Starting again

Hi im starting again! Did loose 10 stone 5 pounds in 16 months on weightwatchers but unfortunately due to the stresses of life i put 3 stone 5 pounds back on! But here i am ready to start again! Good luck to u all on your journey! Feel free to add me and we can help one anotherx


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Welcome back!
  • triciawh5058
    triciawh5058 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new too! Good luck!xx
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome back! I am just starting again too, I have been back for 5 days now and I am hoping this time it sticks! Good luck to you, and remember this is a good community with good people, if you ever need an ear, all you gotta do ask :)
  • pinkfrapel
    pinkfrapel Posts: 1 Member
    Aren’t we all sick of starting again ,again ?
  • jollybabe99
    jollybabe99 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi thanks all! last time i was on here was two years ago joined then didnt go ahead with it! So back tonight learning my way around technology hey x