Scale dilema

spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I'm so confused... I noticed this first on Tuesday. I got to get ready for the gym. I brushed my teeth, used the potty and hopped on the scale only to see what looked like I had gained 3 lbs... WTH? So, put on the over sized tank and exercise garb and headed in. Had a great workout and came home with the inkling to hop back on the scale. I weighed 3lbs less...

Tried again yesterday morning, and was heavier. Hit the gym, came back home and weighed again and had lost 2 lbs.

Again because I'm OCD like that... I got on the scale right after waking up and going potty. I'd gained like 3-4 lbs. :( Depressed I hit the gym, ran some errands and when I got home a little while ago I hopped on the scale only to loose 3-4 lbs + 1! I've now lost 25 lbs but I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time getting a good weigh in in the morning.

(TMI but in the morning I'm nekked and in the other weigh in's I've got clothes on)



  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    You weigh differently throughout the day. I find I weigh the least first thing in the morning before I eat or anything, so that's the scale reading I use.
    You should only be getting on a scale at the MOST once a day. Preferably once per week.
    Don't obsess too much about numbers or you'll make yourself crazy.
    Fluctuations can be caused by muscle gain, fat loss, water loss, etc.
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    The scales does crazy things.. I am not sure why but maybe your scales is different than the one at the gym. I have learned not to let the scales tell me if i am bad or good. You have done great with your weight loss but don't let the scale ruin your day.. hang in there..
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    The scales does crazy things.. I am not sure why but maybe your scales is different than the one at the gym. I have learned not to let the scales tell me if i am bad or good. You have done great with your weight loss but don't let the scale ruin your day.. hang in there..
  • You are gaining muscle that weighs more than fat, check your inches I bet they are dropping off. Or you could be bloated? I do that when I am about to start my period.
  • laura9of9
    laura9of9 Posts: 4 Member
    It's probably just water weight. You wake up with it, go work out and sweat it out and then you're on the way to dehydrated. I'm OCD like that too but I've gotten to where I only weigh in the morning. I keep my scale in the exact same spot and jump right before I get in the shower so I don't have to worry about weight of clothes, shoes, etc. I used to get out of the shower, get ready for work and get back on and be anywhere from 3 - 5 pounds lighter or heavier. It's a vicious cycle.
  • EvaJanes
    EvaJanes Posts: 37 Member
    I have had similar experiences with my home scale and the scale at the gym.
    1. you need to make sure you are standing in the same spot and the same way on the scale each time due to the fact that the floor scales can act as a lever ( I weigh 154 according to the scale at the doctor but i can make my home scale read as high as 170 if i lean in to it)

    2. Your weight can fluctuate by up to 5lbs a day (weigh your self once a week at the same time in the morning) Or only record that one weight and use it to judge your progress. dont panic over the daily 1-2 lbs ups and downs.
  • Weighing yourself first thing in the morning would be the most optimal time as you burn weight while sleeping and have not had time to put it back on. However, you do retain water weight overnight which leads to your daily fluctuations. Coming out of a steam room you can lose up to 9 lbs. (UNHEALTHY) in water weight. I would recommend weighing in every morning and tracking that weight. Give yourself 2-3 lbs. of fluctuation weight.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    This made me thing of a time when I had swollen feet and after the gym they were completly normal. It could be that you are retaining water and it is getting flushed out while you work out. Do you drink a lot of water at the gym, I usally gain becasue I have consumed so much but you seem to be the opposite.
  • JenniCH
    JenniCH Posts: 74
    The scale can be one of the most fickle and inaccurate measures by far..... I used to weigh myself obsessively multiple times a day and realized that it was an unhealthy & often demoralizing habit... Now I only weigh in ONCE a week... same day, same time etc. and my results are consistent and I don't find myself obsessing over numbers all the time - I try go by inches lost, how my body looks, how I feel, how clothes fit etc.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    To keep from driving yourself crazy you should pick one time of day to weigh in and stick with it. We weigh differently throughout the day, a lot has to do with water retention. I always weigh less after I workout because I sweat like a mad!!!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Thanks for the replies. My gym doesn't have scales, so I'm weighing myself at home with my own scale. I think I'm going to stick to weighing in mid morning. I'm thinking it might have something to do with water weight.

    Not bloated, just finished with all that :)

    I usually try to limit myself to once a week, but after last week when I gained 5 lbs and couldn't figure out why (Aunt Flow came 6 days early), I became a bit obsessive. ;)

    Now that I see the weight is coming off, I'm good. I need to take my measurements though. I have gone down 2.5 dress sizes, so I know it's working.
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