Juicing Detox. To do, or not to do? That is the question

For those of you are educated on the topic: What are your opinions/thoughts on juicing? I'm contemplating doing a week juicing detox. Not necessarly for weightloss, but to help with bad cravings, better immune system, flush out toxins, and overall general health. I plan on only doing it for one week because I've read that if you do it longer, you need to consult a doctor.

Thanks for your opinions/advice! :)


  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    You could, but I think you'd have better long term results by exercising and eating clean foods. You need to establish good habits, which it seems that what you're trying to do; but your almost side-stepping your problem - unless you address it head on.

    If you really want to Juice, see a doctor, and do it for awhile. I've heard many good things about it. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead is a fantastic documentary on this topic.

    edit: link to the documentary site.

  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    If you do this (I have done it) go to: www.juicefasting.org

    It has a TON of information about a water and juice fast (I have done both). I cant do it now because I am running long distances and I need the energy.

    I also agree with the previous post - you need to right the wrongs in your diet. Proper diet and exercise is the ONLY way to lose weight and keep it off.
  • luckygrrrl
    Check out the movie Fat. Sick, and Nearly Dead, it's on Netflix right now. It is a really good look at juice fasting. They also have a website: http://jointhereboot.com/
    Most of their guidance includes just lots of veggies, but I just got an email recently that they are going to post a juice only fast. I personally have not been able to stick it out. I do drink a raw veggie juice everyday, it really helps with digestion.
    A friend of mine did it and had a hard time with headaches and general grumpiness (just ask his wife) for about the first 4 days, but after that it was smooth sailing. I think it's a great idea, if only I could keep myself near my juicer for a week straight! Good luck :)
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    You need to watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" Great information on this topic. I am slowly working my way into doing this
  • brwneyedmandi
    brwneyedmandi Posts: 12 Member
    I have watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead - that's what sparked my interest in juicing. I am and have been working on healthy eating habits, so using juicing will NOT be an alternative to eating healthy and having an active lifestyle. My biggest downfall is sugar cravings and diet soda, so I'm looking for a good way to help rid my body of these cravings and the 'gunk buildup' so to speak so I be more effective in my healthy lifestyle. (If that makes sense.) ;)
  • brwneyedmandi
    brwneyedmandi Posts: 12 Member
    I have watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead - that's what sparked my interest in juicing. I am and have been working on healthy eating habits, so using juicing will NOT be an alternative to eating healthy and having an active lifestyle. My biggest downfall is sugar cravings and diet soda, so I'm looking for a good way to help rid my body of these cravings and the 'gunk buildup' so to speak so I be more effective in my healthy lifestyle. (If that makes sense.) ;)
  • helenrs87
    helenrs87 Posts: 34
    did you try it in the end? I'm contemplating it myself and was wondering how you found it?

    I've heard a lot of contradicting evidence but I'm intrigued. Most people say that our body is perfectly capable of detoxing itself naturally, but so much of what we eat isn't natural, it seems sensible to me that it might need a little help. Mainly I am prone to mild food allergies and skin conditions. Eliminating irritants in your diet for only a short amount of time can get rid of these. Also makes sense as if we ate NATURALLY i.e seasonally we would eliminate other things from our diet for whole seasons. But who's capable of eating naturally all the time? It's hard to know what's best for us. Some people swear by intermittent fasting, some animals should rest their digestion for a day per week or more. Some animals even eat strange things to purge their body of stuff they don't like occasionally. So it doesn't sound so stupid to me!
