Serious!! 25lbs gone by mid june!

I have a very strict diet, pretty hardcore regime and mental toughness! Just looking for motivation/inspiration! Wanting to go from 238lbs to 205lbs by June but 25lbs would be a winner for me!


  • neogramps
    neogramps Posts: 79 Member
    You'll need to maintain a 1167 calorie deficit average, which will be tough, but definitely doable. Good luck
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    What's happening in the middle of June?
  • da_bolden2014
    da_bolden2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Going on vacation to myrtle beach just trying to lean up by then. Winter and knee injury got me off, other wise I would already be at 205 and surpassing my goal!