Can’t stick to my 1200/1300 plan. sugar addict and I start to binge if I have a slip . Tips & advice

I’ve gained 6 kilos and struggling to lose them . I keep experimenting with different daily calories intakes ,different macros ,resorted to keto and intermittent fasting . I can’t seem to stick to anything and it’s depressing me . I can have toast ,rice ,potatoes and any savory carb in regular quantities but i crave chocolate and desserts and I find myself having them if they’re in front of me . And if I have some then i binge . Same goes for wine i can’t stop at one glass ,and I end up overeating after . Please share your tips on how to stick to your daily plan ,avoid binging ,avoid sugar cravings and what calorie intake or macros worked best with you .


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    All or nothing doesn't work for me either. This is why I would never consider's too extreme for me.

    To lose weight and keep it off, you don't need extremes. You need to learn moderation. This takes practice. None of us are perfect, there will be slip ups.

    There is zero evidence that sugar is addictive....yes, I like it more than I should too. Losing weight is just the first step.....if sugar is addictive (I don't think so) are you willing to give up sugar forever?

    Allow yourself 250 "fun" calories everyday (or pick a different number). This allows you to have chocolate OR ice cream OR cookies. Perhaps save the "fun" calories for later in the day. Use individual portion packs or go out for ice cream. Whatever helps you at the start.

    1200 calories may also be an extreme. 1200 is the default minimum here. If you are very short and either sedentary or elderly....carry on. But if this isn't you, re-think your weekly weight loss goal. 1200 is also before exercise. Add a walk.....earn a treat.
  • ZeinaMJ
    ZeinaMJ Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thank you Kommodevaran ,I totally agree with you on all the above ,it’s just difficult for me just to have one or two bites of something sweet it’s addictive . But as you said if you treat it as a forbidden then you’ll end up stuffing your face with it . I also don’t believe in total abstinence from a type of food and moderation is the key ,so I’m trying to work around that .
    Maybe you're right about 1200/1300 calories not being enough for me . I am a 38 year old female ,weigh 136 pounds (61.8 kg) and 5 foot 3 inches (164 cm ) tall ,and I workout 3-4 times a week . I also keep changing my macros trying to find a magic formula that will make me shed the pounds . now I’m working with 40% carbs 30% fat and 30% protein .
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't have much to lose, so it will be tough to continue losing, but contrary to common belief, you're not supposed to eat less, but to accept a slower rate of loss. I suggest upping your calorie target to 1600.

    You can be sure there is no magic formula - most people can thrive on a range of diets (your current split looks good btw), but we can't deprive ourselves too much, for too long, especially when we're surrounded by temptations.

    Moderation is key, but how to practice moderation best, is going to be individual. I do it by planning meals I want to eat, and "in return", strictly following shopping list based on that plan. This means that I don't have more than around one week's "worth" of sweets, crisps, cookies, etc in my house at any time.

    I shouldn't tell you what to think, just keep in mind that telling yourself something you like, is addictive, can be giving it power over you. Eating or not eating, will always, ultimately, be your decision.
  • ZeinaMJ
    ZeinaMJ Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2018
    @teabea I love the idea of having 250 fun calories in your day to play around with . I think there’s too much stress about how much sugar you can have during the week from nutritionists and dietitians when they tell you ,you can have the fun treat once a week as a splurge . I guess everyone has to find out what works for them and stick to .
    I guess I have to aim for more calories ,I’m just scared that going for something like 1400 would make my weight loss sluggish . But logically it would make me more likely to be satisfied and snack less .
    I’m testing the 250 fun calories tomorrow ,thanks for the tip
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Oh, and "the default 1200 calories" is default in the meaning that it's what MFP defaults to, if you pick a too aggressive weightloss rate, and 2 pounds is too much for you at your current weight. It doesn't say anywhere in setup, sadly, but luckily, you came here and asked.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    If you're unsure as to what weightloss goal you should be setting for yourself, a great rule of thumb that is posted often on the boards:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • ZeinaMJ
    ZeinaMJ Posts: 8 Member
    @kommodevaran ,your post has inspired me to stop looking for quick short term fixes and be patient . I get discouraged if I don’t lose much in a week and weigh myself daily to measure progress . I guess I need to start looking at the bigger picture and just let it be without stressing so much about it . Thank you for the motivation
  • ZeinaMJ
    ZeinaMJ Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2018
    @Marilyn0924 I have 17 pounds to lose and I get depressed if I don’t lose 2 pounds a week :sweat_smile: : . Isn’t that too slow of progress ?
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    2 pounds a week with so little to lose is too aggressive and the expectation for that kind of loss is unrealistic and unsustainable as you are discovering. No wonder you feel miserable!
    @kommodevaran is bang on with their advice.
    Be patient, this isn't a race.
  • ZeinaMJ
    ZeinaMJ Posts: 8 Member
    @Marilyn0924 ,yes agreed ,it’s not working with me anyway .. might as well resort to that ,hence upping my calorie intake for the day ,and working with something more realistic . Thanks for the advice :smiley:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    edited April 2018
    zalnasri wrote: »
    @Marilyn0924 I have 17 pounds to lose and I get depressed if I don’t lose 2 pounds a week :sweat_smile: : . Isn’t that too slow of progress ?

    But that's why you're hungry.

    And if you aren't adding in some extra calories when you have an exercise day, you'll be even hungrier. These issues will absolutely end in a binge. Ask me how I know. :lol:

    1200-1300 is way too low. I agree that if you set your goal more reasonably you are more likely to stick to it and you'll actually feel good. Why suffer? Not necessary.
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    I don’t think 1200 to 1300 is too low for 5’3” if you are not exercising. You might need to add more if you are exercising. I’m also 5’3 and mine is set for 1200. Every calorie allotment recommended for me has been around that much.

    I do have some foods I cannot eat - like ice cream. It does not work for me to try to have some foods in moderation - at least not at this time.

    You just need to figure out what works for you.
  • bjcampbell627
    bjcampbell627 Posts: 8 Member
    One thing I will say about sugar is that if I stop eating it completely for a few days I tend to stop craving it.
    When you eat sugar it raises your blood sugar levels very high, then they crash and you crave more. Cutting it out completely is necessary to break this cycle. It is in that sense that they say it's 'addictive'.

    So, even if you have a tiny bit it's going to have that effect on your blood sugar, making you crave more (or just any food to bring the levels up again, it'll make you hungrier).

    I think it's just a case of sheer willpower, for me it's about 3 days and I've broken then cycle. For that you've got to not have it around you, readily available. I understand that might be tricky for some people with families or who work in offices with biscuits, or catering.
  • mazcor536
    mazcor536 Posts: 115 Member
    I’m a chocoholic. I feel moody and deprived if I don’t get a decent helping daily. Keep thinking of that cat sitting in a box meme - “if it fits, I sits”. Same goes for treats. If you can fit them into your calorie allowance then go right ahead. Can you make small healthy changes to your meals? For example, I’ve eaten pasta on maybe three occasions since I started losing weight. I replace it with spiralized courgette (zucchini). Tastes so good, I add a little fresh hot chilli pepper to it on occasion to shake things up, and you can pile your plate high for a fraction of the calories that a bowl of spaghetti would. Turns a 600 calorie spaghetti bolognese into a 300 calorie meal. Even with a sprinkle of cheese on top. That 300 calorie saving I made? Guess what that goes on in the evening once the kids are in bed?
    Mix things up a little. See where you can find alternatives so that you make room for that treat. Good luck!
  • mabelgrex
    mabelgrex Posts: 24 Member
    need to get real and avoid the carbs and not have them in the house, plan out what you need to eat

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    mabelgrex wrote: »
    need to get real and avoid the carbs and not have them in the house, plan out what you need to eat
    I'm always pushing meal planning, I think it's genius. But what do you mean by "the carbs"?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    mabelgrex wrote: »
    need to get real and avoid the carbs and not have them in the house, plan out what you need to eat

    So you don’t think the OP should eat fruits or vegetables?
  • MissConsistency
    MissConsistency Posts: 38 Member
    It all depends on your height and current weight as well. 1200 to 1300 could be way to low for you. Planning your meals ahead in MFP can help you as well.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    If cutting things out makes you miserable, then exercise to "earn" a moderate amount. Pre-log your basic meals for the day and see how many calories you have left - a single serve chocolate biscuit (club, 2-finger kit-kat etc.) is generally about 110 calories, and as its wrapped easier not to binge than putting your hand into a biscuit tin - I keep mine in the garage, collect one for my evening cup of tea and then sit down to enjoy it. Do I want to go back out in the cold for another one? No! If I had a biscuit tin I could easily eat 2 biscuits, or three.....
    If you keep chopping and changing your regime its hard to know what is working and what isn't. St yourself a sensible calorie limit, eat a balanced diet with ALL food groups and eat back at least half of your exercise calories (being honest with yourself - were you really walking 4mph or more like 2.5?)
    Use a food scale and be patient - it didn't go on overnight so it will take a little while to come off (even if you piled it on while on vacation, once back to your normal regime it shouldn't be too difficult to get back to normal!)