Long ways to go

Hi my name is Denise. I’ve been large for as long as I can remember. I used to not be active at all but I’m doing better. I’ve gone from 445 to 420. Yay! My goal is to get to 150. Like I said.. long ways to go. More and more lately I’ve found myself in pain where before not so much. I think all this weight is finally taking a toll on my body. Especially my knees and my ankles. Ugh. I really need to lose weight. I want to be around a long time and I don’t want my weight to be a contributor to any health problems. I’m lucky so far that the only issue I have is my blood pressure is mildly high. I’ve cut back on my eating and I’ve been walking a mile and a half a day. I try to get some dance cardio in as well. Even though I look like a goof doing it. I’m going to need all of the motivation I can get. My friends I have already on mfp have been great. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other.


  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    You can do this , so far I have lost 44 , knees , ankles and hips are so much better and gerd has stopped Blood pressure is down 20 points ! so glad I found this site
    . overall energy is so much better . My goal is also 150 . for now I am at the lowest weight I have been in around 15 years so I plan to stay on track
  • bullchifrench123
    bullchifrench123 Posts: 16 Member
    Keep up the good work! :)
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Nice! Before you know it a year will have gone by and you can make SO much progress in that time. In the grand scheme of things, the time it will take to get this done will seem like a short part of your life. And totally worth it.
  • Buffmom74
    Buffmom74 Posts: 1 Member
    I too have a ways to go to reach my goal weight of 170. Baby steps and focusing on what is most important in my life is my motivation. You have taken those first steps and you're on your way...Keep up the good work and forgive yourself if you mess up. YOU can do this!!!
  • bullchifrench123
    bullchifrench123 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you!
  • pparrotlet
    pparrotlet Posts: 6 Member
    Dance cardio sounds fun! I love to dance, too. I hope you set some interim goals along the way.