How can I get away from soda?



  • You might try to ween yourself off of the full sugar version of Dr. Pepper and try the zero calorie, no sugar version. I personally had a big addiction to Dr. Pepper and sweet tea. I started drinking tons of water and when I couldn't resist the urge for something coke-like I got a Coke Zero Cherry. Now I drink about one Coke Zero 20 oz. per month.

    It's hard at first, but if you can resist long enough to get over that initial hurdle then you will adjust nicely. You won't even feel a need for it anymore. Good luck!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    One a day of anything is hardly an addiction. You like it, so you drink it. If you want to stop drinking it, you should probably just stop drinking it.

  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I understand this addiction! Sometimes it's hard to stop cold turkey, I tried to stop cold turkey and was laid up with a 5 day migraine as a result.

    To help wean yourself off it, what I did was first switch to diet, which is a little more weight loss friendly. At first I haaaated the taste, so I did half diet and half regular in a cup and gradually lessened the amount of regular. Then for every coke I drank I had to drink double that amount in water. I got so bogged down that I eventually quit drinking cokes at all.

    BONUS: My migraines have gone WAY down since I stoppped drinking cokes altogehter.
  • Rhea81
    Rhea81 Posts: 38 Member
    The hardest thing for me when I quit sodas was when eating out to not order it out of habit. Becuase then, I'd already paid for it and didn't want to waste it. At home it was easy, just don't buy them, and get what you may haved stocked out of the house! Now that I have retrained my brain, I really don't miss them as much as I thought I would. AND I FEEL BETTER!

    You can do it!!! You just have to decide you want to stop bad enough!!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Don't pee all day long. You'll have to pee so bad the thought of drinking anything will be out of your mind. Therefore, you won't drink Dr. Pepper.
  • I gave up Coke a few weeks ago. I had really bad pains in the head for about a week. I just stopped and started drinking lots and lots of water as cold as i could get. It hard but so worth it dont give in to it. I feel less blotted and so much better for it. If i can do it you can i was drinking 4 cans a day. Good luck.
  • I was a big soda drinker too and I stopped cold turkey this past Friday. I started with the flavored waters and am now onto just drinking regular water.. I can say I had a horrendous caffeine headache the first couple days but I feel really good now.. and I don't really miss it as much as I thought I would. You can do it!!!!! And if you drink diet, one or two a week should be a treat for you :)
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I also wanted to tell you that my nutritionist and GP does not think 1 pop a day (full sugar or diet) is a problem, if your drinking 1 of the 2 litres a day thats an issue, but a can or small bottle is not going to hurt you as long as you are watching your sodium, sugar etc in your diet and your still drinking plenty of water!

    The problem with many people is that they drink 4 + soda's a day and follow that up with major amounts of fatty, processed crap foods!
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    You have to just stop drinking it. It sucks. I used to only drink soda, for years, then one day I decided that I needed to stop because it is so bad for me. I got bad headaches and caved a few days, but now, after about a year, I only want water. If I go out somewhere and feel like a soda and order one, I take one sip and bleck. I couldn't believe how much bloat I lost after not drinking it for a few days.

    You can quit it!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    never understood why people seem to make the simplest things so complicated
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member

    This link may motivate you :) It will be hard at first but you have to simply cut back little by little or cold turkey when the withdrawal is over you will be glad you stopped drinking it youll feel soooo much better:)
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Tell yourself no. End of story.
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    I was the biggest diet pepsi drinker EVER! I even have a picture of heading off to have my first daughter (a long time ago) drinking a soda. Last fall I simply decided to stop. For good measure, I added up how much I was spending monthly on my soda habit and was disgusted with myself. That's what it took for me-a decision coupled with a dollar amount for the days I might get weak :)
  • the carbon (bubbles) is what I was hooked on not the caffeine So I drink Sparkling ICE - no calories, NO sodium but has the carbon
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I started using the Mio water flavor stuff. I think water is bland, so this was a good replacement!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    My new dentist takes pictures of my teeth with a little camera inside my mouth so I can really see their sad state of decay in a way I never have before. These pictures are quite motivating for me to stay away from sugary and acidic things (although you'd never know it by reading my food diary....).
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Cold turkey. It is delicious!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I started using the Mio water flavor stuff. I think water is bland, so this was a good replacement!

    OOOH are those good? I can't wait till they come here!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I was a daily Diet Coke drinker for eons. I quit it by forcing myself not to buy it at the grocery store (yeah, it was robotic) and buying a water bottle. I made myself adopt the habit of replacing the soda with about three times as much water per day.

    I occasionally have one but I don't have the (psychological) addiction any longer. It's also interesting to add up all the $ I would have spent on it ($4-something for a twelve pack, $1.50-something for a 2 liter, $1.25 for 20 ounce, $.75 for a can - it adds up!)..
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