I don't understand how I'm gaining weight



  • mudknuckles
    mudknuckles Posts: 1,417 Member
    Input > output
  • utomjordingen
    utomjordingen Posts: 20 Member
    DanaDark wrote: »
    You are eating more calories than you spend. Simple.

    MFP is a good general guide, but it is not the holy grail of identifying exactly how many calories you need or how many you are using. Additionally, almost everyone on here measures and weighs their foods incorrectly in a way that does not guarantee exact calorie counts. If MFP is overestimating your need by 10% and you're underestimating your intake by 10%, BAM, 20% right there and that is HUGE.

    I just don't understand how I could be eating too much. Some days I eat 1200 + exercise. That couldn't possible be too much for me to gain!
  • utomjordingen
    utomjordingen Posts: 20 Member
    ggirgis44 wrote: »
    ggirgis44 wrote: »
    A few more questions:
    1) Do you mind sharing what types of foods you eat on a regular basis? Since you're vegan, your food groups are limited -- do you focus on whole foods more (grains, fruits, nuts, beans) -- or do you use a lot of prepared/processed foods? Perhaps a balance of both? And do you limit fats at all?
    You're bound to get several people insisting that CICO is king, but I firmly believe that food type is incredibly important in fat assessment. This is speaking from 140 lbs loss experience.
    2) Do you take measurements as well as scale readings? This will help you as you wonder about muscle/fluid/fat gain. Remember that even your bones will increase in density, as your body is healing from the "years," as you've described it, of eating less than your body needs.
    3) Just out of curiosity, your average step intake: is that due to your daily movement or added exercise? How many steps do you normally get without added exercise?
    4) Perhaps TMI, how regular are your bowel movements?

    1) For breakfast I usually eat fruit, oats or cereal. Maybe a toast with pb & tomato if there's nothing else, but i prefer oats or cereal. I never eat lunch because I'm just not hungry in the middle of the day, but I'll have a fruit or some nuts or something like that. Dinner is usually some kind of carb like potatoes with vegan meat (brand anamma right now because we've got the whole freezer full haha!) but sometimes I have breakfast for dinner. In the evening I'll often have some chocolate or maybe crisps if my boyfriend also has some. I snack some too during the days but often on some dry cereal or fruit, but I keep track.

    2) I do, and it says that my body fat is lkie 22 or 21% if I remember correctly.

    3) I usually just walk alot with my boyfriend, out here on the country where we live or in city with friends and it adds up to about 20 000 steps and it says on my step counter that I burn about 600-1200 calories from it depending on how fast I walk. The other day we walked 45 000 and ofc that was alot!

    4) Every other day I think, sometimes less if I eat less, sometimes daily when I eat more

    You're doing an incredible job! Keep feeding your body wholesome foods and you'll see that your weight will stabilize in time. In the meantime, there's absolutely nothing to be worried about weight-wise.
    Eating normally will not cause you to be overweight. If you're anything like me, you probably have that nagging voice in your head that says, "Well, I'd rather undereat than be overweight."
    Please dont listen to this voice. It's not truthful. This voice is using your past mindset to shape your reality. You have to constantly shape your reality by rooting yourself in the facts. No one becomes overweight by eating wholesome foods in moderate portions. Your body is just in a healing process, and I do believe that much of your weight is water weight (with necessary fat, too!). Every gram of carbohydrate is stored with 3 grams of water. As you increase your intake, especially as a vegan, you will see a lot of added water weight.
    I asked you about processed foods not to demonize them; it's important not to alienate foods as you embrace intuitive eating. That being said, many processed foods contain extra sodium (which means extra water weight). Its helpful to know these culprits as they pertain to weight gain. I can gain or lose 10 pounds in a week based on how many processed foods I'm eating (mostly water weight).
    Recovering while eating too many processed foods is counterproductive to the process, because as you see yourself gaining unnecessary weight, you will want to rebound back into old restrictive habits. This happened to me. This is why so many eating disorder recoverers relapse after spending time inpatient. 80/20 is a good mix, and judging from your food descriptions, it sounds like you're on the right track. Just something to be mindful of.

    I'm here for you if you ever want to talk through anything. Again, I admire your strength and perseverance so much. Praying for you throughout the process!

    Thank you so so so so much for this wonderful comment. It really means alot to me to get such support, it truly does. Thank you xx
  • utomjordingen
    utomjordingen Posts: 20 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Andia15 wrote: »
    It could be due to gained muscle in legs from all the walking you do, like you walk a lot so I wouldn't be surprised as muscle weighs more than fat.

    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it's more dense and even with a progressive strength training program you wouldn't expect to see a particularly large gain on the scale for a female, let alone from walking.

    A useful explanation of why this is one of the worst diet myths bandied about https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/weight-loss-plateau-myth-muscle-weighs-more-than-fat/

    To your previcious comment, I was at 42-45 kg a year ago. Since then I've gained to 56, where I am today. I thought that it would stop at about 52, but it just kept going.

    The muscle things, I've been hoping it was that....but I still don't know or understand.

    You gained because you're eating more than you need to maintain, and/or you are overestimating your exercise burns.

    We might be able to spot errors on your logging if you change your Diary Sharing settings to Public: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    I don't really use myfitnesspal more than it's community anymore, I use cronometer to track my nutrition and such, but maybe I could log here for a week or so just to see
  • utomjordingen
    utomjordingen Posts: 20 Member
    Sayanogo wrote: »
    i recommend you reach out to your treatment team and talk to them - you are always in recovery from an ED, and they can potentially help you with some of the conflicting thoughts going on in your mind

    This so very much. If you're in recovery/recovered from an ED, concerns regarding any weight gain or loss should be directed to your treatment providers. If your weight is a concern and you are not actively in therapy, set up an appointment with a professional who can provide guidance.

    I completely agree. I think it's time to reach out to your treatment team (or GP if you don't currently have a team) to discuss how you are feeling and what your body is doing. You sound pretty stressed about it, and it sounds like you are trying to limit your food by over-logging what you are consuming. They will be able to give you the best advice, as professionals who understand the process. :) Take good care of yourself!

    Thank you so much for being so caring. I don't have one, but it costs money here in Sweden when you're over 20, and I really, really can't afford that, having no job at the moment. I've been recovering on my own (with my lovely boyfriend, he is the best support) and it's been alright...It's just frustrating when things like this happens, and I have no one with answers

    I'm not at all familiar with the medical system in Sweden. Are there any support groups or income-based programs you can look at? Even just being around people who share your struggles and are working through them can be great for your headspace.

    There are support groups that are like private, but I just don't think it's helpful. I've tried it, but I didn't really like it that much...
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    DanaDark wrote: »
    You are eating more calories than you spend. Simple.

    MFP is a good general guide, but it is not the holy grail of identifying exactly how many calories you need or how many you are using. Additionally, almost everyone on here measures and weighs their foods incorrectly in a way that does not guarantee exact calorie counts. If MFP is overestimating your need by 10% and you're underestimating your intake by 10%, BAM, 20% right there and that is HUGE.

    I just don't understand how I could be eating too much. Some days I eat 1200 + exercise. That couldn't possible be too much for me to gain!

    Coming from an ED, all of the assumptions and estimates that are made about calories may not apply to you. This may be a situation where you'd be better off seeking advice from someone in person, who knows your situation, your lifestyle, etc and can make more meaningful suggestions.

    Generally speaking... I'd really focus on maintain a healthy weight RANGE, not simply a healthy weight. Easier said than done, for sure, but it sounds like that should be your focus. Give yourself a 10lb range, for example, and use a trend weight app to monitor things. If you see your trend weight getting outside that range (too high OR too low), then adjust.