Thanks everyone again! I'm back on track today... Just answering some of the questions I was asked in my posts..Before I got pregnant with my first son I was 118lbs and then went to 190 (yikes! I know) then went down to 145 ish by doing nothing to get there. Then had my second son and went from 145ish to 180ish and at my 6 week check up after delivery I was 150 by doing nothing to get there and have been stuck between the 145-150 now since youngest ones 3 1/2 so over three years. I just can't seem to lose it. But I don't want to be 118 again, that was my high school weight (I was pregnant at 18) I want to be about 130lb. So I'd need to lose the 20lbs.
I have went from drinking really no water to a 64oz bottle a day. I make it a goal.
Yes sometimes I am eating back my exercise calories... The 1200 calories is what the MFP set me at when I made my profile, so I guess I was just eating that much because that's what it set me at.
Yes I guess I do have some stress, I am a single parent of an almost 8 and almost 4 year old boys LOL and I decided to go back to college 2 years ago and just graduated with my associates degree this may. And will be starting in a couple weeks thru University Wisconsin Green Bay to work on my bachelors so definitely have the homework stress, I also work full time.
So maybe stress is holding the weight on?
When I'm exercising nearly daily it's my eliptical machine for 30minutes or powerwalks(pretty fast paced, but not running) for 2.5 miles or 5 miles depending on the day. Maybe I'm not exercising enough? I haven't exercised in over 9 years(sad to admit).

Hope I answered most of the questions asked so that you could further give advice :)

Thanks again so much everyone for caring!!!


  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    You've got a busy life. Young moms never find the time to exercise, but this is what makes the difference. I would suggest that you get a good pedometer, and measure the amount of exercise you are getting in a day by using it. Then I would simply modify my day to add a little more. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking at the far end of the parking lot, stuff like that, so you can increase your activity level by taking an extra minute here and there. And make a point of playing with your kids---you can work in exercise while giving them quality time. Road hockey. Soccer. Whatever team sport you have them in, that they need to practice their skill set at home. Good luck.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I didn't see your original post, but based on your answers... Stress could be a part of it, but I'd say more of it is that you aren't eating enough. If you're only eating 1200 calories and then working out, then you aren't fueling your body enough for it to let go of any of that weight. You need to eat back your exercise calories and possibly up your net goal to like 1300... when I started out that was what I had to do and the pounds just started dropping. Also make sure you're tracking your sodium, because that could hace a HUGE bearing on whether you're holding onto water weight. Good luck!
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    girl you sound like me!!! i havent budged in a few weeks!!! I was 120 got pregnant went to 185 went back down to 135 got pregnant went to 180 now at 140-145 for the past 3 years!!! I weighed when i first started mfp and i weighed 140. I have been exercising daily drinking water and have a better diet ,, and seem to get NOWHERE!!! i just keep telling myself i will get a new scale and maybe my scales broke! LOL
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    Hi There JennBlowsBubbles! Darn baby weight lol but our little ones are sooooooo worth it!!!! I figure it's been over three years, I can't use the "I had a kid" exscuse anymore hehe.... I'm trying, hoping to see results soon. Good luck with our journey. Your beautiful!!
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    thankyou!! yes both of my girls are worth it!! but you just gooo ahhhhhhhhhh! lol MY BODY went where? LOL