
To do ground turkey tacos tonight.. any ways to make this healthy?


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Don't eat a fried shell.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Instead of Ground Turkey Tacos, how about Ground Turkey Taco Salad?
  • danipher
    danipher Posts: 24
    I dont understand what you mean by "spite" but okay.. and I think salad is good for me and the fam can have the shells :) thanks
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Hasn't ground turkey been recalled like everywhere due to salmonella scare? Or is that over?
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Hasn't ground turkey been recalled like everywhere due to salmonella scare? Or is that over?
    If you cook your food properly you don't have to worry about it.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Also, make sure you add fresh avocado and lots veggies. Avocado has lots of good fats and feels really decadent and the veggies will add volume so you don't feel like you are missing anything. If you are using canned beans, watch your serving size and look out for sodium. It's crazy in canned beans. Sodium is also really high in taco seasoning mix. Plain Greek yogurt is an AMAZING stand in for sour cream if you need it.