Women Over 50 Any Suggestions

Struggling with 30 lbs. Since hysterectomy it doesn’t come off as easy as it use to.
Suggestions on amount of calorie intake, a good level of sugars and carbs would help.
How can I get guidance from my daily intake for the best way to proceed?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Are you losing more slowly than expected? Are you struggling to stick to your calorie goal? Have you tried the calorie intake MFP suggests when you pick a weekly loss of 1 pound? I would suggest you don't worry about sugar and carbs in the beginning, just get used to logging correctly.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I had hystetectomy years ago and am 61. I use the calories mfp calculated for me and have stuck to it at 1400. Have lost at a slow steady pace.
    What are you looking for?
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    First you get cleared by your dr.
  • Glamaw2017
    Glamaw2017 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I need a buddy
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    What numbers did MFP give you to lose say 1lb a week? It'll tell you the calories to eat at to lose and also the macros it presets everyone with are OK. Start with that, track your intake consistently and accurately and weight loss will follow.

    All the best.
  • CarolPre
    CarolPre Posts: 1,859 Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm 59 and post hysterectomy. I used the calories that MFP said I should use and walked as my exercise.
  • Linda_Lou_62
    Linda_Lou_62 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't understand why I had a weight loss this week. Nothing has changed I still stay under my calorie intake. anyone else had this problem. my food diary is open so I think anyone can look at it. I am open to ideas
  • cmh308
    cmh308 Posts: 317 Member
    I don't understand why I had a weight loss this week. Nothing has changed I still stay under my calorie intake. anyone else had this problem. my food diary is open so I think anyone can look at it. I am open to ideas

    It would be best for you to start your own thread with this question instead of hijacking someone else's thread with an unrelated question.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I’m 62, had a complete hysterectomy at age 49. I agree with the advice to plug your numbers in here and
    log faithfully. I have been doing exactly that since the third week of January and have lost 20 pounds. It’s been a lot easier than I thought, once you get the hang of logging it becomes a habit (it did for me). Along with the pounds lost, I’m losing inches and my blood pressure is way down (very happy about that, it was high). I honestly don’t think my age has made it any more difficult. Best of luck to you!
    Edited to add, I use the breakdown of protein, carbs and fat that MyFitnessPal suggests. I don’t hit those exactly but I come pretty close. I pay close attention to the protein and make sure I’m on point there.

    You are my sister in health recovery. Yes I may be 61 but I am having successes as well as lowering B/P too......I am with you on all of it!
  • shelleycyw6199
    shelleycyw6199 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for pointers. I don’t think I let MFP calculate my goals. I need to do this but not sure how. I tried this app before and didn’t stick with it but this time I am determined. It’s either this or buy new clothes, lol. Anyone have quick tips to get MFP to do my calculations?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks for pointers. I don’t think I let MFP calculate my goals. I need to do this but not sure how. I tried this app before and didn’t stick with it but this time I am determined. It’s either this or buy new clothes, lol. Anyone have quick tips to get MFP to do my calculations?

    When you were setting up your account you would have told MFP you wanted to lose 1lb a week for example - once you saved that information the app would have calculated it for you. So if you haven't, go into settings and goals and put in your information there.
  • shelleycyw6199
    shelleycyw6199 Posts: 5 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    I’m 62, had a complete hysterectomy at age 49. I agree with the advice to plug your numbers in here and
    log faithfully. I have been doing exactly that since the third week of January and have lost 20 pounds. It’s been a lot easier than I thought, once you get the hang of logging it becomes a habit (it did for me). Along with the pounds lost, I’m losing inches and my blood pressure is way down (very happy about that, it was high). I honestly don’t think my age has made it any more difficult. Best of luck to you!
    Edited to add, I use the breakdown of protein, carbs and fat that MyFitnessPal suggests. I don’t hit those exactly but I come pretty close. I pay close attention to the protein and make sure I’m on point there.

    You are my sister in health recovery. Yes I may be 61 but I am having successes as well as lowering B/P too......I am with you on all of it!

  • shelleycyw6199
    shelleycyw6199 Posts: 5 Member
    I had my surgery at 50, 2 years ago. I lost 20 lbs. before surgery as I had read how difficult it is after and weight gain can be an issue. Once my body realized I was now in menopause I gained back the 20 and then an extra 10! I’ve been struggling with it ever since so hoping I can keep with this.
  • shelleycyw6199
    shelleycyw6199 Posts: 5 Member
    I need someone or something (this app) to tell me what food to avoid and what habits to change. So far it has made suggestions on some foods to avoid but any other thoughts keep them coming.
  • cmh308
    cmh308 Posts: 317 Member
    I need someone or something (this app) to tell me what food to avoid and what habits to change. So far it has made suggestions on some foods to avoid but any other thoughts keep them coming.

    You don't need to avoid any food. All you need to do is follow your calorie guidelines set by MFP, WEIGH ALL OF YOUR FOOD, and live your life.
  • jjtweb
    jjtweb Posts: 37 Member
    I'm over 50 and according to my Dr. we loose slower. However I have lost my greatest amount of weight after 50. Find how many calories you need to live there are calculators online. Then decide how many calories you can stick with. The difference will add up to weight loss. Yes it may be slow but if you can live with that type of eating style it won't matter as it will come off. Add in exercise but don't eat those calories. Go high protein and fiber. Your other macro's will fall in line. Just make it healthy eating and the closer to whole foods you can get the better off you are. For more reasons than dieting. A lot of people will say a calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter what you eat. Maybe that is true. However we are facing years that decline faster than in our 20's. The healthier you eat and the more active you are the better off you will be in your 60's. Look at it long term just not in pounds.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    The calculated calories that mfp gives you is yours to spend as you see fit.
    Quit having a diet mentality. There is no magic...no naughty foods...no certain time to eat just calories in calories out.
    Log log log!!!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    This is a training ground for the rest of your life.
    A DIET means a jump in jump off circus clown show!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,777 Member
    I'm 62, lost 50+ pound in just less than a year at age 59-60 (while hypothyroid, BTW) and have stayed at a healthy weight since. This would be my suggestion about how to handle the eating side of it (it's pretty much what I did, just with the floundering and false starts left out! ;) ).


    You can do this . . . and you'll be so glad you did! :)