Losing inchs...but not as much weight

Weight loss, is an interesting journey
I'm a little better then half way to my goal, and to date I've seen some impressive results with losing both weight and inches
But as I get down to this last 30 pounds, the weight doesn't come off as fast...(or easy for that matter)...but, I'm still getting a reduction in my waist size.
I have a pretty rigors workout which includes weight training...so...Does muscle REALLY weigh more then fat???
I never really believed in that philosophy, but it might apply in my case


  • ambercholtz
    ambercholtz Posts: 84 Member
    I hear it is normal for your skin to take time to catch up with the weight loss so you should keep up what you're doing. I would only be concerned if it stopped.
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    I actually gained a few pounds when I started working out, same diet, with exercise included. After a few weeks I started to loose again.
  • gany50
    gany50 Posts: 3
    Yes, it really does weigh more. Feel your bicept and feel how dense that is and compare it to a fatty area. No comparison.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Sometimes thats what happens. you lose inches but the scale moves slower then a snail.. which is why the scale is never really a good indicator of progress.

    As long as your clothes fit and you feel good in them, thats all that really matters.
  • Muscle DOES NOT WEIGH more than Fat.
    A POUND is a POUND.

    **It is true that muscle takes up less space than fat. Just as a pound of feathers would take up more space than a pound of butter. One has more volume than the other.