Gotta get this done. Also want new friends :D

Hi everyone :).

I've had this account for a long time but I always put off losing weight. I've been obese my entire life! I need to lose 150 pounds (for myself) but also for my daughter. I wanna be healthy and be here for her for a long time. Also, she has a kidney disease and only has one functionning kidney at the moment. Shes one year old. IF in the future she would need a kidney to live, I wanna be able to give her mine because we're a match but only if I'm healthy! I NEED to do this incase she ever needs it. I wanna get a grip on my life and be a great example for her to follow. Any tips on where to even begin?

Also, I'd love new friends :D. I'm from Montreal Québec but would love friends from anywhere!


  • sirricelik
    sirricelik Posts: 17 Member
    Add me!
  • saymyname2
    saymyname2 Posts: 842 Member
    Hiya sweety!
    Give me an add, I got 140lb to loose and I love having a good ol chit chat with like minded people
    You can do this hun!!!

    Side note: To get started log everything! And move more! Remember this is a forever life change not just a quick fix. :)
  • cfgreear
    cfgreear Posts: 189 Member
    Add me on here. I lost 47 lbs in the last year and am going for another 17 til I am at my goal weight, then working on building muscle and getting lean.

    For a big starting point start by drinking a LOT of water every single day, 1 gallon a day, and no sweet drinks like soda, helped me a lot when I started. If water tastes plain after a while you can also try to add those mio things for flavoring it or adding lemon to it.

    Also remember weight loss depends on a balanced pyramid of 3 things. Proper sleep, exercise, and eating habits. Without one of them, no results will happen. Sleep enough to feel rested, workout a few times a week and stay consistent with it, eat smaller and healthier meals but more often through the day.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Congratulations on making the decision to get healthy for both yourself and your family!

    Start here:

    There's a lot of useful information in those posts, and it may take some time to read and take on board but it'll be very helpful in setting your expectations appropriately and setting you up for success.

    Take things slowly - although with that much to lose you could go for a 2lbs/week goal from the start, you might find it easier to gradually reduce your intake so that you get used to eating less.

    Don't expect to be perfect, none of us are. Just aim for "good enough"! If you fall off the wagon, get right back on it - don't let a bad day turn into a bad week.

    Get a food scale, and weigh everything you eat. Log your food and drinks as accurately as you can (plenty of advice on this in those stickied threads).

    Try to figure out what keeps you feeling full - for some it's protein and/or fats, for others it's carbs. This might take some experimentation! There are no "bad foods" (except those that are actually spoiled), just foods that an individual might find harder to moderate. Try to leave a little room for treats so that you don't feel deprived.

    Exercise for health and fitness - walking is a great start if you don't feel up to doing much else yet. Or dance around the room with your daughter. :) Don't forget some kind of strength training as soon as you can - I didn't do that, and I regret it.

    Finally, have patience! This is going to be a long-term effort - you not only want to lose the weight, but to keep it off. There will be times when your losses will stall, or when you'll gain a couple of pounds, or when you'll lose motivation. All this is normal, and you can get through it. Write down WHY you want to do this and put it somewhere you'll see it every day. And take photos and measurements, too, because the scale alone isn't always a good gauge of progress and the mirror (and your brain!) can lie to you about what you see.

    Wishing you and your daughter all the best!
  • buttervfly
    buttervfly Posts: 2 Member
    Add me :) we can do this!!! Im from Malta, nice to meet you
  • christieleilazak
    christieleilazak Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone who replied to my post!! So much useful information and I'm feeling the love <3. I feel great about starting this journey with you wonderful people!! :*
  • kellytsi
    kellytsi Posts: 5 Member
    I would like a weight loss pal as well.. Feel free to add me. I'm on Vancouver Island! I need to lose about 80 lbs, but I am setting a smaller goal of 50lb for now.

    I'm a single woman, a college instructor, and I love my cats and dogs.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    kellytsi wrote: »
    I would like a weight loss pal as well.. Feel free to add me. I'm on Vancouver Island! I need to lose about 80 lbs, but I am setting a smaller goal of 50lb for now.

    I'm a single woman, a college instructor, and I love my cats and dogs.

    That's something I often forget to mention - if you have a lot to lose, it can be overwhelming at first. Setting smaller goals of just ten pounds at a time (or even less!) can be really helpful, because you feel a sense of accomplishment when you reach it and then you can set another for the next ten.

    When I first started (more than two years ago), thinking about the whole 77lbs or so that I wanted to lose - and the realisation that it would probably take me at least a couple of years to do it! - made the entire effort seem impossible. I even set my first goal weight at a level that was still in the "overweight" category, because I doubted I could ever get there. Hitting that first mini-goal of losing ten pounds was a great boost, and I started to believe that it really might be possible. :)

    (I've adjusted my goal weight down a few times since then, and I still have a few more pounds to go, but I'm really happy that I found a way to lose the weight and keep it off.)
  • jrbovee20
    jrbovee20 Posts: 76 Member
    Always looking for motivators, add me if you would like.
  • AJSkinay
    AJSkinay Posts: 26 Member
    This app will totally help you get there. I lost 25 lbs in barely over 3 months last year with it. Log Log Log. Everything. The more you log, the more fun. Helpful nutrition leaks are on here too which is so nice. Power bowls are my jam. Take a bowl and fill it with veggies, chicken or oats, seeds and fruit or any combo! Good Luck! Happy Spring Shredding!!