dressed in the morning, etc., but the wake-up for me was when I went on a spa day with a girlfriend and I felt uncomfortable all day. It was supposed to be relaxing and fun and all I could think about was the robe that I kept having to hold together when I sat down in the waiting area and lunch cafe. I took my picture that day in a swimsuit and decided that would forever be my last "before" pic.
  • lucyclementmiller
    lucyclementmiller Posts: 45 Member
    Putting on 20 pounds when I quit smoking was a real eye opener!

    Thats amazing that you quit smoking! great job!
  • lucyclementmiller
    lucyclementmiller Posts: 45 Member
    I'd been playing around with losing for a couple years - back and forth between the 190s and 220s, and then my Gram passed away and I let it all go to hell and gained another 40lbs in about 8 months. I hated the pictures and getting dressed in the morning, etc., but the wake-up for me was when I went on a spa day with a girlfriend and I felt uncomfortable all day. It was supposed to be relaxing and fun and all I could think about was the robe that I kept having to hold together when I sat down in the waiting area and lunch cafe. I took my picture that day in a swimsuit and decided that would forever be my last "before" pic.

    Ive had the same experience. I am comfortable in my own home in my skin, but when I am in public and have to show myself, it makes me totally aware of my body.
  • Mines similar,

    - Seeing a picture of myself looking HUGE. Then looking in the mirror and see that the camera, dispite what they say doesnt add 10 pounds! I was as big as I looked!
    - Being injured and unable to play soccer for about 6 months at the end of last season. I went training recently and really made me see how unfit I have become.
    - I want to stop drinking on weekdays and drink in moderation.

    Have found this to be a great way ofrecording and realizing just how bad what I eat and drink is!!!

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • I went to an alumni meeting for my college sorority, we are celebrating our chapter's 50th anniversary this year. We were talking about pictures from our pledge and active days. We found a pic of my self and one of my best pledge sister. We looked fabulous, and she looked completely the same. Needless to say, I don't. That was my breaking point. I will see a lot of sisters I haven't seen in years (some since I graduated) at the reunion in October. I want them to see me as an accomplished woman, who does great work. Not the skinny girl gotten big.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    For me it was noticing that I more FELL onto the couch than SAT on it...and the little grunt when I stood back up.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    # 1 - Being told by my Doctor that I had extremely High Blood Pressure and that I had to do something ASAP or risk having a heart attack.

    #2 - My family has a history of Diabetes and I didn't want to develop it also.

    #3 - Having to shop in the Plus Size section and pay more for clothes

    I could list a 100 more things, but I'll stop here!!
  • My freshman year i got a boyfriend and we ate out every weekend. Then, I was 170 lbs. Now, just finishing my senior year I am 230 lbs and im only 18. For spring break we went to Universal FL and I couldnt fit into the Harry Potter Ride. Once school finished, my marching band went to cedar point, and I can hardly fit into the rollar coasters anymore. I hate worring about looking like the person that gets kicked off the ride because they cant fit. I miss doing the things I love. I miss looking pretty for my boyfriend (though he says im always beautiful.) Now that we are going to seporate colleges, when he comes home to see me i want him and his family to see the difference. Its time for a change.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    My freshman year i got a boyfriend and we ate out every weekend. Then, I was 170 lbs. Now, just finishing my senior year I am 230 lbs and im only 18. For spring break we went to Universal FL and I couldnt fit into the Harry Potter Ride. Once school finished, my marching band went to cedar point, and I can hardly fit into the rollar coasters anymore. I hate worring about looking like the person that gets kicked off the ride because they cant fit. I miss doing the things I love. I miss looking pretty for my boyfriend (though he says im always beautiful.) Now that we are going to seporate colleges, when he comes home to see me i want him and his family to see the difference. Its time for a change.

    You've got great incentive!! This is a great site and I'm sure you'll be successful - wishing you luck!!