I'm really loving the Atkins approach!

I could never stick to WW. I was always obsessed with what my next meal would be and how much points I'd have remaining. I like that Atkins has boundaries and restrictions. I need and appreciate that structure. Since I was never someone to eat a lot of fruit or whole grains, the only food group that this plan is affecting are the sweets and white grains. I think that's a good thing. Anybody you ask will tell you that if you are trying to lose weight, you should stay away from the Wonder bread! lol

Since I've started the program, I've drastically increased the amount of lean protein and veggies that I eat. I feel great, and the weight is coming off. I'm very excited, and would love to hear about other people's experience with this life plan =)


  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I tried it and the very first time I did it, I lost 30 lbs... however I gained it all back because I went back to my old habits. I tried it again a few months back and was not able to stick with it because I got bored..... I really need my dairies and fruits......Good luck to you and as a side note I did like it when I tried it the first time. :)
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    good luck! atkins can work, but it is tough.

    i tried Atkins and lost 25 lbs in 30 days ... gained it all back in 2 months.

    it is just to hard to follow for me, way to restrictive and very hard to manage outside of your home.

    plus, you are pretty much masking the reasons why you are over weight when you go on diets like this.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Atkins was a genius, when you think about his diet method. He knew burning more calories than you take into your body was the right approach, but it was a hard concept for people to follow. The majority of people who are in really good shape have cut back on carbohydrates to an expectable level, but it's calorie reduction, nonetheless. Meats, in general, have fewer calories than things like breads, pastas, and other high calorie, high-carbohydrate meals; therefore, weight-loss will occur. A serving of almost any vegetable--green beans, broccoli, and so on--is less than seventy-five calories. This means a serving of chicken breast, a vegetable, and a starch would easily be less than four hundred calories--which means three meals like this would amount to about twelve hundred calories. What am I saying? I'm basically saying that you've stumbled on one of the best methods for truly losing weight, as long as you're doing it the right way. Balance your meals so you don't feel like you've deprived your body.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    The only way Atkins will work is fi you stick with it long-term and make it a lifestyle change (or at least stick to some low-carb plan).

    I think it's the healthiest and best way to be fit, but again, there's not much point if you ever plan on going back to eating the standard american diet.

    That's why I think this type of plan is more sustainable (for me anyways) than a calorie counting plan. As much as I love this little community and the tools it has to help count calories, I do not want to spend the rest of my life counting every calorie eaten.

    On a high-fat, low -carb diet, I can actually trust my body and know that if I stick to just not eating grains and sugar, I will not gain weight.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    The only way Atkins will work is fi you stick with it long-term and make it a lifestyle change (or at least stick to some low-carb plan).

    I think it's the healthiest and best way to be fit, but again, there's not much point if you ever plan on going back to eating the standard american diet.

    That's why I think this type of plan is more sustainable (for me anyways) than a calorie counting plan. As much as I love this little community and the tools it has to help count calories, I do not want to spend the rest of my life counting every calorie eaten.

    On a high-fat, low -carb diet, I can actually trust my body and know that if I stick to just not eating grains and sugar, I will not gain weight.

    I totally agree with this. Any diet you choose should be a lifestyle change. It is so annoying when people say "well, as soon as you get off it, you will gain the weight back." Well, that also goes with any other eating plan too. As soon as you start doing things you are not supposed to be doing, the weight will creep back.

    What I like most about this is that it places so much emphasis on veggies and unprocessed foods. I do high-protein and "mediun" fat lol. I would never be okay with eating a pound of bacon. But a few strips of turkey bacon with a vegetable omelet...YUMMY!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This approach can work really well for some. But you have to embrace it as a lifestyle. You probably won't ever be able to go back to eating a traditional diet without gaining the weight back.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    This approach can work really well for some. But you have to embrace it as a lifestyle. You probably won't ever be able to go back to eating a traditional diet without gaining the weight back.

    Exactly. And I don't want to go back to eating a traditional diet. Eating a typical American diet is what got me here in the first place. Whatever plan anyone choses should be embraced as a lifestyle change.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Atkins if a great way to lose weight and keep it off. Glad you're enjoy it so far! :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This approach can work really well for some. But you have to embrace it as a lifestyle. You probably won't ever be able to go back to eating a traditional diet without gaining the weight back.

    Exactly. And I don't want to go back to eating a traditional diet. Eating a typical American diet is what got me here in the first place. Whatever plan anyone choses should be embraced as a lifestyle change.
    I just wish someone had told me this years ago. I just didn't know.
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 111 Member
    The only way I can lose weight is to limit my carbs too.......I did Atkins and/South beach and lost a ton of weight but would gain it back when I let the triggers get me to binge again..........I am trying to keep my carbs between 60-75gm a day which is way less than this website shows but you can still have some good carbs like a piece of wheat bread and lose weight. As long as we eat healthy carbs like veggies and berries and keep my fats/proteins/carbs and calories numbers in line I think the pounds will steadily fall off!

  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I could never stick to WW. I was always obsessed with what my next meal would be and how much points I'd have remaining. I like that Atkins has boundaries and restrictions. I need and appreciate that structure. Since I was never someone to eat a lot of fruit or whole grains, the only food group that this plan is affecting are the sweets and white grains. I think that's a good thing. Anybody you ask will tell you that if you are trying to lose weight, you should stay away from the Wonder bread! lol

    Since I've started the program, I've drastically increased the amount of lean protein and veggies that I eat. I feel great, and the weight is coming off. I'm very excited, and would love to hear about other people's experience with this life plan =)

    I've been doing Atkins for almost 6 months, and I'm doing great! I had to go cold-turkey on my refined carbs, but now I don't have any cravings for that "carbage". I have totally made this a lifestyle. I've been long-term Induction this whole time, but I have a long way to go (thanks, to the Standard American Diet)! Good luck! You can friend me if you like!
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    I love the Atkins lifestyle. I have so much energy now and I am never hungry. It suits my diabetes perfectly too.
    Feel free to add me anyone that wishes to. :)
  • kittrelle
    I tried it and the very first time I did it, I lost 30 lbs... however I gained it all back because I went back to my old habits. I tried it again a few months back and was not able to stick with it because I got bored..... I really need my dairies and fruits......Good luck to you and as a side note I did like it when I tried it the first time. :)

    Hey! You know after 2 weeks when you enter the OWL (ongoing weight loss) phase you can add back in dairy and fruits, right?? Might want to take a second look if you're interested in a re-do!! :)