Greetings, From a 'Before'

Well, hello. I'm new! From what I've seen so far, I've definitely come to the right place! Looking forward to making new friends and meeting people who are just as motivated (and, I'm sure, at times, unmotivated) as I am.

I just took my 'before' pictures (because I think it'll help motivate me to see an 'after') and, boy, did I feel silly taking pictures of myself in my under garments. I would like to know if anyone else has done this without starting to work out, so I know I'm not alone!

I love my body, love myself, and who God has created me to be. I know this journey will not be a piece of cake, but I'm ready!


  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello Lademof, welcome to My Fitness Pal :)

    I love this place, the people are fantastic and so much support to each other. My 'before' pic wasn't taken of me in my undergarments (though seems like a great idea so you can really see the changes :) ). It was a picture that was taken of me without my knowledge and when I saw it I cried because I'm usually quick to avoid cameras lol.

    I wish you all the very best on your journey, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Yes, I have done it...a few times. lol But I didn't this time, the time that actually counts, jeez! But yeah, it feels silly and awkward. Aaaaaand embarrassing....but, it will be awesome to look back on! So good job getting through it and WELCOME!!!!

    Good Luck!!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Kudos for taking the before pictures. It is just hard to do! You will be glad you did.

  • Oh no you're not alone! I've taken my before photos too in my swiming suit...with hopes that when I'm done I'll find one that looks good on me. Lol, welcome, I'm glad your going to start using this site, it is an amazing tool! I first found it after my boyfriend gave me an iPod touch for christmas. I downloaded the application and I was hooked!

    Good luck in your weightloss and fitness goals. By the way, you look beautiful in your picture! :)
  • Hello Lademof, welcome to My Fitness Pal :)

    I love this place, the people are fantastic and so much support to each other. My 'before' pic wasn't taken of me in my undergarments (though seems like a great idea so you can really see the changes :) ). It was a picture that was taken of me without my knowledge and when I saw it I cried because I'm usually quick to avoid cameras lol.

    I wish you all the very best on your journey, feel free to add me as a friend!

    Thanks for the encouragement, I'll definitely add you! :)
  • Yes, I have done it...a few times. lol But I didn't this time, the time that actually counts, jeez! But yeah, it feels silly and awkward. Aaaaaand embarrassing....but, it will be awesome to look back on! So good job getting through it and WELCOME!!!!

    Good Luck!!

    Haha, definitely embarrassing! :) Thank you!
  • Kudos for taking the before pictures. It is just hard to do! You will be glad you did.


    Thank you! I love your Christmas goal! I might have to steal that one!
  • Oh no you're not alone! I've taken my before photos too in my swiming suit...with hopes that when I'm done I'll find one that looks good on me. Lol, welcome, I'm glad your going to start using this site, it is an amazing tool! I first found it after my boyfriend gave me an iPod touch for christmas. I downloaded the application and I was hooked!

    Good luck in your weightloss and fitness goals. By the way, you look beautiful in your picture! :)

    Thank you so much! :)
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member

    I took pics in shorts and a tight tank top. It was hard to see the pictures but I know that, at some point, they will be what keeps me going. My plan is to do measurements and photos once per month to remind myself of where I started, where I am and where I am going. Good luck on your journey! Add me if you like.
  • Welcome.

    No pics of me in undergarments or swim suits will be posted online.
  • Welcome!

    I took pics in shorts and a tight tank top. It was hard to see the pictures but I know that, at some point, they will be what keeps me going. My plan is to do measurements and photos once per month to remind myself of where I started, where I am and where I am going. Good luck on your journey! Add me if you like.

    Thank you! I like that monthly photo idea! I might just try that!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    ACK!!! I don't have the nerve to take before pictures!!!

    Ask me again in a

    Welcome aboard and feel free to add me...
  • ACK!!! I don't have the nerve to take before pictures!!!

    Ask me again in a

    Welcome aboard and feel free to add me...

    Haha! If I can do it, you can do it! I'm definitely not showing them to anyone until I have an after picture! :) Thank you!