IPD support thread.



  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Come on ladies, inspire me. Im doing my meal plan and online shop for next week. Give me some ideas of your favourites :happy:
  • I've bought some olives today, yum :) I am a cheeseaholic so I suppose I need to watch my portion sizes. I'm enjoying being allowed nuts.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I have the grave boxes and had black olives last week which were awful. I forgot to cancel them and this week they sent me green olives in basil and garlic. Oh they were lovely!
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Ooh the graze box green olives are heavenly. I am working on trying to cut my portion sizes down and tryng not to sack, failing mainly though lol. Oh for the holidays to be over
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    How are we all doing? Ive planned my meals for today. Ive gone for big filling meals today as I am famished. I didnt eat much in the way of filling food yesterday, just crappy carbs and alcohol (wake buffet). ive wobbled so much this past week Im just going back to week 1 Day1 and taking it from there.

    Exercise wise Im hoping to start C25K today. Depends how slippy the nature trail path is. Its rained on and off for 48 hours and the path gets a bit slippy. Im not running on it if it is. Im clumsy enough on solid dry ground lol
  • I'm doing fine, the exhaustion and feeling crap have stopped now and I never feel hungry anymore, even if I haven't eaten. Bizarre, is that because I'm in ketosis? I had a real downer on day 9 though, I just couldn't face food at all and wanted some porridge. I didn' t cheat, though. Dinner was yummy tonight- roasted some veg in olive oil and had with garlic mushroom chicken.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Yes ketosis dulls appetite. To lose weight though you still need to eat little and often which can be hard some days.
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Yes Ive just got back into it and its making me feel like I've eaten loads when I know I ate ages ago, I just keep picking at olives
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies can I join you. I have been IPDing for about a year and have lost 4st4lbs so pretty pleased but still have 2 st to go till my target and I have started stalling. I joined MFP 3 weeks ago which has helped shift another 5lbs but its still so slow. I exercise with Jillian Michaels DVDs about 4 times a week more if I can and would like to give the c25k program a go. Do you guys look at your calories each day? Are you on the IPD forum too? I am febes on there.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Nice to 'meet' you.:flowerforyou:

    I dont think any of us are currently using the p2t forum. We've all been there at sme point though. (I believe). The atmosphere can be a little weird there and the advise is often conflicting so I just tend to stick to the book. I have lots more weight ot lose, probably 4-5 stone but am happy with this woe for the long term.
  • Hello! I haven't used the other forum much yet but will have a look again. My name on there is bumzilla :laugh: I only lost a pound this week but it's quite normal for me to lose erratically so not worrying too much yet. I have another 2- 2.5 stone to go (depending on what I decide when I've lost more).
  • Hi everyone. Just joined here tonight on Angela's advice but know most of you anyway! Have been doing IPD for over 3 months now and got to my target within 1 month (lost a stone) so am now maintaining it. In all that time i have only cheated once- for 4 solid days when i went to Ibiza with my friends and i really enjoyed it! My target weight is 9stone and today i weighed 8 st 13 1/2 (under 9 stone for the first time since i got married 9 years ago when i was 8 stone 10)

    This thread has been great for me- i haven't heard of the shakes so i will try those. I do "cheat" slightly as i do a IPD/ Atkins cross so i buy low carb pittas and choc from www.avidlite.co.uk which i think IPD doesn't allow.

    I need some more meal ideas at the moment as i eat the same 10 or so dinners in rotation. My favourite things though are chicken breast flattened with a rolling pin then covered in chillis and grated cheese then rolled up and wrapped in bacon and cooked in the over, chicken fajitas with lettuce leaves for fajitas, Thai curries made with coconut milk.

    On the whole i think this is the easiest diet i have ever done and i have got most of my friends giving it a go now too!
  • That's amazing Amy - a stone in a month is great when you don't have a lot to lose!
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    You found the thread then Amy :smile: now when you click on community you can just click 'my topics' and it will be in your list.

    Bloody well done. A stone in a month is fab for anyone but for someone who is as petite as you that is fantastic. I love the idea of fajitas with lettuce. Ill give that a go.

    Meals for you to try

    Mexican pork. Serves 2
    small pack diced pork
    100g chorizo
    tin chopped toms
    1clove garlic
    2 tsp paprika
    half a medium onion sliced.
    swirl of double cream.

    Brown pork. Add chorizo, garlic and onion and cook for 4/5mins. Mix in the toms and paprika and throw it all in a casserole dish in a medium oven for an hour. Stir in a swirl of double cream. Nice with griddled courgettes/green beans.

    Shepherds pie with cauli mash in stead of spuds is very nice as is bean free chilli with sour cream and cheese.
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    Mmmmm that pork sounds good. We have pork stroganoff, meatloaf, roasts, curry stuff like that. That flatten chicken sounds good too. I do find the forum a bit weird sometimes but most people are very positive and helpful. I love MFP though. It rocks. Good to 'meet' you all.
  • florory
    florory Posts: 6 Member
    My favourite from the IPD cook book is the tarragon chicken. Also, if you like giant portobello type mushrooms, those with the gills scooped out and filled with role cheese/boursin and philli and peppers and courgette and toasted under the girl is delicious and ready in minutes! My DH (who is doing this too and has lost almost 2 stone) has a steak on those days with the cheesy mixture minus the courgette. Yum!
  • Those sound nice, i'll give them a try!

    Another good one is something Immy told me- Aubergine Bake. Thinly slice an aubergine and roast in the oven, then layer into a dish and pour over 4 seasoned eggs beaten with chopped spinach and a block of chopped feta. Bake for another 20 minutes and slice. Really nice with salad or just for a snack.

    I think it took about a month to lose a stone, it might have been a bit longer, I've definitely been doing the maintenance diet for ages! Well done to everyone on here, seems like a very successful diet all round.

    How do you feel about low carb long term? I started this as a quick fix but its not so bad and with planned cheats occasionally and with really not wanted to put back on the same stone i have lost (and put back on) many times i can see this becoming a lifestyle for me.
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    I definately think I'll low carb for the rest of my life too. Once I'm at goal (2more st) I plan to stick to the food and just relax on wine and choc and flaxseed stuff so I maintain. I'll have occasional cheats for birthday etc but I can honestly say I don't miss bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, sugar etc so won't be reintroducing those things in. I think I'll enjoy including greek yogurt and fruit though. I've been on P1 since january.
    I have lost 4st 4lbs so far but 2 months ago I went on the pill and I have only lost 5 lbs in that time so I think it is making me retain water or something. I am thinking of stopping the pill until I lose the rest of the weight. I don't want a surprise number 3 right at the moment though!!
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    We've been to a family fun day in the next town along. There was a book stall and I go a brand new copy of the pink book for 20p! Fab. I can now use my copy as my kitchen one as its a bit worn and has blobs foodie stuff all over it LOL. Also got 4 books to keep me going for a while. Whats everyone else been up to?
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    I have lost another pound this week!! I have started the c25k programme and loving it. I am having a rest day today exercise wise but I am twitchy I feel like I need to do something. I'm having a beef stir fry for dinner tonight so have been chopping vege. Hopefully it won't work out too carby.
    Thats a bonus finding another pink book. Mine is constantly on lend to people so I never have it to refer to when I want.