Anyone created their own fitness plan?

Hi All,

I really need some help from my MFP's! having realised that my weight has, yet again, started creeping up, i feel it is time to get really serious with my exercise. Not only does not exercising affect my weight but my mood changes dramatically. I go from a fairly positive happy person attitude to a miserable "I wish I could just die" sort of mind-set. Which isn't pleasant, either for myself or for my long suffering husband.

SO.... I am planning on organising/ creating my very own official exercise plan (even produce it in hard copy - and laminate if necessary!!!) so I can stick it up and literally tick it off as the days of the week pass. I feel that if I do it this way, i WILL stick to it. You see, unless I write something down, I forget about it. But , if i ever write a list, all items are ticked off in succession, without fail.

My question(s) is(are):

Has anyone else done the same?
Has anyone else managed to stick with their plan and if so, how long have you been doing it now.
What were your results and what did your plan involve.
*Are you happy to share your plan with us for ideas/pointers

I know for sure i will be using the assistance of Jillian Michael's 30DS, BFBM and ripped in 30 as i have NEVER completed any of these and it is my mission to do so.

I also really want to get into runnning. I have tried before but gave up far too soon but have realised that if i am ever to shift these wonderful thunder thights mother nature has so kindly given me, then I need to RUN and RUN LIKE I'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!!!

*i realise this may be a cheeky question and only ask unless someone out there IS happy to share.

Thank you for the time and I look forward to hearing from anyone with their advice.

J x :flowerforyou:


  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    If you really want to get into running, I would highly recommend starting with Couch to 5K. You can download the app if you have a smartphone or you could just look up the plan online and put that into a list or something. It's 3 workouts a week for 10 weeks I think? It's amazing..and that's what got me into running. The first week it was so hard for me to finish the 60 second running intervals and now I'm running 5 miles at a time without stopping! It's such an awesome feeling when you finish it, and then they also have Ease Into 10K if you want to go further after that. I'm almost finished with it, and then I'm planning to move onto a 12-week half marathon training program!

    To answer your question though about the plan, I'm the same way and tend to forget about things if I don't write them down. So I like to put all these workouts in my calendar with all the other things I have to do each day. It's nice to see the entire 10 week program all laid out on the calendar and be able to know when you'll finish it and then plan for the next workout program after that.

    Hope this helps!
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    Hey Jude,

    I've done a calendar for myself and my boyfriend's done the same. We're following our own individual routines, but at the end of each day we mark what we did on our calendar. It's not laminated :) but it is A3 and stuck on our cupboard doors so we can't miss it. That way, when we see a whole load of '-'s in one week, we know we need to stop being lazy!! I'm like you - I feel great when I see progress, but even a day of feeling fat or bloated and I feel miserable. And I definitely can't be bothered to gym on a down day! I've stuck to my calendar for about a month and a half now, and I've managed 3-4 times a week regularly.

    I tried starting to run as cardio. But I've had stamina issues from childhood so it's not my most favourite activity. I went to and found some fat loss routes that include weights and cardio in a balance that works for me. I'm doing that now with a focus on the x-trainer (better than running for me). But if running is your thing then what Maura's suggesting sounds good.

    Another great way to work on your total body is Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga. I tried this for just 2 weeks and saw results. I gave up after that because Christmas had me distracted, but it's a GREAT workout! My flatmate said it helped her thighs and butt a lot because that's her only problem area (she's skinny otherwise).

    Hope this helps.
  • ivette512
    ivette512 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to workout regulary (with trainer), once i couldn't afford that anymore I started to lapse and yikes gain weight. I have decided to get back to it. I am a spreadsheet geek so I created a spreadsheet calender in excel for the month of August and decided what I would do and where. I am trying to finsih couch to 5K (great for you if you want to start running) so I basically worked a schedule around three days of that and then I wanted to take some classes at the gym for cardio to keep things interesting. So I plan on one kickbox class and 1 spin. This is my first week doing this so I can't tell you about results but I'm feeling motivated and have worked out every day this week. I can also check off when I've done it and feel like i've accomplished my goal.

    Next week I'm looking to add in some weight training and I've decided I want to try another kick instructor so the schedule may change some.

    sorry I tried to copy and paste so you could see it but it the formatting is all off.
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    If you really want to get into running, I would highly recommend starting with Couch to 5K. You can download the app if you have a smartphone or you could just look up the plan online and put that into a list or something. It's 3 workouts a week for 10 weeks I think? It's amazing..and that's what got me into running. The first week it was so hard for me to finish the 60 second running intervals and now I'm running 5 miles at a time without stopping! It's such an awesome feeling when you finish it, and then they also have Ease Into 10K if you want to go further after that. I'm almost finished with it, and then I'm planning to move onto a 12-week half marathon training program!

    To answer your question though about the plan, I'm the same way and tend to forget about things if I don't write them down. So I like to put all these workouts in my calendar with all the other things I have to do each day. It's nice to see the entire 10 week program all laid out on the calendar and be able to know when you'll finish it and then plan for the next workout program after that.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks very much for your reply. I had heard about Couch to 5K and I would really like to give it a go. I have tried running in the past and I quite enjoyed it but just didn't keep it up. I didn't follow any programme though so I just kind of did things my own way (whicih is probably why I failed!) I shall definitely be including C25K in my training as I think it'll really help my thunder thighs!! :-) THANKS VERY MUCH x
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    Hey Jude,

    I've done a calendar for myself and my boyfriend's done the same. We're following our own individual routines, but at the end of each day we mark what we did on our calendar. It's not laminated :) but it is A3 and stuck on our cupboard doors so we can't miss it. That way, when we see a whole load of '-'s in one week, we know we need to stop being lazy!! I'm like you - I feel great when I see progress, but even a day of feeling fat or bloated and I feel miserable. And I definitely can't be bothered to gym on a down day! I've stuck to my calendar for about a month and a half now, and I've managed 3-4 times a week regularly.

    I tried starting to run as cardio. But I've had stamina issues from childhood so it's not my most favourite activity. I went to and found some fat loss routes that include weights and cardio in a balance that works for me. I'm doing that now with a focus on the x-trainer (better than running for me). But if running is your thing then what Maura's suggesting sounds good.

    Another great way to work on your total body is Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga. I tried this for just 2 weeks and saw results. I gave up after that because Christmas had me distracted, but it's a GREAT workout! My flatmate said it helped her thighs and butt a lot because that's her only problem area (she's skinny otherwise).

    Hope this helps.

    I'm glad i'm not the only one who likes to make charts for stuff! I even had an excel spreadsheet counting down my wedding a couple of years back!!
    Must admit, i've never heard of Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga but am willing to give anything a try so I may look into that. I do have a pilates DVD which is quite short so i am thinking of sticking some of that in my plan to just mix it up a bit. I'm actually quite enjoying all this already, just doing a bit of research first. I may report further on my "Plan" so watch this space!! Thanks again for your help.
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I used to workout regulary (with trainer), once i couldn't afford that anymore I started to lapse and yikes gain weight. I have decided to get back to it. I am a spreadsheet geek so I created a spreadsheet calender in excel for the month of August and decided what I would do and where. I am trying to finsih couch to 5K (great for you if you want to start running) so I basically worked a schedule around three days of that and then I wanted to take some classes at the gym for cardio to keep things interesting. So I plan on one kickbox class and 1 spin. This is my first week doing this so I can't tell you about results but I'm feeling motivated and have worked out every day this week. I can also check off when I've done it and feel like i've accomplished my goal.

    Next week I'm looking to add in some weight training and I've decided I want to try another kick instructor so the schedule may change some.

    sorry I tried to copy and paste so you could see it but it the formatting is all off.

    I can't afford the gym these days as I replaced my gym membership with a mortgage (fool!) so will be trying to do as much as I can spending as little as I can. I do have a HRM and about 3 of Jillian Michael's DVD's though so will be using these a lot to. I think C25K is definitely going to be something i'll be focusing on heavily with my plan. Thanks for your reply. I may friend request ya! hope you don't mind x