Them stretch marks on ya' hips are just bungee cords...

...bringin' ya' back when ya' dip.

So, I'm glad Kardinal Offishall feels that way, but I hate my stretch marks. I have them in too many places, and I hate the way they look. My body scars/"stretches" so easily, and I want to try to fade/dimish the appearance of these marks all over my skin. Has anyone every used any products that claim to do wonders for stretch marks? I've tried Bio-Oil, but never used it twice a day, everyday, so I don't think I got optimal results (or any, for that matter). Plus, the smell turns me right off. Anything you've tried that has given you results? Share any ideas/tips you have, please :)


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    they will look less bad if you lose the weight that caused them - my family had had good luck with Mederma on scars. vitamin e oil is also supposed to be very good.

    a combination of losing the pounds (which you are obviously working on) and then drinking lots of water and using something like vitamin e oil or mederma or even that bio oil might be fine.

    I haven't tried ito n stretch marks because I am also very bad about using somehting like that twice a day, but basically EVERYthing you can do will require you to use it at least once or twice every day to see good results.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    When I was pregnant I used cocoa butter everyday. I hardly have any stretch marks. The only places I do are on my boobs and little and the sides of my butt, but they both got really really big :P during that time so I knew they were going to be a little messed up.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I share your pain. When I had my first child I was barely 110lbs and went up to 160lbs as I had retained a ton of a result I have stretch marks everywhere...back of my calves, stomach, hips, you name it....augh...I tried bio-oil as well and didn't see any results. Sadly, after I reach my goal weight I am probably looking at laser removal for them. I know I could sport the stretch marks proudly as a reminder they gave me two beautiful children...but those children are almost adults themselves so selfishly, it's all about me now...LOL....
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I recommend everyone to use Cocoa Butter oils, the lotions, etc. I'm a Palmers Cocoa butter addict! I told my friend who was pregnant to keep using cocoa butter to prevent stretchmarks, because she got a few, and after she had her baby, she kept using the oils and you can barely see them, I don't have stretch marks yet.....??? but I've always grown up putting cocoabutter lotion on every day, and when the oils came out, I'm the first one there buying them, they are fabulous!! skin so silky, sun kissed tan in the summer, I love it! try it! they have a special one to deminish the look of stretchmarks. I don't think they will every completely go away 100%:( , but they will definitly get lighter...
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    When I was pregnant I used cocoa butter everyday. I hardly have any stretch marks. The only places I do are on my boobs and little and the sides of my butt, but they both got really really big :P during that time so I knew they were going to be a little messed up.

    cocoa butter Everyday!! You go girl! that's what I'm talking about! =D
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    I share your pain. When I had my first child I was barely 110lbs and went up to 160lbs as I had retained a ton of a result I have stretch marks everywhere...back of my calves, stomach, hips, you name it....augh...I tried bio-oil as well and didn't see any results. Sadly, after I reach my goal weight I am probably looking at laser removal for them. I know I could sport the stretch marks proudly as a reminder they gave me two beautiful children...but those children are almost adults themselves so selfishly, it's all about me now...LOL....

    LOve Love your answer!! bahahaha!!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I have used a cocoa butter lotion and Mederma and have semi good results. Now that I can actually see some of my gall bladder scars...I have noticed that they are fading pretty good.

    will moinitor this post and see if someone else has any good ideas...
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    Have you ever heard of It Works? They are amazing products! I use the Ultimate Body Applicators and after wearing one overnight my stretch marks were gone by the next afternoon! They also have a Stretch mark lotion that is WONDERFUL! Let me know if you want more information on these amazing products! If you have any questions just feel free to add me!
  • michelle_d06
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter on my stomach when I was pregnant, and also after having the baby. I'm not sure if it was the cocoa butter or what, but I hardly got any stretch marks, and now (2 years later) they are very faint.

    However -- I've always (pre-pregnancy) had stretch marks on my hips & thighs, and nothing I've ever tried has made them go away. Thankfully they have faded over time. I would love to know a way to diminish them even more!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Have you ever heard of It Works? They are amazing products! I use the Ultimate Body Applicators and after wearing one overnight my stretch marks were gone by the next afternoon! They also have a Stretch mark lotion that is WONDERFUL! Let me know if you want more information on these amazing products! If you have any questions just feel free to add me!

    Really? They were gone overnight? Hard to believe that, but if that is really true, I will take a box of them! :) Just checked out the website and it's pretty pricey stuff, but at this point I'm willing to pay a little more to get rid of these nasty stretch marks! Anyone else had success with these?
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Have you ever heard of It Works? They are amazing products! I use the Ultimate Body Applicators and after wearing one overnight my stretch marks were gone by the next afternoon! They also have a Stretch mark lotion that is WONDERFUL! Let me know if you want more information on these amazing products! If you have any questions just feel free to add me!

    Really? They were gone overnight? Hard to believe that, but if that is really true, I will take a box of them! :) Just checked out the website and it's pretty pricey stuff, but at this point I'm willing to pay a little more to get rid of these nasty stretch marks! Anyone else had success with these?

    I tried the body applicator. Yeah you lose inches in your waist, but you have to keep using them every 4 days with the toneing gell to keep it up. My streatch marks were smaller, but not gone. After using the applicator wrap twice I was smaller in inches, but not that its been over 2mths since I used it I have the inches back. all it does is shrink the fat cells of water retention. I'm not a full believer in the It Works products. Yeah they are great but you have to continuely use them and that racks up the bucks!
  • alzina
    alzina Posts: 38 Member
    I use mederma stretch marks dreams and it has worked for me. If you use as directed then it will work.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    Have you ever heard of It Works? They are amazing products! I use the Ultimate Body Applicators and after wearing one overnight my stretch marks were gone by the next afternoon! They also have a Stretch mark lotion that is WONDERFUL! Let me know if you want more information on these amazing products! If you have any questions just feel free to add me!

    Really? They were gone overnight? Hard to believe that, but if that is really true, I will take a box of them! :) Just checked out the website and it's pretty pricey stuff, but at this point I'm willing to pay a little more to get rid of these nasty stretch marks! Anyone else had success with these?

    I tried the body applicator. Yeah you lose inches in your waist, but you have to keep using them every 4 days with the toneing gell to keep it up. My streatch marks were smaller, but not gone. After using the applicator wrap twice I was smaller in inches, but not that its been over 2mths since I used it I have the inches back. all it does is shrink the fat cells of water retention. I'm not a full believer in the It Works products. Yeah they are great but you have to continuely use them and that racks up the bucks!

    It is not water weight that is gone! It detoxs your fat cells and the tightening cream firms up your skin. i have had great success with my stretch marks disappearing as has other ppl that i know that have used them. did you try the stretch mark cream?
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member

    Holy crap... on the GNC site it's $100 but it's $32 on Amazon. Anyway, I was thinking about trying Mederma. I am just bad about being consistent with it and applying it every day! But if I start now, maybe they will look a lot better once I've lost all my weight around this time next year. Thanks for the info!
  • Chainsaw_Flowerchild
    From what I've seen and read, if you treat them while your stretching you may be able to lessen their appearance. Once you have them, you have them. Like blowing up a balloon, there is no way to make the balloon look smooth and brand new again. Some creams and lotions claim to lessen the appearance or remove them but they don't or if they do its very rare. A stretch mark is a scar and every doctor I know says not to tan a scar if you don't want it to stand out... I know I'm not really helping but I don't see any help for this without spending a lot of money for marginal results.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Have you ever heard of It Works? They are amazing products! I use the Ultimate Body Applicators and after wearing one overnight my stretch marks were gone by the next afternoon! They also have a Stretch mark lotion that is WONDERFUL! Let me know if you want more information on these amazing products! If you have any questions just feel free to add me!

    Really? They were gone overnight? Hard to believe that, but if that is really true, I will take a box of them! :) Just checked out the website and it's pretty pricey stuff, but at this point I'm willing to pay a little more to get rid of these nasty stretch marks! Anyone else had success with these?

    I tried the body applicator. Yeah you lose inches in your waist, but you have to keep using them every 4 days with the toneing gell to keep it up. My streatch marks were smaller, but not gone. After using the applicator wrap twice I was smaller in inches, but not that its been over 2mths since I used it I have the inches back. all it does is shrink the fat cells of water retention. I'm not a full believer in the It Works products. Yeah they are great but you have to continuely use them and that racks up the bucks!

    It is not water weight that is gone! It detoxs your fat cells and the tightening cream firms up your skin. i have had great success with my stretch marks disappearing as has other ppl that i know that have used them. did you try the stretch mark cream?

    Who could afford too in this economy?!?! That ****s expensive!! I just tried the $20 wrap you can get at the party that can be used twice. Now way could a normal person that lives paycheck to paycheck could afford to use those products regularly.