
2TxRvrs Posts: 3 Member
Don’t you just hate to go on vacation, knowing you won’t be able to steer away from ‘the good stuff ‘??
Well, that’s why I’m back. Self discipline is my weakness (along with anything I’m supposed to stay away from) but I’m going to weigh every day and log my progress. Are you with me?


  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    I love vacations and yes I eat everything. I resume counting calories when I return.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    MFP has taught me this; if you stick around, you can join us: I decide for myself what (if anything) I need to stay away from, so discipline is not a problem. I also love vacations and good stuff.
  • 2TxRvrs
    2TxRvrs Posts: 3 Member
    Well, just wanted to say thanks for encouragement and support!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    edited April 2018
    Yeah, enjoy your vacation!

    I don't worry about food very much - what's the worst that can happen? I gain a couple pounds? It drops right back off when I get back. Plus I'm always so much more active while on vacation.

    Also, a little pro tip: try not to be "that person" who complains about calories and how much they are eating on vacation while you're on the vacation. Otherwise you'll be back here in a couple weeks complaining about how no one "supports" you.

    Nobody likes a buzzkill when they're eating a second yummy dessert in Mazatlan. :)

    Have fun! Where are you going?
  • nikkichenlife
    nikkichenlife Posts: 13 Member
    So I was on vacation to Bangkok for a week. I ate so much and all the time and a lot - but I also did a lot of walking here and there and out all day.
    Went back and weighed myself - only gained a pound. Not bad, eh? I just need to restart the diet - and the experience worth more than a pound in gain.

    So set aside your worries and enjoy your vacation!
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I am going through the same problem. I went on vacation from 3/28 to 4/4 and I have gone off the deep end since, eating like a teenager and stopped exercising since 3/26 until today. I was doing so well before. Time to get back on track for me! We can do it!

    I do not regret enjoying my vacation drinks (especially one called a Dirty Banana) and the food. I'd do it again. I should have jumped right back into healthy eating and exercise as soon as vacation was over. It's hard when it goes on too long!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I love vacation...I've never actually gained weight (fat) on vacation. Most weight you gain on a vacation is going to be water, especially if you fly.

    I love vacation and enjoy myself thoroughly and then get back to my normal when I get home.
    EXO1OKROCK Posts: 2 Member
    It’s good to note down your progress, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to weight yourself daily, since it might demotivates you. Changes are made slowly, so it might be better to weight yourself weekly
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It might, but it doesn't have to. I weigh myself daily, just because weight fluctuates from day to day, so I know that large and sudden changes is water, and I don't start to bargain ("I'll make up for this tomorrow"), I'm mindful every day instead, which means no panic, and no drastic measures.