Breastfeeding and weight loss

Any new mommas trying to lose weight and still breastfeeding. Support, motivation, tips, chit chat, accountabilibuddies all welcome. Need friends add me.


  • Chelle7198
    Chelle7198 Posts: 4 Member
    I am. And still starving all the time!
  • bstanb01
    bstanb01 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been eating when I'm hungry, but trying to pick healthier options, although I don't log my food much. I do yoga and/or Pilates once or twice a day. It's not fast weight loss, but I lost 7 lbs in around 2 months
  • Brunette_H
    Brunette_H Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, bfing my almost one year old. She’s cut back on her feeds a lot in the last month and I need to stop eating like I’m feeding a newborn!
    Will add you x
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    My baby is 14 months and still nursing. Around his first birthday my constant hunger finally slowed so I've started counting calories and am getting moving on dropping baby weight.
  • rosieval820
    rosieval820 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 3 months post partum and nursing . I lost a lot of weight after giving birth, but now I really need to watch what Im eating.