Grocery Shop-til-you-drop

baileybutton Posts: 45 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
I'm going grocery shopping! I still live at home, so usually my mum does the shopping, but since I've been really determined to lose this weight, she's become frustrated and "doesn't know what I'll eat anymore." I told her that I'd go grocery shopping then, and she handed me her debit card :) muahhahahaha.

Okay, but really. I have a list of some things I know I want to get - cottage cheese, tuna, fruits and lots of veggies, turkey deli meat, etc - but want to know what your staples are as well! Any suggestions as to what I should buy today? I need food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (for dinner, I suggestions for family meals are appreciated) as well as snacks.

Oh, and one more thing: Has anyone tried the new 90 calorie Fibre One brownies? Are they worth buying? I get awful chocolate cravings all the time (I'm a chocoholic) and if these are as good as they sound, I think I can cave every once in a while and indulge in one for only 90 calories!


  • My husband has the Fiber One brownies and when I asked him how they were said "meh". So I'm guessing they weren't that good. lol However the new 80 calorie cereal is REALLY good. I eat it often.
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    The fiber one 90 cal brownies are like dry cake with a bunch of air in it. Not very good...or filling at all.
  • wearystar
    wearystar Posts: 72 Member
    try yogurt, fruits, peanut butter (reduced fat), oatmeal, some nuts...
    i haven't tried those Friber One Brownies and all other fiber one products i have tried have not agreed with me, sorry!
  • I tried them once and did not like them at all. Brownies are my fav, but not these.
  • Have you tried the Fiber One 90 calorie chocolate bars, not the brownies? I use them for a chocolate fix.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    If you want a "treat" try a diet cola cake. All you need is a cake mix and a can of diet coke. Mix and bake as directed. It won't give you extra fiber like the FiberOne brownies but it' cheap and easy.
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    I would get eggs, beans, oatmeal, yogurt, water, boneless chicken breast, lean steak, and turkey bacon.
    as for the fiber one I just bought the brownies today and will have to try those out. I also got a box of the granola bars with peanuts and chocolate. the 80 calorie cereal was not good at all to me. left a honey cardboard after taste.
  • My pantry staples are quinoa, barley and lentils as they each make a wonderful and filling salad thats very quick and simple to prepare (tossed with some vinaigrette, asparagus, grilled chicken, dried cranberries, orange zest and/or walnuts) and I can make a salad for that nights dinner and then have leftovers to go with lunch the next couple of days.
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm going to address your chocolate craving. check out she has a recipe for chocolate muffins. i 'think' you get a chocolate cake mix, and combine it with one can of pure pumpkin. that's all. bake it like muffins. it's very lo cal and a nice serving size.

    good luck!
  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    For a chocolate fix I like chocolate rice cakes with PB or sugar free chocolate pudding. I've also been making smoothies with whey protein (to up my protein totals) and I use the chocolate flavor sometimes, add 1/2 a frozen banana and a TBS of PB - yum.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    greek yogurt - I have heard there is a chocolate one that is really good, haven't found it
    frozen fruit (I protion out half a serving of frozen rasberries, let them thaw and mix them with plain yogurt, that way you don't get the sugar but it is sweet)
    almond butter
    kashi go lean crunch ( can be used with milk or yogurt)
    coconut milk/ almond milk - the vanilla coconut milk is soooooo good!
    fresh berries
    a protein powder - you can take the coconut milk and blend it with berries and a scoop of protein powder and it is great
    skinny cow ice cream
    hummus to be eaten with pita chips or veggies
    Kellogs fiber bars - I find they are way better then FiberOne, so good!

    eggs and egg whites
    a good whole wheat bread
    low carb wraps

    If you don't all ready have one, you should get a food scale
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I am the biggest chocolate, and sweets junkie you could meet. If you can manage to void chocolate for one week, I promise you this works, dark chocolate, antioxidents, plus after avoiding the sweets it works great. Also a bag of hersheys minitures, only eat 1, kinda helps.
    I've strated grocering shopping for food where I stay away from smothering things in sauce, like Pork Chops, a little salt and pepper, maybe some Garlic, and just grill or bake them, it's awesome. My big thing is to enjoy food in it's purest form possable. Except labor day weekend, wehn we go camping, Bacon wrapped tenderloin teaks, but a small one is plenty, and one piece of bacon. I also try and walk alot in the dells area.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    FIber One bars, choc or peanut butter
    Vanilla light Silk
    Smart Ones sundaes

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