Mother of 5, 34 years old, need to lose approx 20lbs, looking for similar friends!

My title explains it all! Looking for those in the same boat, accountability buddies! I am fairly new to myfitnesspal, had the app for a looking time but haven't consistently used it. I am sick of yo-yo-ing 10 lbs up and down, I just want to win this lifestyle and feel free, healthy, confident and energetic. I need accountability and discipline. Anyone want to be friends?


  • Averagechick2015
    Averagechick2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me! I find its always harder when you have kids as they take up a lot of your time and attention! Lol. Stay positive and there are some really inspirational and supportive people in here who can help you through this journey! X
  • K8sCrew
    K8sCrew Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I’m 39, Mom of 5, and want to take off 20 too. I’m a recent weight watchers drop out- I couldn’t make the freestyle program work for me. I lost 40 pounds on the old program and now I’m looking to take off the last 20!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Mother of two, 41 years old and looking to lose 15-20 lbs. I'm 9 months post partum with my second child in two years.
    I'm using a c25k app right now to get back to running. I'm eating better and losing weight now that I've put my mind to it. Feel free to add me. I log all my food and my diary is open to friends. You got this Momma!
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    Also a mom of 5 in my 30's. I had my 5th baby 11 months ago today. I'm down 52 pounds and have 3 pounds of baby weight left, and then I'd like to lose another 15-20 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • @stephaniec715: You look great! You don't look like you have had 5 kiddo's. I'm a mom of 1 .I gained over 40 lbs this past year. I'm looking to lose 50 with doing the low carb diet and doing multiple types of exercise :)
    @DomesticKat : Congratulations on losing all of that weight. It isn't easy.
  • Averagechick2015
    Averagechick2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Mams are the strongest out there guys! We can do this! We bring our Little’s ones safely into this world and we’re left to pick up the pieces of our bodies lol! Im a freak I loose so much weight when I’m pregnant and then pile it on after! Go figure!!! Xx
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there! I'm 35 and have 4 kids. Time is a real struggle. Let's connect!
  • OMG. I’m 22 with twin toddlers. I am trying to lose 15 pounds and maintain. I need help with communicating with like minded people. It would be easier if we could motivate each other!
  • bm5842
    bm5842 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 28 with three beautiful babies and my body shows! I'm ready to get fit and be the mom/ wife that I always knew I'd be! I need a support group! Lol! My youngest just turned 1 and I'm full force back at it! Let's get in shape
  • littlebrittlifts
    littlebrittlifts Posts: 225 Member
    FIRST OF ALL, 5 kids?! Yaaaaas! You go mama! I’m the oldest of 5 kids so... I totally understand that chaos. It’s a beautiful thing, though... no matter how much you might wanna rip your hair out now. ;) feel free to add me! I have two kids myself and have lost 95 lbs naturally over the last 2 years. You can totally do it!
  • Rutzenj0712
    Rutzenj0712 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a a little older than you, 43, but desperate for some support! I also have 5 kids, teenagers who want to eat junk all the time! Please add me, ladies! I work nights as a nurse so I have a weird schedule and back issues that are interfering with my exercise. Help!
  • stephaniec715
    stephaniec715 Posts: 10 Member
    You're all amazing! This mom thing is hard and trying to take care of ourselves while doing it is tough! I'm excited to do this though! We're in this together!!
  • hannys
    hannys Posts: 85 Member
    I am a SAHM to kids (2, 4, 6, 8 years old) and have about 30lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • jillij7
    jillij7 Posts: 10 Member
    31 year old Mom of 2 boys (3 & 7) Looking to lose 10-15lbs. I log every day - Feel free to add me anyone!
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Mom of 16 yo twin boys :) Not exactly little but crazy life all the same! I have 20-30 left to lose!
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    34, SAHM, 4 girls, 16lbs until I reach goal weight. Feel free to add
  • SabrinaGeorgitsi
    SabrinaGeorgitsi Posts: 3 Member
    27 year old, mom of one, working on my second. Looking to lose about 20-15lbs. Feel free to add me. I need some active friends!
  • Gemma9870
    Gemma9870 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I’m a Mum of 2 both under the age of 3.. I could also do with encouragement from people who understand the challenges the most!!
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    any of you ladies feel free to add me! A little about me and my plan. I’m in my late 20’s and a mom of 2 (pre-teen and toddler). I’ve been on this journey for about 2 years. I lost 50lbs the first year and gained back 30 of it back when I went to work. Trying to find a balance between home life, work and exercise was my challenge. I’ve cut my hours at work and now only working part time so I have more time in my day to focus on me. My main goal this year was to make myself a priority! Food is always a struggle for me and probably always will be. I love food!!!! Right now I eat kinda low carb. I allow myself one grainy/bread item per day but have increased my veggie and fruit intake