More than 3st to lose!! ✂️

Hey! I’m looking to make friends who have a large amount of weight to lose, I’ve got about 7 stone to lose myself!!


  • leighton583
    leighton583 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 5 or so to lose
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    4-5 stone to go, having lost one so far.

    As an American, it seems less daunting to lose a few units, rather than dozens of units :)
  • mflan625
    mflan625 Posts: 6 Member
    7-8 stone here! Also an American and stone sounds so much nicer tha. 90-100 lbs.
  • rockabewley
    rockabewley Posts: 8 Member
    I feel your pain I’ve got just over 3 stone to lose , day 1 done and I’m hungry already !!
  • bigjonb4116
    bigjonb4116 Posts: 155 Member
    edited March 2018
    when you are starting out it always seems daunting, whether you have 1st to lose or 15st to lose. just take each day at a time, don't get downhearted on the weeks that the scales don't move....its a long term project... in theory a lifestyle change for the rest of your life.... i have lost just over 13st in about 26 months, and still have about another 5st to go. if you get your mind set right it gets easier... good luck to all of you.
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    I have 6-7 Stone to lose, ive lost 2.5 Stone so far (35lbs) so 3.5 - 4.5 to go! Seems like such a long road ahead.
  • wjf42q
    wjf42q Posts: 12 Member
    I feel like such a dork, how much is a stone? I looked online and it gives me info on rocks and types, not weights.
    It sounds like quite a bit, good luck!
    You will feel better.
  • EmmiJane1314
    EmmiJane1314 Posts: 2 Member
    A stone, I believe, is around 14 lbs. I have to lose around the same, but kinda proud of myself for losing 42 lbs already. It's been a hard road. I'm hoping that this app will help and I'll be able to meet some cool, encouraging people here. :smiley:
  • wjf42q
    wjf42q Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks ....*hmmmmm* 75-80 pounds divided by 14 equals lots of pounds and stones, no matter how you look at it!
  • EmmiJane1314
    EmmiJane1314 Posts: 2 Member
    I like to set small goals because they are easier to reach and then keep the bigger goal in mind. Little goals add up to the big goal(s).