Logging as you go OR already logged?



  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    I usually know how the day will go, and a lot of what I eat is pretty routine, so I pre-log quite a bit. But not everything is predictable and sometimes the day goes way off the rails, so I'm always aware that my plans may have to change.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    Today has been awful! I pre-logged on paper and then put it into MFP, and I realize it’s not for me, which is weird because I thought it would be simplistic since I usually have the same menu. I didn’t finish my breakfast until 3 pm. I logged lunch and didn’t eat anything, and tried to eat dinner around 6...and I’m not done with that either and it’s almost 8. After typing that, I really think it’s about logging or not, it’s what I’ve been trying to eat today. I got scared because of the no exercise thing and ate a lot of vegetables (which I don’t normally do) long story...I will be up until about midnight to try to get my calories in...good experiment for me, but I’m going to go back to logging as I go.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I prelog my food for the day every morning.
    I don't really understand people who don't know what they are going to eat for a meal until right before they have it. I guess I am always thinking a couple of meals ahead. I have dinners planned for the month. I have food bought for the week. I know what restaurant I will go to well in advance. I can figure out what I'm going to feel like eating for at least the majority of the meals of the day ahead of me.

    I sometimes change my mind about a food or discover the food was not good/there and I adjust my log. I'm fine finding something with a similar calorie count to slot in.

    We are all different @Lounmoun, and maybe that is what makes the world and life more interesting. I can't understand how people can log days in advance or think about plan meals weeks in advance. I like organization and predictability to certain extent, but I find that thinking about food or meals all the time is boring, and not that important to me.

    I know that I will have pork chops tonight, but I don't know what else to make with it. I will figure it before dinner. No worries. Alas, it is almost lunch time and except for homemade soup and homegrown pink grapefruit for desert, I still don't know what else I will make. And life is good :D

    Sure different things for different people. I am not saying everyone needs to be like me or criticizing people. I hope it didn't come off that way.
    I just can't understand living like that. I live with people who have severe anxiety so everything can be worries some days! Planning and routine help us get through as a family.
    If I were planning pork chops for dinner I would know the limited food options in my house and could decide side dishes that morning. I would not wait until 5 PM and open the cupboard and wonder what to have. I am not thinking about what to eat all the day long because the decisions are made.

    Good for you for finding what works better for you and your family. No anxiety in my family, except mine when I have to cook...
    And I waited until 6PM to figure out what to cook with my pork chops but I changed my mine at 6:30PM. All was well at 7PM and I was right on target with my calories. No worries.
  • Frankie_Fan
    Frankie_Fan Posts: 562 Member
    I log at the end of the day :smiley:
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    I pre-log most of my week before I shop. Then I know what I am buying for the week, and have a rough idea of what extras I can have each day if needed/wanted. :)
    I do tend to eat the same breakfast everyday and bulk cook lunches on Sunday - so same thing each day there too. Dinners are the variables, but I pre-log based on the meat that is in the house :)
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    What works for me is during the week I log each morning. I usually eat the same things a few days in a row which makes it easier. On the weekends I log all during the day. I have significantly stopped eating out (fast food) due to trying to maintain a low carb diet.
  • sonarbabe
    sonarbabe Posts: 39 Member
    HappyKat5 wrote: »
    Curious to know, if logging as you go versus a menu already logged in makes a difference?

    Oh, and the weird thing I eat almost the exact same thing everyday so it really shouldn’t bother me, yet I kinda does.

    I do this. I start out with a basic plan and log what I think I'll eat. (Breakfast is always the same, lunch similar) If I change anything up during the day, I add/subtract. I still pretty much stick to what I initially set, but those 2pm pretzels or Teddy Grahams sometimes sneak in.

    It's not weird that it bothers you. You choose to eat the same, but have the comfort of knowing you can have other/more things because you were exercising. Not being able to leaves you feeling like some of your choices are being taken away. (Even if it's just your mind playing tricks on you) I went through this after my knee surgery. It was a control thing for me.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I log as I go. It is easier for me to remember what I have eaten. Plus it keeps me focused on my goals, and helps me to be a more mindful eater. But to each his own.
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    I do a semi pre-log when I am making my grocery list on Sunday morning. Most of that though is because I am a pescatarian who is also trying to make sure that my combinations reach my macros, so I have to cross check my lunches and dinners to see where I need to add in extra proteins or fats. For me this is also important because I'm currently cooking for just me. I don't mind making a normal lunch/dinner and portioning it for 3-4 days, as this means a smaller grocery bill generally as well as not having to cook every day of the week. Generally once my meals are made I go ahead and log them for the amount of days they'll last, as well as log any snacks/treats that need to be added in. This also means that I can go ahead and log the other lunch/dinner I have planned for the week on the days after the current lunch/dinner are good for since that's mostly just what I have left in the house. If things come up such as an unexpected meal out or over at a friend's then I make adjustments accordingly as needed.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I do a little of both.
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    I like to log each meal or snack right before I prepare it, so that I have a chance to adjust if it doesn’t look right. I don’t think I could realistically log much further in advance than that, though!
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I pre-log my breakfast, lunch, and snacks at the same time every morning, but I wait to log my dinner until after I've eaten because I don't always know exactly what I'm going to have for dinner. Then I assess how many calories I have for dessert and pre-log that and complete my diary. I meal prep breakfasts and lunches for the week though, so it's really easy to pre-log those. Sometimes I forget to eat snacks and have to remove them from my diary, and sometimes I eat something unplanned and have to add it; but for the most part pre-logging means that I know a general calorie range I need for dinner well ahead of time, so I have all day to think about what I'll make when I get home.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I prelog my work week on Sunday's. And make small variations if needed. On the weekends I will prelog right before I cook each meal because i'm not sure what I'm going to make until right before.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    HappyKat5 wrote: »
    I won’t be able to exercise for the next 7 days due to a minor surgery (I’m usually work out 5-6 a week.) I usually log my food as I eat it throughout the day depending on how I feel. With no additional exercise, I’m thinking about making a set menu and just eating what I log for the entire day. Curious to know, if logging as you go versus a menu already logged in makes a difference?

    Oh, and the weird thing I eat almost the exact same thing everyday so it really shouldn’t bother me, yet I kinda does.

    I usually log as I go. However, if I see that maybe I've been eating more in the early part of the day or I want an extra snack or bigger dinner than usual, I will log as much as I can ahead of time to see what I have to work with for the remainder of the day. Like today I've been picking at stuff all afternoon, logging as i go. Husband just suggested pizza tonight, so I went ahead and logged it. Now i know that I don't have too much wiggle room left for picking all day!
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    If I'm eating dinner with my family, I log dinner first thing in the morning and then make the rest of the day fit around it. If I'm eating dinner with myself, I log as I go.
  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    I try to log in advance the day before and then i can see if i can afford additional snacks. I find it helps me to make good choices.
  • aquariusvsworld
    aquariusvsworld Posts: 55 Member
    I eat a lot of left overs being that I mainly cook for just myself so I pre-log as much as I can to stay on target during the week and adjust as needed.
  • polkadotsandpoptarts
    polkadotsandpoptarts Posts: 21 Member
    I add to my log the night before as I always know what I am going to be eating for breakfast and lunch at work as I prepare it that evening. I like this as I know how many calories I have to work with for dinner that evening.
    Dinner and weekends I tend to log as I go as it can be a little more spontaneous.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    When I make lunch ahead (which I do often), I log it when I make it. Otherwise I log while cooking. I tend to know roughly how to make a meal to hit my calorie and macro target and to plan in my head what dinner will be (although often I'll be working with the vegetables in the refrigerator, so will plan that aspect while cooking). The idea of pre logging or of logging a bunch of meals and then shifting them after cooking (or trying to cook to the plan) would make me miserable, and I often decide on dinner during the day. (But that's why it's great we are all different!)

    When I first started I did sometimes log sample meals or meal ideas to see how the calories and macros would turn out.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I do a little of both. I prep my breakfast and lunches during the work week. I have a dinner plan and cook for the family and eat however much for my remaining calories. Weekends I am a bit looser, but keep a lot of staples around so there is some level of predictability.