Planet Fitness Member Discussion (not a PF hate thread)

Hi everyone!! I'm a long time Planet Fitness member and, obviously, a MFP member. I would like to recruit other PF members for discussion on routines, tips, support, successes, and failures. If you would like, feel free to add me as a MFP friend. We can also link-up in the Planet Fitness group on MFP at LINK. I have an open diary and am trying to get back to logging daily.

I don't want this thread to be a Planet Fitness bashing thread. I understand that not everyone likes the PF business plan; but, many of us find that they do provide what we like/need.

Looking forward to some good discussion.


  • klkc2005
    klkc2005 Posts: 41 Member
    I've been going to pf since about Thanksgiving and I love it. I started out doing just the elliptical and the 30 minute workout cause i was a little intimidated by the weight machines. Now I'm doing the elliptical, the arc trainer, and most of the equipment. I have stayed away from the free weights and the weight things the bigger guys and girls work out with just because i still feel a little intimidated by those things and I'm not sure how to use them. I don't like asking for help. I still have some more fat to get rid of and i'm trying to gain strength at the same time so I can start toning. Anyways, you can add me as a friend if you like. I have an open diet and i'm trying to up my protein but I still have a sweet tooth.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I have been with PF for about a year. I am pretty consistent with going for a few months then trailing off. Right now I am on 3 days weights / 2 days cardio. I know from real weightlifters that I shouldn't be using Smith Machines (barbell machines), and I should go to a different gym if I am looking to lift.. but honestly I am the only one using the weights at 6am and if I went anywhere else all of the racks would be taken.

    I get why people hate on PF with their pizza nights, bagel mornings, and free tootsie rolls.. but I mean don't eat them if you don't want to blow your diet. I just wish they had a pool! My diary is open to friends!
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    Been going about 5 months now I like it do the 30 minute circuit with a lot of weight 2x week then basically a pf 360 burn class but on my on since I go early gets the heart moving 3x week. Do some cardio after each I like it wish had free weight with non smith machines would probably use that more but happy with where I'm at and price is great.
  • GetFit0767
    GetFit0767 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been a PF member for years. I'm not a power lifter and don't want to be. I'm not trying to get any incredible gains or get the body of a bodybuilder. What I'm wanting and needing is a place to go to help get / keep my body in good physical shape. To do that, the equipment that's available at PF is plenty sufficient. The facility is clean and orderly and the atmosphere is pretty casual.

    Plus at less than $25 a month I can work out there or any other planet fitness; plus, I can bring any of my kids or another guest with me daily to work out.

    I can fully understand that PF doesn't meet the needs of some people; however, it bugs me that they are bashed so much by those people. Their business model does meet my needs and the needs of the many folks that go to my local PF.

    I see lots of really fit people at our local PF that have been attending for as long or longer than me. It, obviously, meets at least part of their needs, too.
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    Mine is pretty new so all new machines plus love the 24 hours access so no real excuse not to get some type of workout in. Everyone been real friendly no lunkheads around just doing the basic for $10/month can't beat it.
  • cmennella9237
    cmennella9237 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been a planet fitness member for a few years and have always enjoyed the variety and availability of the machines. I like it because people are there to workout and not socialize. Of course I go at 5 am when no one is quite awake or talkative. I do a variety of cardio, the 30 minute circuit and free weights.
  • Fizzypopization
    Fizzypopization Posts: 29 Member
    edited March 2018
    I dunno we quit pf because they took over our old gym and got rid of free weights except under 20lbs which is worthless for my husband. I'm about to rejoin for treadmill access as I'm recovering from a fusion need to walk a lot. I will see I guess.
  • aconlan2010
    aconlan2010 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been a PF member since June of last year. I really like it! It is super big, open 24 hrs, and they have a lot of equipment. I do mostly cardio and minimal weight training. There are always gonna be haters (mostly the meat heads that “think” they can curl 50lb DB’s but in reality they are just flexing their trunk back and forth). I keep my music on and find my groove and have a (relatively
  • GetFit0767
    GetFit0767 Posts: 31 Member
    I sure wish ours would ger some of the rowing machines and stair climbers that some of the newer PFs have. I guess soon, maybe.
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    GetFit0767 wrote: »
    I sure wish ours would ger some of the rowing machines and stair climbers that some of the newer PFs have. I guess soon, maybe.

    The stair machines are brutal don't wish for them :) I did 78 flights and was sore for days I do try to do at least once a week to mix it up from elliptical. Also always in back of my mind might fall off the thing very hard to take a break without flat out stopping.

  • CircleJerkk
    CircleJerkk Posts: 38 Member
    I've been going to planet fitness since 2008. It's just like any other gym. They pretend they care about "lunk heads" but they don't. Only once in a small town did the lunk alarm go off, which was really uncalled for, since 95% of the people who go to that one are elderly. The alarm was more disturbing than the old man who dropped a weight.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Yeah, I've heard the "lunk alarm" once in almost a year. It was this quick "bweep!" that was only about half as loud as the dropped weight was. I feel like (at ours at least) it's a reminder to do what's safe and reasonable and helpful to YOU rather than "competing" and trying to outdo the person before/beside you. Which, I'll admit, is something I'm tempted by!
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    I started using planet fitness. I'm not the type of person who does heavy duty workouts and their plan was exactly what I was looking for. I've been really happy there. Tootsie rolls sit out, but I've never seen the other treats. I wouldn't be tempted either way, as I'm celiac. The lunk alarm goes off multiple times daily, and the staff ignores it. I live in the city, and I was just happy to see a place with a price less than 40 bux a month. Especially since I normally just use the treadmill or bikes.
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,177 Member
    edited April 2018
    Pretty annoying when I type a paragraph and get some 403 error message.
  • pinysmile3736
    pinysmile3736 Posts: 25 Member
    I LOVE planet fitness I go 2 days a week. I love the 30 min circuit, bike and treadmill. I work out a home 3 days a week.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    love it! i'm there 6x/week. it's cheap, and has all the great equipment for my cardio and strength needs.
  • jennabun101
    jennabun101 Posts: 54 Member
    I love PF. It's 2 minutes from work, and can't beat the price. I've been a member for over a year now. Half the people I work with also go there. Keeps us all motivated, we'll harass anyone we haven't seen in awhile. I'm there 5 days a week!