Hmm I seem to have stalled.

I have kinda stalled at 12 lbs loss I want to lose another 80lb

I have taken up biking and have about 6 routes ranging from 10 to 22 Miles.

I bike about 4 times a week, sometimes more. Usually about 15 - 16 Miles sometimes 10 or 22, up hills, cycle paths, roads, canal side... very varied sometimes it's burnout up a 1 mile incline sometimes it's spinning 30 Mile an hour down an a road

I have in a panic decided to ignore my excersise calories. I thought I would stick to my goal of 1580 and use only 1/3rd of my excercise calories.

My most common route length is 15 Miles this earns me about 1400 calories it seems counter productive to then eat them all.

Is this the wrong thing to do.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Maybe up it to eating 1/2 of the cals back instead of a 1/3. You do need to eat to fuel your workouts.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    My most common route length is 15 Miles this earns me about 1400 calories it seems counter productive to then eat them all.

    Are you using a Heart Rate Monitor to make sure that calorie count is right?

    Maybe try to eat a little more of your calories back, pre-workout. You'll have more energy for the workout and maybe your body just needs mroe fuel?
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    I know how you feel... I'm working out like a fiend after years of being sedentary and I'm not seeing stunning results on the scale. I'm trying not to panic or get discouraged - I figure sooner or later, the math will triumph.
  • jacseg
    jacseg Posts: 4
    Don't starve yourself. Track all of the excercise calories and your food calories so you have an accurate picture of what you are doing everyday. If you are estimating wrong you could be putting your body into starvation mode and it will hang onto what ever it can to maintain the weight. Equally important is to watch and make sure you are getting the nutrients you need for your exercise routine. Your better off to log all excercise calories and eat at your original goal or a little over than to guess.
  • jacseg
    jacseg Posts: 4
    Oh yeah I forgot. Muscle is denser that fat so be sure to check how many inches you are losing too and track that. The scale doesn't tell the whole story.
  • DoogieTalons
    Are you using a Heart Rate Monitor to make sure that calorie count is right?
    No but it tallies with my Endomondo report on the workout which uses my weight, speed, distance and time. They are within about 100 calories of each other. My GF has a heart rate monitor. I will be using it a few times to check.

    My main thing is. Will my body go into this starvation mode based on my NET calorie intake even if my actual calorie intake is say 2000
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    more importantly, what are you eating vs how many calories? If you are on an average+ healthy diet plan i'd think you could eat more of your exercise cals back. sugar? sodium? Lots of water? How long have you done the same workout? Maybe time to have a week of different cardio along with shorter rides or fewer rides. just a few thoughts right off.
  • DoogieTalons
    I do well as my GF cooks healthy and varied meals.

    I change my routes, look for hills or tougher terrain generally mix it up as much as possible.

    My worst is sugar, almost always over, not massively but rarely under. But sometimes I got to bed with 1100 calories remaining.

    I think should I have ate them or have I actually done well not to spend them... so to speak !
  • Maxbjd
    Maxbjd Posts: 14
    Calories....bah! What the heck are you getting your calories from? Fuel your body with protein and some of the other supplements out there.

    Also, vary those workouts my man! Seems like your body has already adjusted to what your doing. Maybe add something once a week you would not normally do. I have just added swimming to my regimen to break up the weight training and it kicked my butt!

    You must be in pretty decent shape to be able to bike that far. I suggest mixing it up with not just distance training get some speed training going also....confuse those muscles.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    As has been said:

    1) Check your waist measurements. You could be losing fat but gaining muscle
    2) Do a little research and make sure MFP is telling you the correct amount of calories you should be eating. I did this and found that they were underestimating how many calories I should be eating by 500 or so a day.
  • DoogieTalons
    Yeah I did 22 miles in an hour and a half, twice... regularly do 15 miles in about 65 minutes, not bad for 268lb 39 year old.

    I think i do a bit more research about this calorie intake.

    My workouts no longer leave me half dead which is a bonus and I think i'll brave the tailors tape once again see what is really happening.

    Cheers all, good luck with your own goals.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    A few suggestions:

    1.) Have a cheat day.. or two. With a long term calorie deficit, your body is getting used to using less calories more efficiently. I have recently drastically changed my eating style after losing 9 lbs and then being stuck, and have dropped 3 lbs right off the bat. I didn't have a lot to start off with so I could tell my body composition was changing even though I wasn't losing lbs.

    2.) Change up your workout every once in a while. If you're only doing steady state cardio, your body will get used to it. Most endurance athletes agree that they gain up to 5 lbs while training. Try some interval training or getting some strength training in there.

    Try making a few changes and stick them out for a week or two to see if they result in any changes. Good luck!