belly surgery

I try to get beautiful mid area for years...tons of ab work and on and off diets.I was pregnant twice in my lifetime and seems that all the fat have decided to locate there under that streched skin of my belly.I lose everywhere but there.That roll (I think is called a muffin top)right above the belly button is the worst.I know i have a good,tight muscles under there but i can't see them 'cause fat is on the way!Is plastic surgery my only option?Did anybody was able to acomplish flat stomac any other way or was firce to do the surgery?I've lost over 20 pounds since I started this jurney way before MFP and I'm sliming but NOT THERE!


  • mangirl
    mangirl Posts: 93
    lose more weight. It is hard, BUT YOU CAN DO IT.
  • I've beeen considering smart lipo. My plastic surgeon swears that if I work out it will go away. I have lost a couple of inches around my waist. So I'm going to give it a little time and see what happens. But I do understand your pain. That's where I hold my weight and it so frustrating!!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I'm a guy so this is obviously not from my experience, but I think the level of toning you want is only achievable if you are thinner.
    Best of luck.
  • I had the dreaded "squishy" and had a tummy tuck. If you are considering one, let me caution you on a couple of things - be SURE to get a good plastic surgeon. Interview them, ask others who have had a tuck if they are happy. Don't ask someone who got implants, ask someone who got a tummy sure to be at your goal weight, and plan to stay there....I let myself gain about 10 lbs. It did not show up in my tummy area, but it made the incision sore, and it REALLY showed up on each side of my hips, in the back....Suddenly, i had these giant muffins in the back that I had never had the gained weight redistibutes itself....

    ...and do remember, a tuck is a self-inflicted wound. It is a vanity surgery, not a neccesity is why I call it that. It's a wound that stretches from hip to hip, and involves the removal of a lot of you, as well as an uprooting of your lymphatic system, which has caused me some issues with holding water and fluids..... Mine has been slow to heal, probably because I was a heavy smoker and drinker of wine. I am changing all that now....

    that said' would I do it again? Probably maybe.....but I would do it "better".