Anyone turning 30 soon? Come join me..

Hello you! I'm new to MFP. I have not even updated my profile or personalized my ticker. Haha. What I'm hoping from MFP is to get the support and provide me with the motivation that I soo need. I suck in motivating myself. Totally suck.

I want to lose some weight and enter my 30's slightly healthier. And so I've taken up running by starting the C25K program. Other than that, I'm still figuring out what else I can do. Not sure on the 30DS though. Heh.

Ah well, good luck to me then.

ps: I seriously do not know how to input my food diaries.


  • Good luck! I'm turning 30 in November! Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I will be 30 next August. Just turned 29 last week and my goal is to lose the weight before i turn 30. I have about 70 lbs to lose so it is actually an attainable goal as long as we set our mind to it. Good luck on your journey and feel free to friend request me.
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    i'll be 29 in December. I wanna enter my 30s at my high school weight!!!!!!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • missoularocks
    missoularocks Posts: 294 Member
    I just turned 30 in July. Feel free to add me! :)
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I just turned 30 last week!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Well happy birthday to you! I am not turning 30, just WISH I was. good luck!

  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    I feel like 30 is just around the corner for me too! I'm hoping to run at least a half marathon before I turn 30!! Feel free to add me also :)

  • xnissax
    xnissax Posts: 40
    I'm turning 30 in October and don't want to waste another decade yo-yoing and hating the way I look. Good luck everyone!
  • I'll turn 30 in December! I'm already in better shape than I have been in a LONG time but want to be more toned by the time I turn 30!
  • karenx30
    karenx30 Posts: 90
    Hi! I turn 30 in March. My starting goal when I rejoined MFP was to lose 30 before 30. I've lost 5 and hit a plateau. I just started doing P90X to help me get over my plateau. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm always up for more motivational people =)
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Hi! I turn 30 in March. Add me to your friends list :)
  • I turn 30 next May! I have a goal to be my pre-prgnancy weight and my reward is my tattoo tribute to my twin daughters!
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    Hitting 30 in June, and by that time I plan on being my HS skinny (40lbs to lose)! LOL Add me = ) This site is def motivational, I've been on it a week and already in that time its inspired me to keep at it, there was a day I wanted to give up, I got on this site and realized its not goin to be overnight, but it will be. Good luck
  • Add me to the 29 yo club. I turn 30 next June....EEEK!! Scary!

    I hope to be at my goal weight by then, but I'm getting married in May so I am hoping to be a little ahead of schedule. I want to wear a non-plus size wedding gown!
  • ShoeGal81
    ShoeGal81 Posts: 29 Member
    Just turned 30 last month and I'm determined to meet my weight loss goals this year as well. :-))) Feeling FAB at 30 is definitly a great motivator.
  • surfino
    surfino Posts: 17 Member
    im turning 36 soon, but i still look 23 :)
  • sdaly119
    sdaly119 Posts: 2 Member
    ick - turning 30 in January and i'm FREAKING OUT!
  • Hi i am turning 30 next aug like some fellow members here and its seems to be coming quicker by the minute, i am hoping also to lose about 37lbs by that time as wanting to celebrate it with a brand new me. Add me for a friend if you would like :-)
  • martinezrl
    martinezrl Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 26, but I hope to have MOST of my bad health habits behind me in time for 30, so I'm gunning it right with you! I'd love to help cheer you on with the rest of this late-20s community. Feel free to add me.

    P.S. Fit 30 year olds are hot. Get psyched!
  • mrslat
    mrslat Posts: 4 Member
    My "page title" is actually "Thirty and Thin!!!" ... I have less than one year to go (July 9) to lose about 65 lbs! This is my first day on here and it's so inspirational! Really cool to see your day in food laid out in front of you ... have you figured out how to track it yet? Go to the food tab on the top and you should see the diary somewhere under there and then just Add Food for each meal :) You can be as specific as you like, I have found EVERY brand I ate today!!! GOOD LUCK : )