Serious Accountability Buddy Needed

xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
edited April 2018 in Motivation and Support
Hey all!

I'm looking for someone who I can stay in constant contact with - I'm talking text, Skype, Discord, whathaveyou. Someone with whom I can get and give motivation, talk exercise, and food. Right now, I'm having a hard time keeping myself going. Having someone else checking in on me will help me over that hump. Somewhere in my age range (mid twenties) would be cool, but not necessary! I use Weight Watchers, but you don't need to!

I'm a middle school social studies teacher. I like video games, cosplay, anime, skiing, sailing, roleplaying, hiking, riding horses, writing, reading, and making bad puns. If that sounds like someone you could put up with for an extended period of time, please give me a shout!

Come on, it'll be fun!



  • bazel25_99
    bazel25_99 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm three months into my journey and down 19 pounds now. I have 13 more to go. I'm also petite, 5'1". I'm in my early 40s. If you are interested, friend me. I can provide encouragement through MFP messages.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    I’m a few years older than you (33) & I have an 8th grade aged daughter (14), so I understand your struggles with balance. My starting weight on MFP was 318 lbs and I’m very close to a 100 lbs loss. I log daily, update daily, write blogs, share recipes I’ve personally made, I can be both a cheerleader and a Drill Sargent if necessary lol. We also have a lot of common interests! Have you ever played Punderdome? It’s a hilariously phunny game and I’m the reigning champ in our household with my stellar “Make a pun using ‘things that make you cry’ & ‘rock & roll’” and my pun was “Only 3 things make me tear up; onions, Guns & Roses.”
  • dirtypanda
    dirtypanda Posts: 1 Member
    I'm an art student and homemaker in San Diego in my mid thirties. I want to get back on track with logging on MFP. I have gained weight progressively over the past 5 years after getting out of the military and having my daughter. Every time I lose some weight, I put it right back on. I could use some more MFP friends to keep me motivated.
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    I'm a former middle school social studies teacher! I've been looking for this kind of accountability! Let's do it! I'm 31 though so hopefully not too old :)
  • X100KLS1992
    X100KLS1992 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey! That's the kind of accountability I need. Feel free to add me