I need some motivation! A.S.A.P

In 2009 I had my son. I gained 88 lbs. I then proceeded to lose 90 lbs. I gained back 10 and I've been bouncing back and forth for awhile. I want to lose the 10 I gained and lose another 13 lbs to hit my goal of 155. I feel like I've been at this so long and I'm mentally exhausted. And so frustrated. And angry with myself. I was so on point for so long, what happened? Why it is so hard to get back into the swing of things. I need a good kick in the *kitten* to push through this wall and hit my goal. Any advice, tips, or words of wisdom out there? Thanks!


  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over the past. Take this opportunity to start anew. You're young, you can do this! Do this to get healthy and enjoy life with your son!

    (How was that?) :)
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    The thing I've learned so far is not to "jump" into the changes you are making too quickly. I tried that a few times (giving up the bad food I love, going to the gym every day) and it just discouraged me because I missed the yummy foods and hated working out.

    So this time I just made small changes progressively. Make sure I scheduled workouts (a program like C25K is good) instead of just saying "I'll do something tomorrow". I also just began switching out a few unhealthy things for better choices. It has definitely helped me stick to it and although the weight is coming off slowly it's still coming off, and I'm making more permanent and long-lasting changes to how I live my life and take care of myself :)
  • newzgirl
    newzgirl Posts: 14
    I find that when I have more than one other person with me working on a weight loss/fitness program, that I do much better because of the accountability factor. Right now there are 11 of us at work in a weight loss contest through Dec. 20. We are using a poster board to display results and because of this we are keeping each other on our toes.

    Maybe you can find some friends and start a contest of sorts.
  • In 2009 I had my son. I gained 88 lbs. I then proceeded to lose 90 lbs. I gained back 10 and I've been bouncing back and forth for awhile. I want to lose the 10 I gained and lose another 13 lbs to hit my goal of 155. I feel like I've been at this so long and I'm mentally exhausted. And so frustrated. And angry with myself. I was so on point for so long, what happened? Why it is so hard to get back into the swing of things. I need a good kick in the *kitten* to push through this wall and hit my goal. Any advice, tips, or words of wisdom out there? Thanks!

    I know exactly what you mean..!!! I had my daughter in April 2009 and gained 50lbs but lost none of it, so I've been trying to hard to go back to the 150 I use to be.. It's so hard but you gotta keep in the back of your head how bad you want it. It's not gonna happen over night. :)
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I would say to really study what good nutrition means to you before you actually start the diet. So read up on two or three diet plans and find people near to your body and experience. I say this because it has been said that people who go on diets usually gain it back and more, so before you go on a yo-yo diet, research a few, find out what fits your lifestyle and body type and then make it more than a diet but lifestyle change.

    I did it sort of wrong, but it's okay. I became a plant based dieter but then I learned about low carb diets and then the zone diet and then the hcg diet and the paleo diet. Being plant based dieter still survived but I am now more aware of what the other diets can offer and how I can use them in my new "lifestyle" change. For instance, if you can actually find free range cows and if you can kill it to eat meat, go for it (my paleo influence) and you just have to do that once. If you can stick a needle in you and eat 800 calories or less a day, do the hcg diet (I can't do it myself), low carb diets and plant based are more realistic for me, but I just can't afford to eat all that meat, way above my pay grade so I stick to plant based (no refined carbs and refined sugar/sugar).

    After that, drink plenty of water (figure out what levels are good for you, google it) and then incorporate some level of cardio for mental stability, balance and to burn off excessive fat/carb/protein <--whatever diet you are on.

    After you lose about 10-15 pounds, I would recommend learning the behavior of binging and why we eat "bad" food.

    This all takes time and commitment and I am not done myself, but I know if I can learn all this, my future will be more-or-less happy because I will be educated to keep me at a weight I want and no one else or no diet fad will take you away from your diet truth.

    So far, I learned that refined carbs and sugar (all types) except glucose is bad, real bad.
  • Building new, strong habits can be hard. Replace back habits slowly with good ones. Each week try a new vegetable, sign up for a fitness class, go for running "dates" with friends. If you can eat healthy and exercise while having fun it makes it much easier to hang on!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I also had a baby in 2009. Lost the pregnancy weight within a few months, but a year and a half later, I was up 10+ lbs...WTH?!? I saw a pic of my backside at Christmas and went, gaack! (the pic is in my profile.) Then I really started logging food here in February. It's been a great weight loss tool!

    If part of your problem is finding the time to exercise (me too), try doing it in the morning before the little one wakes up. I get up and do a workout DVD before I go to work, and that has been working for me.

    Good luck, don't give up! =)
  • Thank you so much. I think my problem is more of my lack of "stickwithitness" haha... I think if I stick to tracking and hitting the gym or a dvd as often as possible I can met my goal. But this 10 lbs is a wake up call to get in gear. I want to get to my goal and maintain. Not to be skinny, but to be healthy and able to be with my son and future children. It's hard though...
  • I've been at this for 2 years. I've done Paleo and that is great for quick results, but I wasn't ready to make a total life change. I lost the bulk of my baby weight using a program similar to this, counting calories... then I need Weight Watchers. And now I hope to reach my goal using this.