Brazil Butt Lift

Does anyone know the average calories you burn doing any of these workouts? I just don't know what to log when I do it, so I just don't log anything. Please help!


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I have been doing it too and i have no idea. I logged in the High and Tight as 10 minutes aerobic and 25 minutes pilates. Which only equaled to about 135 calories burned and i know there was more. Of course the best way of really knowing is getting a heart rate monitor.
  • kaylamayers
    kaylamayers Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah, I really need to invest in one of those. I just don't have one at the moment, so I was looking for the quickest solution. Thanks though!
  • JaxTSU2004
    How do you guys like that video? I've been wanting to try it, but have you noticed results? I want to make sure it's worth it!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am always sore the next day so i dont do it everyday i mix it up with zumba and other fun sports that i do. But i need to keep at it i want a hot butt. lol
  • kaylamayers
    kaylamayers Posts: 26 Member
    It definitely works. It has 3 dvds which include workouts for arms, abs, cardio, and obviously butt. I've never been more sore after doing some of these, but I'm taking that as a good sign. I was like religious with it for awhile and noticed big results. I need to get back in that routine again.