Success before Sixty

JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
Nineteen months ago, I turned 58. I felt awful. Not because of my age but because of my weight. I am 5’6” tall and I weighed 242.5 lbs. I didn’t exercise, I could barely get off the couch without getting on my hands and knees. I couldn’t climb a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. My knees hurt and my own snoring woke me up at night.

My diet was horrible, I ate junk food by the bag and box full. I was getting too big for movie seats, theater seats and airplane seats. I hated the way I looked, I hated the way I felt. Worst of all, I was pretty sure I was looking forward to an old age of pain and illness.

Then, I saw an Apple ad for iPhone apps for the holidays. One was for calorie-tracking. I remember it being for MFP although it may not have been. Fifteen years before and ten years before that, I had gone on major diets and kept track of everything I ate. It was a real pain - having to look up calorie (or WW point) counts and write everything on special forms. But both times, it worked and I ended up at a healthy and happy weight.

What was holding me back was that I didn’t STAY at that weight. I gained everything I’d lost back again plus more. My family and friends all said nothing but I was embarrassed to think of what a big deal I’d made of my weight loss and then failed to keep it off.

I decided to give losing weight one LAST attempt. I would use the MFP app but this time I had one and only one goal - to not gain the weight back. I wasn’t going to say anything to anyone, not even my husband. I used the MFP tools to calculate how many calories I’d have to eat to maintain my ideal weight. I figured if I ate that much every day and exercised, then I’d lose weight and, by the time I was done, I’d already be eating at my maintenance level. And I started an MFP blog to figure out how to keep the weight off. I gave myself two years - my 60th birthday - to get there. This was my last chance, I thought. If I don’t get this done this time, then I am doomed to a miserable last third of my life. (Yeah, I was depressed, too.)

I’ve learned a lot over the past 19 months. I won’t tire you with all of it here. You can visit my blog: and learn the whole story. Here are a few of the things I did:

I weigh myself every morning but there’s only a once a week “official” weight. I’ve learned my weight fluctuates up and down and I don’t stress about even four pounds up if they start coming off before the next official weigh-in.

I eat whatever I want but I record ALL of it. For cryin’ out loud, I started on my BIRTHDAY, and within two weeks it was Christmas and New Year’s. I ate cake and chocolate and drank champagne and recorded it all. This time is different because I don’t crave anything - I savor my special treats and I space them out. And I don’t waste any calories on junk food, thank goodness I’ve lost my taste for it.

I haven’t learned to be an ingredients label reader so much as I’ve learned to eat food s that don’t need an ingredients label. (Thanks to RefusetoRegain for that idea.)

I eat my exercise calories. I get an hour of cardio exercise on an elliptical trainer every day with about two days off a month. This summer, I’ve added an extra cardio hour getting out on my bicycle because I love it and now I’m working my way through the Couch to 5k program. I invest the money I’m saving from not eating junk food into music and audio books to keep from getting bored on the elliptical.

I don’t tell anybody how much weight I’ve lost. I’m not into celebrating how fat and unhappy I used to be. Those days are gone. I spend my time thinking about how happy I am now and how healthy I look. I’ve paid my lifetime dues on being humble and unhappy about my looks. It’s nothing but pride from now on.

I’m posting this today because I’ve had two weeks of official weigh-ins at a healthy BMI. I’m down to where I was after those last two diets. It’s taken me twice as long but I don’t care. I still only have one goal - don’t gain the weight back. I’m happy with the way I’m eating and exercising and I don’t plan on changing anything. If I exercise and track what I eat today then I’ve fulfilled my goal.

Ok, one more thing and then the pictures. The reason I’m posting this at all is to pay forward all the MFP people who’ve inspired me. I owe a shout-out to every single person who has ever posted in an MFP forum but I especially owe a few folks:

Caspero - - for making me laugh and for coming back to MFP after a major injury. You are an inspiration.

TamiShumate - - she’s shared her journey all along. She embodies determination and persistence.

The Black Team - - this group is all about taking personal responsibility and never giving up no matter what life throws at you and life has thrown just about everything it can at them. I’m very grateful they’ve let me sit quietly in the corner, listen and learn.

Ok, here’s what you’ve all been waiting for: stats and pics.

I’m 5’6” tall. I turn 60 this year. When I joined MFP, I weighed 242.5 pounds, an all-time high. As of yesterday, I officially weigh 154 pounds, my second week at a healthy BMI. For the first and last time: I’ve lost a total of 88.5 pounds. My goal: to stay at a healthy BMI for the rest of my life. I’d like to lose more but every pound from now on is just protection from ever returning to that unhealthy and unhappy person I was for too long.

I’ve posted my “during” pictures in my profile. I’ve posted some life history pictures in my blog. But here’s my official “before and after”:



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Wow, you look absolutely amazing, and about 30 years old! You're an absolute inspiration :flowerforyou:
  • jm3561
    jm3561 Posts: 1
    Wow, today is my first day and your post is exactly what I need to hear! Congratulations to you!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I have saved the link and will get back and read your whole story as I really want to know all the details. But for now - I just had a gander at your photos over time - and - speechless. Absolutely stunning success - you deserve high accolades - good on you :)
  • Very inspiring. Thank You!
  • AmyS618
    AmyS618 Posts: 37 Member
    You look terrific! Thanks so much for sharing your story and philosophy!
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    You look amazing! Thanks for sharing. Congrats!
  • aross362
    aross362 Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats! You are amazing. I am going to show your post to my Mom. She will be 58 this fall and she has given up. I have been a mfp user for a couple of months. I have lost 13lbs and counting. What I cannot believe is how easy it is to do the right thing. Of course my goal is smaller than most. I think everyone's goal is important, especially because they made the choice to make a goal. I hope your story will inspire her. Thanks
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Thanks for your story. This is my first day, and that's the kind of story I needed to see. I'm 59.5 and hoping to reach my goal by age 60, too. :-) This past weekend, I hosted a family reunion and noticed in the pictures that I'm fat! I suspected as much, and my husband has dropped not so subtle hints, so it's time to get serious and drop 40 lbs. I'm still having problems from a knee injury I suffered a little over 3 months ago, so I can't exercise at full speed. I'm open to suggestions for knee strengthening exercises that don't hurt excessively. I tore a tendon and, by my understanding, pulled off a piece of bone. I can walk, but not the miles or at the speed I had before the injury. Navigating stairs is still slow and somewhat painful. Guess I'd better get to work on my exercising now.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    FABULOUS job!!! you look great!! hard work pays off, you just need to keep going, and I am so glad you did!!
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    FABULOUS job!!! you look great!! hard work pays off, you just need to keep going, and I am so glad you did!!

    Thanks Tami. That means a lot coming from you.
  • I would never have guessed you were even close to 60 from your picture!
    Congratulations, you officially rock!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sooooo glad you opened up and shared!!

    Wonderful job!!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    FABULOUS job!!! you look great!! hard work pays off, you just need to keep going, and I am so glad you did!!

    Thanks Tami. That means a lot coming from you.

    I didnt mean YOU just need to keep going, I meant that is the attitude everyone should have, Keep on trucking till you make your goal, no matter how hard it is... That is what I meant, Sorry I have a cold my brain is fuzzy.
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    FABULOUS job!!! you look great!! hard work pays off, you just need to keep going, and I am so glad you did!!

    Thanks Tami. That means a lot coming from you.

    I didnt mean YOU just need to keep going, I meant that is the attitude everyone should have, Keep on trucking till you make your goal, no matter how hard it is... That is what I meant, Sorry I have a cold my brain is fuzzy.

    LOL. I knew what you meant :-) But I did appreciate the "Fabulous" ! And you are my inspiration for hard work and determination. BTW, I love your new profile photo. Your arms rock!
  • knightla
    knightla Posts: 2 Member
    You look fantastic! What an inspiring story! Thanks for sharing with us.
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    You're an absolute inspiration
  • carrieblue052
    carrieblue052 Posts: 41 Member
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    Wow!! Not only do you look fabulous, but your attitude and approach to get healthy is awesome. This is how I am trying to approach mine. Your posting is just more inspiration to keep doing it. Thank you!
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member

    I haven’t learned to be an ingredients label reader so much as I’ve learned to eat food s that don’t need an ingredients label. (Thanks to RefusetoRegain for that idea.)

    This is an awesome thought! You look amazing! Congrats on all your healthy changes!
  • BlondieSuess
    BlondieSuess Posts: 36 Member
    Very inspring! You have made my day better and have inspired me to continue on my journey to being the more happy/healthier me. Thank you and congrats!
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