Wednesday Mini Challenge

Today's challenge is: Push-ups

Let's see if we can do 300.

For those of you that have been talking about weak "whatever" lay on your back and bench press something.
Doing this will at least get you the same movement the rest of us are getting and you won't have to skip a challenge. :wink:

You can do them any style you want and you have until midnight to get them done.
Do them the hardest way you can and try to get all 300.
The important thing is that you try to do it.
Make sure you stretch and have fun doing them.
Report back when you are done and let us know how you did.


  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i think i will "try" to get this accomplished... :[
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    welll Im willing to give it a go and see how far I get!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    umm...ouch? I will post back later of course :happy:
  • MrsSocrates
    MrsSocrates Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in!!! My arms will love you for this:)!!!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    you're awesome. thanks.. i believe 10lb weights aught to do it. The ankle should be good to work out again soon. Its looking better.
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    i'll attempt to do it. me and pushups don't see eye to eye :]
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I'm in. *sigh* I hate push ups. Lol.
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    OMG!!!!! 300? Alright, I'm in.
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    well thats me done 300 girly push ups! which is a vast improvemnt on last weeks ones with the cards as I only manages 175 then.. I tried to do regular push ups but can;t manage that yet!! but we wlill get there in the end!! my wrists are sore lets see what he has in store for us tomorrow.. lol
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    My arms are killing me but I did 300 push ups! I did modified pushups though because I have no upper body strength
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Done I did 100, 50, and 2 sets of 75. I am so proud of myself. I bow down to anyone who did them all in one set.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    OMG!!!!! 300? Alright, I'm in.

    Wow that was hard, but I finished.
  • Ok Charger so I have the flu but I managed 5 sets of 40, started girlie, switched to wall. But gave it my best effort. Thanks for the great challenge!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    got in 80 today...
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Was going to quit at 175, but saw there was 1 1/2 hr left before midnight. Got to 300 then treated myself to 1/2 serving of gummi bears.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    I got all mine done.

    Great job y'all! Keep up the awesome work.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Only got in about 200. Still made an effort tho. Lol.