Damn Belly! I get skinny everywhere but there. Add me and tell me I can do it! I will do the same.

RobbL74 Posts: 44 Member
All my weight is in my belly. The more I lose, the skinnier I get, the more my stomach seems fatter and sticks out. Now I joke about alcohol and what not but I also no it is all about diet. I always get to this point. I am not looking for Magic Mike Abs but geeze help a brotha out. Short of not enjoying anything in life there has to be a way. I eat right, I am a runner and I hit the gym 3 to 4 times a week. I get skinny as hell and still the stomach stays. Actually it kind of sticks out further. I know it is my body tightening up and that is the last thing to go but I want nice meal every now and then and a margarita. Want a fun humored friend to motivate you? Add me and maybe we can cuss at our fat spots together.
