Goal: Half marathon

I’m in central California, 35yo male, 5’10” pushing 225lbs. Trying to get in shape staying active, hitting the gym and pushing myself running on the on the treadmill and sometimes around my neighborhood. I go through ups and downs with my motivation (as I’m sure most people do) but would like to find a way to stay on the upward trend of motivation. I’m still trying to learn nutrition, micronutrients and supliments but seem to be having trouble converting information into better eating habits. I’d like to make the changes I need to be healthier and make a few good friends along the way.


  • jconnell887
    jconnell887 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. 48 male, 5-9', wife got me an entrance into the twin cities marathon in Oct. Currently at 268, plan on being down near 235 or so for the marathon. Goal is to just finish and enjoy it.
    Winter won't give up here in MN, and I hate the treadmill, but I need to get my training going.

    I'll start logging my food and workouts again to stay accountable. I find meal prepping for the week or a few days at a time works best for me. My wife is coming off a year of fighting breast cancer, and I didn't do the best job of taking care of myself. She's doing great and has been so strong.

    I work 2 full-time jobs and once the weather turns, I'll start biking and eventually running my commute. (8 miles). We have 2 teen boys keeping us busy and we are building a house this year. Tons of stress and I need a healthier relief than eating.

    Anyway, lets see where this year leads us and push/motivate where we can. Deal? Anyone else?

  • TilKingdomCome
    TilKingdomCome Posts: 89 Member
    I have my first half marathon in 44 days. I’ve put on almost 10 of the 25kg I had lost in the past 12 months so training for a half gave me a purpose. I never default on a deal with myself.

    I am starting to stress a bit about it now as my long runs in a very hot and humid climate are getting extremely hard. Up until yesterday, where I couldn’t even do 5 of the 15km I’d planned, I was religiously sticking to my training plan. I feel like a bit of a failure now that I bailed yesterday for the first time and I still have 6km more to train for! The only good thing is the half is in a much better and cooler climate where I find running much more pleasant and ‘easy’.

    So the goal is to do 15km tomorrow morning. I’m not a morning exerciser but I’m worried the Friday afternoon rest will get in the way and I just want this make up run out of the way.

    Wish me luck and somewhat decent/cooler weather.

    Good luck to you both
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    Distance training can definitely make you so hungry that you gain weight rather than losing, if you aren't careful about your logging. I'd run 5 miles, then my body wanted to eat like I ran 20.

    Last year I did my first half marathon; at the time, it convinced me that I would never want to run a full marathon, but enough time has elapsed that I am forgetting about the pain and thinking of doing another half or full someday. It's a fun challenge and can be a great way to see a city.

    Good luck!!