
Hello, My name is Chi Chi O. I consider myself a full figured diva. However, although I feel fabulous, I need to get a 119 punds off of me. I am healthy now but I know that if I don't take care of myself now then I will pay for it later. I want to get this weight off. I want to be consistent and successful.


  • Taylor1089
    I also need to get about 110 lbs off of me, good luck to you on your journey! :)
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Well, as they say, you have taken the first step.

    There are lots of people on this site that have lost that amount of weight and more. Just takes dedication and time.

    Hope it works for you.
  • Jeannine320
    Jeannine320 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm new on here too. Welcome! I'm just getting used to this site but I like it. I gotta get more consistant with logging my meals. I did lose 4 lbs. last week
  • pinkngoldgirl
    Chi Chi O im new to the community as well. Best wishes on your goals!
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome everyone, please feel free to add me.
  • harric01
    harric01 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! I need to lose about 82 more pounds, feel free to add me!!