New. Would love a buddy! 24yr old mom/student.

shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
edited 2:15AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! Here's a little background: I have a son that was born in September of 2008. Up until that point my "normal" weight (no dieting, moderate exercise, no crazy overeating) was 135-140lbs and I'm 5'6. I was never thrilled with this size but was always convinced it was the best I could do. Like I said, got pregnant with my son in 2008 and gained the standard 40lbs with pregnancy. Within 2 months of having my son I lost 25lb putting me at 150lbs. I was so excited the weight seemed to be coming off effortlessly and I was convinced the trend would continue. Wrong. Two words: Holiday Season. Made me forget all of my goals. Fastforward to June 2010 when I decided enough is enough. I wasn't huge. But I was unmotivated, tired, depressed and terribly out of shape. Weighing in at 155 lbs on 6/1/10. That was the day I started a food journal in a lined notebook. Wrote down every single thing I put into my body no matter how small. And ordered "Biggest Loser: cardio max & power sculpt. Diet and those tapes combined help me to lose 27 lbs in 7 months. Started my fit plan 2 weeks ago on my phone and have lost 3 lbs so far. Ultimate goal. 118lbs. Would like to have s few lbs to fluctuate and not worry. Anyone else losing the last 10? Would love a buddy. I also started a running plan that's helped tremendously. So would love a running or diet buddy!


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Add me! I'm trying to lose 10lbs short term, 20lbs ultimately. I have a support group that's open to anyone (hm_day's support group) and everyone there is willing to help you out as well! But I'd be more than happy to give you that little push when you need it :) Good luck!
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Feel free to add me, I can motivate and always use motivation myself.
  • What is your running plan? I am starting to walk/run on my treadmill as I want to do a 5K this october.
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    i have about 16lbs to go all together!! but im working on the first 6.
    I am a stay at home mom of two and a college student as well.
    i am 4'11 and 116 but need to be aroun 100 to 103. !!
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    hi i'm jenna 23 y/o student add me if u'd like another friend :)
  • also curious to know your running plan... last year lost 50 lbs running... just started working out again but sprained ankle july 3rd so not where i'd like to be =/
  • Hey I am 24 and a mom/student as well. I am passionate about running, it's what gets me going for the day. Feel free to add me!
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    Would love to talk to all of you! My running plan is a 5k buildup. I'm on week 2 day 2 and already see improvements especially in my legs. Haven't run seriously since cross country in 9th grade so starting slow.

    Before I found this I would just try to run for as long as possible and made it 10-12 minutes the first 2 times. This plan starts off with run/walk intervals which make it easier for a longer workout. I really love it so far and think it's something I will stick too.
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