Balancing my running days with other exercise???

It has been about 6 months since I ran my last official run (1/2 marathon last fall) has also been almost that long since I ran AT ALL...I miss it so much. Now that I am on MFP, I am determined to get back into it, as well as losing these extra pounds....I wanna be healthy and fit...all around, you know??

My struggle is balancing the two. I run/train 3 days a week. I have a 5K coming up Oct 1st. I know I can be ready for that....but I also want to REALLY work on my core this time....I need to work my abs something fierce...they have no muscle tone after having 2 children "back to back"....

I have lots of strength training dvds...and also I have P90X....

I need help...I wanna do whats effective, but not over do it.Anyone have a really good schedule to incorporate all of these things??? I can commit to 5-6 days a week....I am determined to go the "extra mile" this pun intended...



  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    If it helps, here's my schedule:

    Monday - Cross Train
    Tuesday - Easy Run & Strength Training
    Wednesday - Speed Work (Running)
    Thursday - Cross Train
    Friday - Moderate Pace Run
    Saturday - Long Run
    Sunday - Rest

    You could incorporate your ab/core work on either of the cross-training days, OR the easy run day, OR all three.....
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im new to this running stuff. But i have started out slow and im starting to like it. The only thing is that i have had 3 knee surgery .. so im scared to i might end up having problems again. But i stop running when it hurts. Does anyone have ideas what i should do....?
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    Hey I don't have a great plan in place per se... but I'm similar to you in that I just joined MFP and I'm committed to working out 5 days a week and want to incorporate running with other exercise like something for my core. Currently I'm running/walking (w2d1 of couch to 5k plan) Mon Wed Fri. and on Tue Thur I try to do strength training. arm 1 day, legs the other, and abs on both.... I'm here for ya! As far as moral support, encouragement and accountability :) Let me know how P90X works for ya? I've been to chicken to try, but I'm sorta tempted...
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Run 2-3 times a week, have a rest day and do the other things on the in between days.

    My schedule is:

    Monday: Stretch and strength
    Tues: Run
    Weds: Swim/ DVD/ Walk
    Thurs: Run and strength
    Fri: Rest
    Sat: Swim/ DVD/ Walk
    Sun: Run (long)
  • ljbarna
    ljbarna Posts: 9 Member
    This is what I do:
    Mon: strength training (legs) and abs
    Tues: run (easy)
    Wed: strength training (back and biceps)and abs
    Thurs: run (speedwork or tempo)
    Fri: strength training (chest/shoulders/ triceps) and abs
    Sat: run (long)
    Sun: rest

    Hope that helps some.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks so much to those of you who replied to my post from yesterday. I got some good ideas. I am ready to go for it!!! :)
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for the advice...I really wanna work my abs....I am glad you said its ok to work them, even on a run day..!! Good Luck with your upcoming runs!!
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    I do Jillian's 30 day shred on my "rest days" I run 4 days a week and do the shred in between. Sometimes I do it on thedays I run and sometimes I don't. I just listen to my body. You will find the balance. Just take time to listen to your body!! Good luck!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I'm in a similar position, in that I run/bike virtually every day, and have been wondering the best way to get my other training in there - have recently started Chalean Extreme.

    At the moment it's kind of panning out this way:

    Mon - Early morning run (3 miles) / Chalean / bike to work (only 2 miles each way so not as energetic as it sounds!!)
    Tues - Chalean / Bike to work / Run with club (evening) - (anywhere from 4 - 6 miles)
    Weds - Early morning run / Chalean / Bike to work
    Thurs - Chalean / Bike to work
    Fri - Early morning run / Bike to work / horseride (1 hour)
    Sat - Long run (6 miles is long, for me) or long bike ride
    Sun - REST

    Only thing is you're supposed to do Chalean 6 days a week with 1 rest day and my concern is that I won't see good results if I spread it all out too much... Must confess though, that I epically failed to get out bed and do Chalean this morning LOL but I did bike to work!!
  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    I know a lot of people combine yoga with running, as yoga is really amazing for working on the core sections, it compliments running really well. Might be something you could look into!