APRIL 2018 walk, jog, run, bike, step, miles challenge



  • fs98
    fs98 Posts: 14 Member
    I am challenging myself to run 100km in April!
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    4/1 2.8 miles 147.2 to go
    4/2 7.7 miles 139.5 to go
    4/3 5.1 miles 134.4 to go
  • Fatgonegirl
    Fatgonegirl Posts: 126 Member

    1st 11575
    2nd 10886
    3rd 15704
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    April 1 - 21,877 steps/17.4 kms
    April 2 - 15,077 steps/10.74 kms
    April 3 - 11, 711 steps/8.55 kms + 30 mins swimming.
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    4/1 2.8 miles 147.2 to go
    4/2 7.7 miles 139.5 to go
    4/3 7.95 miles 131.55
    4/4 6.28 (so far)
  • ali3boys
    ali3boys Posts: 84 Member

    4/2 4 miles
    4/3 4 miles
    4/4 4 miles
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    April 1 - 21,877 steps/17.4 kms
    April 2 - 15,077 steps/10.74 kms
    April 3 - 11, 711 steps/8.55 kms + 30 mins swimming.
    April 4 - 17,093 steps/12.1kms
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    4/1 2.8 miles 147.2 to go
    4/2 7.7 miles 139.5 to go
    4/3 7.95 miles 131.55
    4/4 7.5 miles 124.05 to go
    4/5 4.73 (so far)
  • ali3boys
    ali3boys Posts: 84 Member
    ali3boys wrote: »
    4/2 4 miles
    4/3 4 miles
    4/4 4 miles
    4/5 4 miles

  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    April 1 - 21,877 steps/17.4 kms
    April 2 - 15,077 steps/10.74 kms
    April 3 - 11, 711 steps/8.55 kms + 30 mins swimming.
    April 4 - 17,093 steps/12.1kms
    April 5 - 21,067 steps/14.84 kms
  • NicoleSalmon1
    NicoleSalmon1 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm joining a little late. My challenge is to do a workout (cardio & strength training) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Also including some yoga on my rest days on some of my workout days. I created this workout schedule not too long ago and would like to be consistent with it this month.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    My goal is running 40 miles in April. Already 9 down :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    you guys are doing GREAT! <3

    I have been away all week BUT I did get my walking in although a couple of days were not as much as I would have liked but when you are visiting friends you pretty much hang out and do what they do...

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    April 1st..................3.0 Walking Miles

    April 2nd....................5.0 Walking Miles
    April 3rd.....................3.5 Walking Miles
    April 4th......................2.5 Walking Miles
    April 5th.......................3.0 Walking Miles

    TOTAL WALKING MILES as of APRIL 5TH................17.0

    It's been raining. I will have too see what the rest of today brings for walking..
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    Joining in late, but I have done 5 miles this month; with 2 rest days as I get shin splints easily and am trying not to push myself too fast. My goal will be 40 miles for the month of April. It has been raining like crazy here so hopefully it'll let up for a little so I can get some more miles in.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    WELCOME AlainaKayy! Been raining here like crazy too. I did not meet my goal in March because of that.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    April 1st..................3.0 Walking Miles

    April 2nd....................5.0 Walking Miles
    April 3rd.....................3.5 Walking Miles
    April 4th......................2.5 Walking Miles
    April 5th.......................3.0 Walking Miles

    TOTAL WALKING MILES as of APRIL 5TH................17.0

    It's been raining. I will have too see what the rest of today brings for walking..

    Finally DID get a walk in before another line of rain comes through...

    April 6th.........................3.0 Walking Miles

    TOTAL MILES as of April 6th..............20.0

  • Fatgonegirl
    Fatgonegirl Posts: 126 Member

    1st 11575
    2nd 10886
    3rd 15704
    4th 9287 :(
    5th 12787
    6th 15170

    So glad to be doing this, recording really helps
  • FitbySixtyFive
    FitbySixtyFive Posts: 1 Member
    I am a little late to the game, but this challenge is too inspiring to ignore~! Just getting back into myfitnesspal routine, so my MOVE challenge will be to log 8,000 steps 5 days a week for the rest of the month of April. BONUS will be a reward (new walking outfit) if I log 8,000 steps 6 days a week for the month!
  • eileenm2018
    eileenm2018 Posts: 45 Member
    edited April 2018
    Just a few steps and one more ride.
    Previous 4.65 km walking
    16.3 km cycling
    April 3. 1.56km walking
    April 4. 2.91km ..
    April 5. 4.4km. ..
    April 6. 2.03. km ..
    April 7. 1. km. ..
    7.9 km. cycling. 15 mins
    Totals now. Walking. 16.55km
    Cycling. 24.2km