New to My Fitness Pal

My name is Michelle and I joined My Fitness Pal two days ago. I already love the site. It is very helpful.


  • JeanWalker109
    So glad you're enjoying MFP! It is super great, so long as you make it work for you. Continue to use the calorie tracker & stuff & link up with people on the message boards, etc. if you want to. It's a super terrific environment and if you use all the tools available to you, you'll undoubtedly have great success.

    Welcome aboard!


  • myfurturelooksgood
    myfurturelooksgood Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I am Rita and today is day one on my journey towards a heathier, more fit me. I love the tracking and monitoring because when I have to write down what I eat, it makes me think twice. Also the exercise tracking encourages me to burn more calories, to push just a little more. I feel excited yet challenged which is a good thing for me.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Ssladick
    Ssladick Posts: 16
    Welcome! This is a great place not only to track your progress, but also the great motivation of all the awesome people here. Add me if you'd like!

    Good luck on your journey!! :-)