Let’s motivate each other to lose our goal weight!

ruvenz Posts: 17 Member
Hi my name is Enza. I am 34 yrs old and after having three pregnancies, two children, an enabling husband(so no support) I am ready to work on myself again. My goal is high so I hope yours is as high so this is a long term support. So in other words come be my weightloss friend lol.


  • karyaros
    karyaros Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Enza! I am 47 years old but would love to be 34 again :smile: I too have 3 kids and a husband who supports anything I do, but will sometimes put the brakes on things if the fun goes away ( ha ha) . I need to lose around 30 pounds and make it a LIFESTYLE for myself. I am a BUSY BUSY mom who loves to be involved in her kiddos lives. I would love to have a Weightloss buddy. I am currently off FB due to lent, but we could connect through this site.
  • Hi ladies! I am Debbie. My husband and I have a large family, but only 3 left at home. I would love to have some support and encouragement in losing my 50 pounds. I've been successful in losing before, but then we had a "surprise" baby at menopause time, and I have had a difficult time losing since!!
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    Hi ladies! Not a mom yet, but could always use friendly motivation and accountability. I'm 28 years old - I'm getting married in September, but trying to get a summer bod by June to rock and maintain :) My mom's making my wedding dress so I also have June as a deadline to give her enough time to make it. I need to be as close to my goal weight as possible since she can only take it in so much.

    What does everyone feel they struggle with the most?!
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family! I'm a recent member too, trying to lose 60 lbs. I lost 48 pounds with WW but gained it back after my brother passed away. I've lost and gained over the years many times. I'm a sneak eater, beginning in my teens. That got worse when my kids grew up and hubby was gone 14 hrs a day working. Since we met 30 yrs ago, I have gained 60+ lbs, not blaming hubby tho. Since starting 18 days ago, I am down 5 lbs and walk at least a mile a day, sometimes two. Every day gets easier, bcuz the support of the other members is fantastic. I feel so motivated, I'm not even thinking about having junk to eat. The weight wasn't gained overnight, it's not coming off without a lot of work.
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    adotbaby wrote: »
    Welcome to the MFP family! I'm a recent member too, trying to lose 60 lbs. I lost 48 pounds with WW but gained it back after my brother passed away. I've lost and gained over the years many times. I'm a sneak eater, beginning in my teens. That got worse when my kids grew up and hubby was gone 14 hrs a day working. Since we met 30 yrs ago, I have gained 60+ lbs, not blaming hubby tho. Since starting 18 days ago, I am down 5 lbs and walk at least a mile a day, sometimes two. Every day gets easier, bcuz the support of the other members is fantastic. I feel so motivated, I'm not even thinking about having junk to eat. The weight wasn't gained overnight, it's not coming off without a lot of work.

    I'm sorry to hear about your brother.

    Sounds like you've made some amazing progress thus far and have a really good mindset. Keep up the great work :)
  • ruvenz
    ruvenz Posts: 17 Member
    I wrote this long reply and I’m still getting used to this app. But have since lost everything Hahaha. So I will just say hi and I’ve added you ladies. Let’s all get to our happy us.
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    Haha yes - we got this :)
  • Yes, let's do this! Let's get healthy!!
  • obrienfamily42
    obrienfamily42 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes! I’m in. Have a lot to lose and could use all the support I can get. Thanks!
  • I’m in! 49, mom of 9 year old. My goal is to be healthy and fit by my 50th birthday next year. Exercise is lap swimming. I’ve been a vegetarian since age 16 and a vegan for one year. Clearly I’ve been over consuming and under exercising as I need to lose 50 pounds. I’ve successfully lost weight in the past, but I’ve eventually gained it back. Right now my focus is on my heart health, not my appearance. Trying to reset my thinking about taking care of my body.
  • JaiNicole7
    JaiNicole7 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Enza, I'm Jai, I'm 41-but 34 in spirit (or younger LOL) and I have 3 grown children, and also just now getting back to focusing on goals that are for just for me. I'll send you a FR.
  • Ondjimama
    Ondjimama Posts: 1 Member
    ruvenz wrote: »
    Hi my name is Enza. I am 34 yrs old and after having three pregnancies, two children, an enabling husband(so no support) I am ready to work on myself again. My goal is high so I hope yours is as high so this is a long term support. So in other words come be my weightloss friend lol.
    I am 34 have had three pregnancies, two children and a husband who is absolutley no support I need some friends. So I think Ill send you a request, we many have some things in common. :)
  • mblundell2
    mblundell2 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a 45 year old busy, busy, busy wife and mom. I lost 40 lbs. last year. I have 18 to go this year. Motivation and accountability are a big help for me.
  • obrienfamily42
    obrienfamily42 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m with you except for the fact of having lost 40. I have 70 pounds to lose and feel very overwhelmed. I’m in!
  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi Ladies, I’m 38 and have 4 children and my husband is supporting my weight loss but also kind of helped me put on the weight. I haven’t set myself a total weight loss goal as I just want to be happy with my body again but think I’ll need to lose 40+ lbs to get there. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.
  • karlab2018
    karlab2018 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies, new to this app, I need to lose weight and I just got serious about it. I'm married, no kids, work nonstop. I've been overweight all of my life, and I'm finally done, need a lifestyle change! I'm 37 and need to lose 100 pounds, but I'm trying to think of it as a week by week thing so I don't feel overwhelmed. Can I join this group? I need all the motivation and support I can get and hopefully I can do the same for you all
  • rachmarie92587
    rachmarie92587 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies - I’m 30 - no kids with a supportive husband (lost 80lbs himself). After a pregnancy loss i fell into a depression and didn’t care about myself.m, but I’m changing that around and I’m looking for tips, support, guidance from all and any
  • binab37
    binab37 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been up and down with my weight and using mfp for several years but am ready to get serious again. I"m 43 and have 3 kids and need to lose about 40lbs.. I was able to stay a healthy weight until my youngest was born and the weight has been creeping up since then. I started logging (again) 2 weeks ago and so far have lost 7-8 lbs so feel motivated to keep going but would love support and a place to be accountable so here I am :)

    considering today was Easter which means lots of candy and goodies, I think I did pretty well. How did you all do?
  • samcskelton
    samcskelton Posts: 26 Member
    Add me! I’m a stay at home mom of 1. My husband is also an enabler. I’d love the help and motivation!
  • ruvenz
    ruvenz Posts: 17 Member
    How many people here feel like after so many attempts of diets and weightloss fails. That they want to be made accountable for the days they slip up. I swear this time I feel like I need that. I don’t want to hear oh don’t worry you can get right back up tomorrow. I know it’s always coming from a good place. I just feel like it causes me to do worse because someone said it’s ok. So hold me accountable when I have my screw up days please. Because this time there’s no going back, this time is that time now.