NC Newbie on Keto/Paleo - 50lbs to lose!

char1iej Posts: 36 Member
edited April 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I posted the following on Facebook 3/28/18. I figured it would be a good way to introduce myself here...
Hi, my name is Charlie and I am a food carb-oholic.

In all seriousness, I am addicted to food, especially carbs. And, it is going to kill me if I don't change things. I LOVE to eat! I've often joked that I could eat as a hobby. But, it's not a joking matter anymore.

The heart attack in 2012 was a wake up call. I did better for a couple years, but have fallen back in old habits -- and worse yet, I weigh even more now than I did at the time of my heart attack.

This morning, I saw a picture of myself from 2003 and one taken yesterday -- Whew, I've gotten fat. Not chubby or plump. I'm F.A.T. And, I don't like the way I look. I weigh 242 lbs, to be exact. Recently, I had some blood work done. The results were UNACCEPTABLE. Enough is enough!

TODAY, I change the game!
My goals:
* 192 lbs (or a lil less)
* LOWER my glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, BMI

Chastise me, pray for me, make fun of me, hold me accountable, help me, love me...but, most of all please encourage me as I get started. This is NOT going to be easy, especially with limited energy, insomnia & chronic pain issues. But, I am going to LOSE 50 pounds or die (literally).

Since then, I started a Keto/Paleo eating plan. And, I've already lost 6.5 lbs. Glad to be a part of the forums! char1iej


  • pinchaninch1
    pinchaninch1 Posts: 8 Member
    Well done! I did Keto for a week and cracked today. It is very extreme! I think restricting fruit and veg made me crack. Paleo for me
  • wheelholder
    wheelholder Posts: 34 Member
    Willing to help you and maybe you can help me as well, shoot me a friend request
  • dangerousdashie
    dangerousdashie Posts: 119 Member
    I have been Paleo for about 8 years and keto for 4 years (1.5 without going off). Send me request if you want to connect!
  • maymwah
    maymwah Posts: 10 Member
    Im curious about the keto diet
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Day 10 on keto and loving it! Feel free to add me!
  • terri4125
    terri4125 Posts: 1 Member
    I started Keto on 4/7/18 and have lost 3 pounds. Carb cravings are diminishing.
  • Juniper1212
    Juniper1212 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I’m on day 5 of Keto, after doing mostly paleo/low carb to lose 100 lbs. about 15 of that has crept back on, so I’m going full Keto again to give myself a jumpstart.
    Problem is, I’ve had the worst headache the last 2 days! Tried caffeine, essential oils, Advil, magnesium. What’s the deal with the headaches? Anyone have a trick to get rid of them? I already drink a ton of water...
    Thanks! Jenn
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Drink something electrolytes, drinking a ton of water is counterproductive.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome. I suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group. It's one of the largest and most active groups in MFP and where many Ketophiles tend to hang out:
  • char1iej
    char1iej Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2018
    THANKS for the warm welcome folks. I'm sending out those friends requests right now. I appreciate the advice and encouragement. I'm already down 13 pounds & lovin' it!
  • Keto60man
    Keto60man Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Charlie. I have been on keto and lost some weight. I think it’s the way to go. Kinda learning as I go. I do have a few tips. I wish you well. Serious stuff. Carbs are not worth dying for. Not sure how to message. Maybe someone can help me. New to this program
  • SteveP999Tx
    SteveP999Tx Posts: 21 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good job Charlie! I'm right there with you.

    I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago because I promised a friend I would run in his 5k. A big bucket-list thing for me. Ran the race proudly and got a chocolate shake on the way home to celebrate. I never stopped drinking that shake. For years.

    Flash forward to New Years Day this year. Participated in the local Polar Bear Plunge. My profile picture was on the front page of the local paper of my fat butt bellyflopping into the 17 degree pool ( was cold). I figured it was time to make an effort. Gave up sugary sodas that day. Dropped about 7 pounds over a couple of months. Then started Keto 3 weeks ago. 25 pounds since day 1. 18 in 21 days. And I'm eating a ton and foods I love to eat. It's an amazing feeling to see results. I feel like someone is letting the air out of the balloon.

    If you need a (little bit less than a few weeks ago) fat guy to bounce questions or anything off of, I'm willing. Seeing other people do it is an inspiration and provides motivation to me.