Banter looking for other Banters for motivation

Hi all

I am a 49 year old woman from Cape Town, South Africa, and I am looking for new friends, preferably Banters or people following a Keto or Paleo diet, so that we can motivate each other on our weight-loss journey. I need to lose about 25kg (about 55 pounds).

I started Banting on 1 January and have lost 1,4kg (just over 5 pounds, I think) so far. I Banted last year as well, losing 18,5kg (about 40 pounds) between 1 January and 27 April. After that I went abroad for 3 weeks and struggled to really follow the programme 100% since then. The biggest problem was that I ate bread whilst in Europe and Ireland because it was too expensive to have anything but a sandwich or fruit for lunch! And to stop eating bread was difficult for me! I gained about 5kg (11 pounds) back.

So far, I have been really good this year, but find that I am not losing weight as fast as I did last year this time (last year I lost 7 kg in the first month). Last year, I ate 1200cal per day, as MFP suggested, but somehow I feel hungry all the time now when I only eat 1200cal. A personal trainer suggested that I increase it to 1600cal (I increased it to 1400cal, because 1600cal feels too much), and now I am not hungry, but I am not losing weight as fast. I don't exercise much - I only walk about 4km every day, which I suppose counts as sedentary?

Any tips, please?

Thanks in advance!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can't lose fast, but you have to stick to a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight, so I suggest you find a way of eating that not just provides a deficit (as long as you stick to it), but one that is flexible and easy to stick to no matter where you are and how you feel.
  • mrshumphreyjr1
    mrshumphreyjr1 Posts: 4 Member
    whats your fat % of the total? I found when I adjusted my macros to 8% carbs, 15% protein and 77% fat, I lost most of the hunger - was doing a low fat (and high carb diet) for years and it caused massive hunger and weight gain. I have lost 12lb so far this year, and am loving banting (which isn't widely known in the UK
  • RosieMoo1
    RosieMoo1 Posts: 5 Member
    hello, i have just started... how are you getting on?
  • Ntshepeng
    Ntshepeng Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, started banting a day after Christmas and going to the gym now to check my weight loss. I think i've lost centimetres as i can feel a difference in the way my clothes fit . Hang in there- it's a journey afterall :)