New around these parts, fed up with myself.

Hi everyone, I am new to the online weight loss forum and wanted to try out something different that could possibly provide support during my "get fit" journey. Within the past few weeks I've become honest with myself and my way of passively going about losing weight, and it disappoints me. As I'm coming to grips with the idea that the only person to blame and hold accountable for my lack of results are myself, i realize also that the only person to really do anything about it is ME. I guess the only thing i am hoping and committing to is that i refuse to let anything(including myself) come in the way of me shedding this fat, and earning a healthy, fit and nice looking body that i can be proud of and feel confident in! Best hopes to everyone in this journey who are looking forward to meeting/exceeding your goals!


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    That is a very brave and honest posting.
    Best of luck to you.
  • nilesbollinger
    nilesbollinger Posts: 86 Member
    Good luck to you! It takes work, but it's worth it :)
  • angryaccountant
    You have the attitude that will having you successful in meeting your goal. From what I see here on this forum we all have to encourage each other but ultimately the accountability rests on our own shoulders. I commend you and offer you all the support I can offer as someone who wants to recapture the healthy girl inside the layers of fat in my own journey. Right now, my goal for the week is to not have the peanut butter and jelly on homemade bread in the evening as my late night snack. I have been successful 3 nights now. I know it sounds silly but there it is. It is the small changes. Good luck and let me know if I can help.