Looking for others with over 100 pounds to lose

cfalexa Posts: 2 Member
I'm an emotional eater that lives on junk food. I tried and failed a ton but it's really impacting my health and limiting my daily life. Looking for friends


  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    I've lost 115+ so it can be done got another 50 or so to go but never get to down it is a long marathon and there will be a few struggles along the way. Anything I can help you with I will try.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    There are plenty of us on here with over a 100 pounds to lose. I started in January and lost 35 pounds almost. You are not alone. Feel free to add me.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2018
    Do you want to eat and live differently?
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    When I started tracking what I was eating in the middle of November, I realized how much of an emotional (and boredom) eater I am. Tracking has helped me immensely, and while I still have days where I eat foods that aren't great for me (like this morning for example when I had mcdonalds for the first time in several weeks), I trend in the right direction each week and 90% of my days keep a deficit for my 2lb a week goal.. For those of us that need to lose quite a bit of weight (I have 120 lb weight loss goal ultimatly, hoping to have that accomplished within 2 years) this is definently a marathon versus a sprint. For us emotional eaters, you also have to look at why you are eating, and realize that the food isn't going to make anything better and find a replacement if needed to eating when upset/bored/etc. I still have struggles, but I have made a lot of progress both on the scale (a little over 50lbs in 5 months) and off (very rarely use food as comfort, enjoy healthier foods, and move around so much more!)
  • rebel_katx
    rebel_katx Posts: 5 Member
    It's a daunting prospect when you have a lot to lose. I have about 140lbs I'd like to lose, and like yourself am an emotional eater. Add to that various issues which increase my stress and anxiety I'm sometimes surprised I don't weigh even more. However, I will say this. It's doable. It's not easy and you want to take it steady. Those of us with lots to lose often find it easier to shed pounds early on but it gets harder as we try and adjust. About 7 years ago I managed to get about half way to my goal at which point my will power and life distractions made me give up. I thought I could maintain but it crept back on. I'm going to try and find other outlets for my stress etc. I find to keep myself occupied I need to be using my hands and my brain to some degree, otherwise those cheeky fingers manage to find snacks. So posting here, adult colouring books, crafting projects, even jigsaw puzzles will hopefully help! Feel free to add me (that goes to everyone) and best of luck xxx
  • hititskip
    hititskip Posts: 42 Member
    I have well over a hundred pounds. Also, love what the poster above said. Keeping my hands busy certainly helps me avoid emotional eating (obviously everyone has to do different things but it doesn't hurt to try!). Please feel free to add!
  • ashlepersuasion
    ashlepersuasion Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 2018
    I am 265...my GW is 150. So, with that being said I definitely have over 100 lbs to lose too!
  • I am new here but I also have the daily struggle of emotional/boredom eating! I work overnights and that is the hardest part of the day/night for me. I am finally ready though to make the change. I am 243 and my goal is 140. Feel free to add me
  • BrujaIngrata
    BrujaIngrata Posts: 6 Member
    Emotional eater here as well! Trying to monitor my consumption. I am hoping to find some support on here. I also have 100+ lbs to loose.
  • mark_mfp
    mark_mfp Posts: 12 Member
    i'm 380. was 420 2 months ago. walking 25-40 miles a week. got 130 to go