Restarting again

vickylc17 Posts: 19 Member
Restarted a diet yet AGAIN today! Here’s to a successful journey this time!...anyone else care to share stories?


  • jonathanthewlis
    jonathanthewlis Posts: 143 Member
    I’ve used mfp to track my calories and macros as I’m bulking and cutting at the same time. I’m roughly under 300 calories a day below my target, and about double my protein macros and half my fat macros, I’m losing about 3lb a week in fat and getting good muscle strength and gains, ive done this since the end of jan!. Good luck!!!!!!
  • vickylc17
    vickylc17 Posts: 19 Member
    I do not understand the macros!!...ive recently tried the keto diet. Managed to loose 5lbs over 4 weeks
  • vickylc17
    vickylc17 Posts: 19 Member
    I am now trying out a VLCD using meal replacement bars. Lost a stone last year over 2 and a half months so i know i can do it ... bring on the summer body lol
  • vickylc17
    vickylc17 Posts: 19 Member
    I just like to see results and fast...last time i lost the weight i managed to keep it off with a healthy diet eating balanced meals. But then christmas came along and i couldnt resist temptation so put all the weight back on lol. Gna go it again but keep it off this time!!...she says haha
  • huffdaddy3
    huffdaddy3 Posts: 13 Member
    I have started and stopped 1 million times. Its frustrating plus the soreness of starting /stopping that is crazy. being consistant is the key. It took me awhile to understand that.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited April 2018
    You do NOT have to eat LESS to lose weight, you just have to eat the right things.
    a calorie deficit under your BMR will always create weight loss, thats just how the body works, but you can still eat regularly during the day, but with nutritionally sound foods and not empty calories.

    Calorie deficit doesn't have to be under your BMR to create weight loss, it just needs to be under your TDEE. People still get fat eating "healthy", you only need to take a 5 minute read of the diet board here with all the "I am working out 5 times a week and eating clean, why am I not losing weight" threads.
  • JenSchimanski
    JenSchimanski Posts: 77 Member
    If I could share anything with someone starting on the weight loss journey for the 1st, 5th or like me 100th time it would be to start with your goals set at maintenance calories for a week. Achieve that then change goal to losing 250gm per week, Third week goal 500gm one month into using MFP set goal to 750gm loss per week. I think you will find the increments much easier to work with than I WANT TO LOSE 1kg per week calorie goal. let you body get use to the structured logging first and then make small changes. Good Luck
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    know the feeling, was almost at ideal weight, but for some reason, gained a lot of it back, however, it is proving hard to shift now, and with summer coming up, getting worried
  • michaelpriceuk3760
    michaelpriceuk3760 Posts: 11 Member
    Just started back up myself properly this week , made a diet plan got a gym routine and set a goal which I am determined to achieve! Good look in your fitness journey !
  • Akmauser
    Akmauser Posts: 51 Member
    Good luck!

    Started April 2017 and lost 65 pounds in eight months. Still ate the same foods, just much less of them. I was pretty hard core the first two months and then realized it was a good idea to take one day off every week and eat maintenance calories for my current weight at that time.

    The holiday season was rough and I gained 14 pounds back.
  • JKJ1984
    JKJ1984 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just starting again too! trying to combine food diary and calorie goal with some of the ideas from THM, mainly cutting out the harmful empty carbs and splitting my fuels between meals. I started last week and have dropped .7 pounds so far, but I also tend to yo-yo across a 3-4 pound range so it's hard to tell if it's working this soon. My problem is sticking with it! Years ago I did this and used my fitbit to track my activity, but when life got busy I gradually bumped it to the side. I'm 5'6" and 171.6 pounds right now, and want to get back to my felt-good weight of 140 (give or take). I need to make a concious effort to fight the snack demon, it always wants to be fed my favorite unhealthy stuff.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    vickylc17 wrote: »
    I just like to see results and fast...last time i lost the weight i managed to keep it off with a healthy diet eating balanced meals. But then christmas came along and i couldnt resist temptation so put all the weight back on lol. Gna go it again but keep it off this time!!...she says haha

    This time will only be different if you do something different. Namely, develop new, healthier habits.
  • lady_tasia
    lady_tasia Posts: 13 Member
    Started tracking seriously again today. I'd fallen back into my bad habit of under-eating. Last year I lost 30# by making certain I actually ate enough. I need to remember to eat the fuel my body needs.
  • jayneboz
    jayneboz Posts: 2 Member
    JKJ1984 wrote: »
    I'm just starting again too! trying to combine food diary and calorie goal with some of the ideas from THM, mainly cutting out the harmful empty carbs and splitting my fuels between meals. I started last week and have dropped .7 pounds so far, but I also tend to yo-yo across a 3-4 pound range so it's hard to tell if it's working this soon. My problem is sticking with it! Years ago I did this and used my fitbit to track my activity, but when life got busy I gradually bumped it to the side. I'm 5'6" and 171.6 pounds right now, and want to get back to my felt-good weight of 140 (give or take). I need to make a concious effort to fight the snack demon, it always wants to be fed my favorite unhealthy stuff.

  • jayneboz
    jayneboz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Im the same height and weight as you and my goal would be around 140lbs too! I started last Fri but havent weighed in yet! My baby is 3 months old so im only getting to enjoy wine again recently and not ready to give it up again yet so thats gonna bey downfall i reckon!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    To be successful at losing and keeping the weight off takes finding a sustainable way of eating less/same as you burn.

    That's why 'diet's don't work, they all have an end date.

    Find what works for you and stick with it. I know I have; counting calories - no food groups were cut out or foods thought of as 'bad'. I'm approaching 5 years at maintenance.
  • UntilProud
    UntilProud Posts: 277 Member
    It's all about discipline and trusting the process! Make it easier on yourself! Add me! I'm always excited for new friends!
  • BeccaBenge98
    BeccaBenge98 Posts: 19 Member
    vickylc17 wrote: »
    I just like to see results and fast...last time i lost the weight i managed to keep it off with a healthy diet eating balanced meals. But then christmas came along and i couldnt resist temptation so put all the weight back on lol. Gna go it again but keep it off this time!!...she says haha

    This time will only be different if you do something different. Namely, develop new, healthier habits.

    Starting over as well!! It's been about 3 months of going off the rails. Time to be a Trim Healthy Mamma!! I don't even want to weigh myself. Sigh...